
Chapter 80: She is a fire User?

Chapter 80: She is a fire User?

A puzzled expression appeared on Isabella’s face, but she recovered quickly. Considering how she kissed me, I’m pretty sure it was her first kiss.

But anyway, it’s already late at night, and she should rest.

When I carried her inside the tent and placed her on the bed, I said, “Take some rest.”.

Her gaze was fixed on mine as she asked, “Where are you going to sleep?”.

I smiled at her and replied, “You rest, I will sleep outside.”.

As she made room for me on the bed, she said, “You can also sleep on it.”.

Looking at the room she made for me, I laughed wryly, as the room can’t even accommodate half of me.

Patting her cheek, I said, “You sleep well.” And walked away.

After I came out, I looked at the surroundings and noticed a tall, thick tree that was nearby.

It brought back memories for me since I used to sleep on trees before I got evolved. Tonight I’ll sleep on a tree again.

But before I did that, I lit a campfire near the tent to keep it warm and then climbed the tree to find a thick branch where I can rest comfortably.

The trunk of the tree supported my back as I sat on the branch. I could clearly see the tent from where I sat.

I sighed and closed my eyes. It had been a long day for me. Following a full day of practicing, I was really tired. After that, those assholes created a mess.

It has been so long since I was so active in the jungle. My sleep was disturbed when I heard a sudden voice.

Isabella’s painful grunts rang in my ears. She appeared to be in a lot of pain. A sigh escaped my lips as I climbed down the tree and made my way inside the tent.

My eyes were immediately drawn to Isabella when I entered the tent. I knew she could not sleep with her pain. 

I came near her and quickly gave her the pill I forgot to give her previously.

As I sat on the ground and looked at her, I apologized for forgetting to give her the tablet earlier.

“Sleep now. I’ll sleep here on the ground,” I said.

Nodding, she slept on the bed. It was good that the tablet took effect so quickly.

After confirming she was asleep, I lied down and closed my eyes.

The morning light hit my eyes as I woke up. The moment I slowly opened my eyes, Isabella was sitting beside me and watching my face.

“How do you feel now?” I inquired, looking into her face. I could tell she was no longer in pain from her expression.

“Good,” she replied with a smile.

Slowly, I sat up and caressed her cheek.

“Are you in pain?” I asked.

“A little, but it’s okay,” she replied.

Upon hearing her say that everything was fine, I felt relaxed. I know how she struggled with pain last night.

“Thank you,” she blurted.

Instead of saying anything, I just smiled. If I say anything now, it will make me look like a hypocrite.

After observing my face for some time, she asked.

“How did your appearance change so drastically?”

Hah, what should I tell her, that I consumed some blood of GOD?

“How can I explain this? I think I’m extremely fortunate. After getting teleported into the jungle, I found a dying animal, which looked like a lion but is much stronger than a lion. It was on the verge of death. I quickly killed and ate the animal. Even I was surprised at the changes I had undergone.” I lied to her directly as I gazed into her eyes.

She looked stunned when I told her the story. Lying is an art, and the longer I spend in this world, the closer I come to mastering it.

Finally, she nodded and smiled at me.

“Anyway, let’s get freshened up,” I said to her as I stood up and helped her up.

While she went to freshen up, I sat on the bed. Honestly, I can sense that she’s still in pain, but she’s still doing a good job of hiding it.

When she returned, I noticed she looked quite fresh, but she was still limping. I asked her to wait until I was freshened up.

I went to the river to take a bath after getting freshened up. I didn’t take a bath after killing those assholes, since I was looking after Isabella at that time.

As soon as I saw the river, I jumped in, and my skin felt quite fresh as it touched the water. Unfortunately, I didn’t see any beauty this time around.

Once I had taken a long bath, I went back to the tent and saw Isabella waiting for me.

As soon as she saw me, she smiled. While my hair was still wet, I knew it would look very cool.

I didn’t use firepower to dry it off this time. Using the power last time taught me a valuable lesson by causing me to lose all of my hair.

As I approached Isabella, she extended her hand and held mine. She surprised me with her initiative.

To dry my hair, she then used her power, which was surprisingly fire?

Honestly, I was surprised. If she had this kind of power, then why was she in that kind of condition? It was as if she knew exactly what was going through my head; she replied.

“I know what you’re thinking. But those guys ambushed me and one of them had a strange ability; he could neutralize any power user.”

Her eyes were filled with helplessness as she described what had happened.

From her narrative, I learned that there are many power users who can neutralize my power. It is probably best to not rely too heavily on my Powers.

However, she was lucky that I stumbled upon her. Without me, I don’t even know what would have happened to her.

As I sighed, I held her hands and said, “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, what about your bag? Did you forget it somewhere?”?

As she sighed, she said, “I don’t know, but it should be somewhere near there. Those people even damaged my tracker. Anyway, can you help me find my bag?”

As she awaited my response, she stared at me.

“Well, hold on for a bit while I store the tent,” I said as I nodded at her.

“Fine,” she replied as I packed up the tent and placed it in the inventory.

We went to the location where I killed those assholes after placing the tent inside the inventory. As expected, the predators ate the bodies of those three men.

Only a few chunks of flesh were visible on the skeleton. 

I glanced at Isabella, who was looking at remnants of those three with resentful eyes.

“Where did you lose your bag?” I asked.

“I think it’s over there,” she said and made her way to the specified location.

Eventually, we saw her bag lying on the ground, and we had even seen some blood on the ground. 

As I looked at Isabella, I felt my heart hurt. She was limping as she slowly walked to the bag.

I hurried to collect the bag “Wait, I’ll bring it here.”.

Afterwards, I picked it up and carried it back to her.

Her eyes were drawn to the bag as she started to examine it.

“Are all the items here?” I asked.

She sighed with relief as she said, “Yes, everything is there. No one has touched it.”.

“I’m glad that’s the case. Now let’s scavenge for the items of those assholes,” I said to her as I walked back.

Scavenging, I found their bags in ripped condition. Luckily, they had their guns in them. All of these items were stored in my inventory.

“What are your plans now?” I asked her.

“Even I don’t have a clue, but I need your help as of now,” she smiled wryly at me.

“I’m fine with that,” I told her, handing her the tracking device I collected from the dead body.

“Check if it is working. Yours seems to have been destroyed, right?” 

After collecting the device, she found that it was working perfectly. Sighing in relief, she gazed at me.

“At least now we know our location,” she said as she operated the device.

After a while, a whole 3D map appeared in front of me with a constantly blinking red dot.

As I had imagined, the map looked the same. 

“Thank God,” she said, sighing in relief. Suddenly, the map was replaced with an image of a confused-looking man.

He was the same person who mocked Olivia.

That man commanded with an irritating voice, “Who are you? What happened to Brent?”.

When I saw how he spoke to Isabella, a sudden surge of anger welled up inside me.

While looking at the man’s foolish face, I grabbed the device from Isabella’s hand.

“I have killed them, you asshole, “

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