
Chapter 43: Rats

Chapter 43: Rats

Sniffle! Sniffle!

“W-will you really?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Really, really?”

“Yes, really, really.”

Colt was made to console the sobbing Jin. Though the stigmata of being a Trap had disappeared, Colt was still feeling a little restless around him.

However, he can sympathize with his emotions so he can’t say that what he is showing is not understandable for Colt. Rather, he understood him that’s why he’s helping the couple.

Jin gradually regained himself and raised himself up. He wiped his tears away as he looked at Colt with puppy eyes.

Colt held onto the cat to give him the armor he needed to not feel anything and become calm and looked at Jin with a serious expression.

“Okay, then I will now be leaving as I have preparations that I must do to ensure that no one will end up dead under my watch. But I must tell you this early on if you wish for Vyra and your child to not suffer then think about this carefully, but you must never, NEVER extend this any further than the day Vyra comes for a visit. Better yet, you, Jin, leave this place and come to my manor, that way, I can ensure your safety.”

Colt did not want to take any chances. Him making contact with Jin is enough to change the plot, and if the Genesis Family suddenly makes their move because of this, then his preparations would be fucked.

He has to keep Jin alive for as long as possible and then, slowly control his perception and make him ‘accidentally’ discover the needed ingredients to complete his research.

‘I can’t exactly teach him the recipe, but if I slowly draw him to the right path, then I’ll be able to manipulate him without fail.’ This is the plan and if have him by his side in the manor, then his book recommendation will be more inconspicuous as it will come off as him wanting to help Jin.

It was the perfect plan of a manipulative villain. Which neither Colt nor Leo originally was. But thanks to him staying here and thinking more and more how he will survive by the time the war starts his mind is showing its ability to scheme.

Though his schemes are still harmless, it will soon evolve to something more – or not. No one knows the future, not even the Gods and Goddesses.

Jin didn’t have to think much about Colt’s proposition and accepted it without fail. As he took in a deep breath and nodded his head, he shouted, “I’ll do it! I’ll follow young master Colt! For my Miss Vyra, for our future!”

“That’s good, oh yeah, when are the two of you going to meet anyway? “

“We decided to meet on the first Friday of the Month. If that is all you want to ask, then I shall take my things and leave the Guild altogether.” Jin was just about to leave when he turned around and asked, “Um, can my sister come to? She might be targeted and…she’s really good with numbers and talking with people, I think she’ll be a good maid…”

“Yeah, make her pack up too.”

Colt sighed as Jin left the room with springs on his steps. He’s not happy, simply energetic.

“I forgot about the sister,” Colt remembered the sister Jin spoke about and then the image of the receptionist appeared.

After Jin’s death, and Vyra’s eventual demise she was the one who gave the hero’s party Jin’s research to help the populace. Though she too was saddened of Vyra’s death as the two were close friends before Jin’s death three years prior, she still handed it over to the party to assist the people.

Just like Jin, she too was a person bearing a kind heart.

Colt sat down on the sofa and cooled his head. Currently, it was Tuesday and the time for Vyra to meet up with Jin is three days to go, meaning:

‘He’s two weeks away from being murdered?’

‘Jin, the Prince of Medicine, that was his title before having been burned to ashes by the people of the Genesis Family. A genius who died by having his dwelling bombarded by the people of his lover. It’s currently the first week of April, on Wednesday night of the third week, he’ll die.’

Colt could only shake his head. Disregarding the fact that he was a Trap; Jin was a kindhearted person and a genius to boot who delved into medicines to cure the helpless and the poor.

But he was murdered by the Genesis Family to make his mark disappear. The Apothecary Guild couldn’t take justice for him because of obvious reasons like the Genesis Family being too powerful to fight with for one person.

However, even years after his death, Jin’s research miraculously survived, and then, the Red Vein Epidemic was pinpointed as a variant of the Red Rose Poison.

The way it kills and its symptoms were nearly identical thus, with his research and one ingredient, Jin’s research for the Red Rose Poison became the cure for the Red Vein Epidemic.

The Red Rose Poison was also cured a month after it was released and as a way to remember the genius who had fallen in such a gruesome and unfair manner, the cure was named Jin’s Vein Elixir and Jin’s Rose Elixir.

As his thoughts wandered more and more into the depressing stuff, Colt took the teacup and downed the remaining tea. He opened his closed eyes and whispered…

“This word is fucked up. If the Genesis Family could have waited, for a month then no death would happen.”

Colt cursed as he stood up. He was angry despite the things happening is not connected to him until he meddled into their business.

He did not notice it but the more his emotions run wild, the more something well up inside him. But at the moment, when his mind is not in its best state, him not noticing it would be much better.

Getting up, Colt left the room with Fluff. He walked out of the Apothecary Guild altogether and outside, there was the receptionist who called Jin.

She turned her head to him and asked him a question.

“What did you tell my older brother?”

The lady was shaking from a mix of uncertainty and fear. But as she asked Colt about the matter, her voice sounded stern and courageous.

This made Colt chortle, “As I said, it’s about the matters of the Genesis Family. Why? Are you worried about your brother?”

“Of course, I am, he’s my brother. It is my job to be worried. I can’t trust you just yet…but, thank you for giving him hope. My older brother…he had been stressed about the matter since Miss Vyra told us about the matter of her condition, and you have given him a rope to hold on, thank you very much.” The green-haired girl lowered her head to Colt.

He smiled at her and simply ruffled her hair and watched as the carriage arrive. Jin promptly arrived soon after and as he and his sister boarded the carriage, Colt stopped himself and then looked at them.

Turning his attention to the coachman.

“Wait for a bit, I will return shortly.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Colt then left the entrance of the Apothecary Guild and head to some alleyway across the street.

“Are you sure about this, Fluff?”


Fluff waved its tail in assurance.

Colt looked around and then called out…

“Come out, I already know you’re there.”

His call was met with silence, but Colt knows that someone was there. Colt does not know how but Fluff somehow managed to detect someone keeping an eye on him since they left the academy.

Normally, he would have left it as is as it might be dangerous to approach them, but according to Fluff, there was not a hint of dangerous intent directed towards them.

Instead, it was something weird; a mix of pleasant, unpleasant, and impatience was present.

The only reason why Fluff managed to sense this one was that there was impatience leaking from his location multiple times. Meaning, even if this one is an enemy, he or she is someone Colt can handle.

And if he got it right, this person might just be the one he was searching for.

Thus, Colt repeated his words once more.

“I told you, come out!”

His shout echoed along the alleyway, attracting even the attention of those just passing by.


“Over there?”

Colt raised his head and then unsheathed his blade before throwing the sheath to the hidden enemy!

The sword sheath cut through the air and soon enough, it reached its target, Bam! A figure descended from above ten meters away from Colt.

At first, Colt was apprehensive about the situation, but as he got a better look at the stalker, he sighed as he picked up the sheath of his sword and asked, “Hey Miss M, why are you here?”

“Who’s an M!?” Mary abruptly raised her head as she looked Colt with a satisfied expression making Colt take an instinctive two steps back.

Feeling safe, Colt gathered his courage to ask, “So, why have you been following me?”

Mary realized the situation and how much she fucked up and then quickly got up as she regained her noble aura, “How dare you accuse me of such a thing. Me? Follow you? Nonsense, I was simply walking around the area and bumped with you.”

It was a lie that even a child could see. But Colt didn’t care for much.

“Really Now?” Colt sighed but he didn’t have the time to argue, then he simply acted as if he realized something as he intended to finish this conversation and make her leave, “Wait, don’t tell me you’re here for an apology because I slapped you before. If that is so, then I apologize. With that said, I shall take my leave.” Colt wanted to escape from Mary as fast as he could.

Mary wanted to stop Colt but then, she didn’t really need to put in any effort as Colt stopped and turned to her with a broad smile on his face.

“Um, Miss M, might I ask of you for a favor? If you do this for me, I’ll do anything you wish as long as it is in the scope of my ability.”

“Really!? Deal!” Mary was delighted to the point she disregarded Colt calling her Miss M once more.

Mary accepted and Colt was delighted and before she knew it, she was riding in a carriage in place of Colt together with two people she knows nothing of.


“Thank you for doing this, Miss M. I’ll reward you with anything you want later so please just escort them to my manor for now.”

Mary shut her mouth for reasons Colt did not know. But he didn’t think she’ll cause trouble because she was a Hero, someone who’s righteous.

And as Colt closed the door, Mary secretly formed a smile.

“You can leave now. I’ll walk home today. Don’t forget my words about taking care of those two, treat them as you would treat me.”

“I understand Young Master. Please, take care.”

Colt waved as he saw them off. Then, he turned to Fluff and handed him a gem before tying his sword and sword sheath together.

He stretched his back as his eyes turned serious.

When he saw Mary, he was disappointed it was not the ones he thought. Now, he wishes to draw them out, and to make sure they’ll appear, he must first take care of the other rats that followed him from the academy.

“Let’s take care of the other rats following us. Then, maybe, they’ll appear.”

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