
Chapter 443

Even before the visit to Hatta was finished, one of the messengers came with a note from Boris to me. He wanted us for a dinner and wrote explicitly, that he is not taking \'no\' as an answer. A bit later we left, and since it was still pretty early, we started by visiting Nobuo and his Bushido group.

My mother was fascinated by Japanese architecture, and actually scared of all the samurais training behind the main building.

- I don\'t like the swords - she kept whispering to my ear.

Tihana was complitely diffrent. She was mesmerized by them and kept looking with an open mouth, as they practiced their swings.

I ended up asking Nobuo to show us around instead, and that was something my mom really enjoyed. The thin, paper walls, the beautiful wooden construction, curved roofs, and amazing furniture inside. We even had some green tea, but since we already were invited by Boris for food, I politely refused to eat at Adachi\'s place.

Tihana really had soft spot for Japanese culture and would prefer to stay, but she was living here now and could visit this place every day, while my mother would eventually return, so I prioritized her.

Besides I wasn\'t sure if my mother, who throughout whole her life ate traditional Polish food, would go along with the sushi and rice.

Then we visited Bratstvo\'s headquarters. Maybe less full of splendor, but for my mother, the shirtless guys training outside, and in the gym were way more interesting than the swordsmen. She was all red on the cheeks and giggled like a teenager.

My adopted daughter had a similar reaction, although she was too shy to giggle.

Boris showed us everything, and eventually, we ended up in his house. Where Irina had prepared for us some traditional Russian food. Borshch, some pelmeni, and obligatory shashlik. Everybody ended up eating what they wanted the most.

Little Vitalij joined us. He was a cute little toddler with blonde hair and an ugly brown-green knitted sweater. Exactly the same as Boris used to have when he was a kid, so, according to him, his son had to also have it.

My mom couldn\'t get enough of him. Even, to my surprise, Tihana found him cute. Ki\'rai on the other hand couldn\'t care less.

Since the women talked a lot, I had my hands full with all the translating. We actually spend hours there. The longest time of all the places. We left at some point, but still, my mother couldn\'t stop talking about the boy.

This made me realize how badly she wanted to have grandchildren, and also how alone she was now when father was gone, and I was living here. I needed to do something with her situation, but I didn\'t know what yet, and also didn\'t have any good ideas.

I brought them all to Jayadeva\'s workshop. They had to watch us from afar, because as soon as we got close the boss himself stepped out, and quickly introduced himself to both my mother and Tihana.

He already had prepared some protective gear for everybody, and then showed us around. He started with the part of the hall prepared for carpenters where they produced furniture for the few who actually preferred something handcrafted from the stuff just bought in the device.

My mom was thrilled by the work done there. Especially by the carvers who were embedding the traditional Indian patterns on the wood. Jayadeva immediately offered to make something for her, but she tried to decline, so I had to step in, and promised to pay for everything. Then she ordered a rocking chair. I promised to deliver it as soon as it will be done.

The next spot was the main source of work for the crafters. Metallurgy, where they made equipment for hunters. All the weapons and armors. This picked both KI\'rai and Tihana\'s attention. They both ended up ordering a few things. Although I didn\'t have to pay for the xuzard, I had for the human.

We finished with the Rishi\'s corner when they met the boy and witnessed how he was enchanting all the stuff. He wants only one with such skills in Jayadeva\'s crew, but definitely the best one, so he still was doing most of the work. By most, I mean practically all of it.

After that, my mother declared she is tired, but I already predicted that, and wanted to end the day in Velvet Lotus where she could enjoy some music and a glass of wine. I took the whole group there, and I have to admit, even in the midst of her difficult situation, Aisha did not disappoint.

She made the decor of the whole place way more classy. We had a real bend perform some nice and smooth blues. Multiple people were already sitting by the tables, but we had one specially reserved for us, just by the stage.

While the whole three enjoyed the music, and drinks, for both Ki\'rai and Tihana, non-alcoholic stuff, I was pulled by Aisha to her office upstairs.

- We need to talk - she said to me, with a serious expression, as soon as she closed the door behind me.

- Don\'t tell me you have bad news. I swore to that fucking woman that I\'m gonna find her no matter where she hides...

- He is free - she said, breaking her acting, and jumped on me, throwing her hands around my neck.

I just laughed. All the shit I\'ve been experiencing throughout the few last days was just over. My friends\' issues were resolved, my mother was here, witnessing what we all have made through our efforts. It felt like everything was finally in its place. I didn\'t feel so great for days now.

I did few circles around, swinging her like in a dance. She screamed in happiness, and then we stopped. Looked into each other\'s eyes. There was this strange magnetism, but she broke it off, turning her gaze, and slowly walked off, to her desk.

- Thank you, Peter - she said.

- No, thank you. Thank you for this evening. You made this happen despite all the shit you have been through lately.

- It was my pleasure - she smiled at me. - I hope your mother will enjoy the evening.

- I\'m sure she will.

With those words, I made my way down, to rejoin the others.

The day came to an end with 24 400 959 points remaining on my account, and 21 class points.

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