
Chapter 285 - No To Itty Bitty Smooches

Instead of saying anything, Aira just gave Damien a smile.

She then leans her head on his shoulder as he settles down next to her, turning her attention back to the television. Giving in, he let out a sigh and draped his arm around her shoulders, a gesture that made her grin and tuck herself comfortably into his side. With that, she selected some Disney princess movie and looked back up at him.

"Is this okay?" Aira asked, putting the remote on the cushion beside Damien. 

He nodded in reply before taking the blanket and draping it over them. Before the movie could start, though, he took the remote and paused it, which earned him a curious look from his girlfriend. 

He just really had to know.

"Aira, a-are you really wearing shorts?" he inquired, the blush coming back to his cheeks.

Aira gave him another smile and pushed the blanket off of them - just enough to show one of her legs. Damien watches as she tugs the floral red fabric out from under the shirt.

"Of course, I am. I wouldn\'t do that to you…" she giggled, a little bashful.

"I wouldn\'t do that to myself, either. We\'re not there yet."

He noted how timid that last part had gotten. Now, he doesn\'t usually see her get shy like that. Not wanting her to get lost in her self-conscious thoughts for any longer than she already has, he kissed her on the forehead and decided to jokingly ask, "You really don\'t want me to see your underwear then, huh?"

Wrong thing to say to someone whose insecurities he\'s trying to help them forget.

Aira lets out a whine from deep in her throat before hiding her face in his shirt. Damien winces at his own stupidity and straightforwardness. 

He started stroking her back gently, trying to make her feel better by saying, "Hey, I was just joking. You\'re right. We\'re not there yet."

She managed to get closer to him by wrapping her arms around his torso and tucking herself deeper into his chest. He lets his hands wander around her back and shoulders.

"You look cute in your pajamas, by the way…" he mumbled into her hair, unable to help himself. 

"Pizza jokes look great on you."

Somewhere near his armpit, she snorted in response. A small smirk dances on his lips. He tries to coax her out of hiding by pressing kisses on wherever he can reach. This causes a fit of giggles to bubble up from beneath her lips as she finally, and mercifully, looks up at him.

Damien smiled and started peppering her face in kisses, drawing her closer to him. He relished in the resumed giggles and squeaks his kisses brought from Aira until he relented slightly - if only to see her reaction to the kissing. 

She beams up at him before tossing her legs over his lap and settling back down under their blanket. He gives out a small whine of complaint as her face is no longer connected to his in some form.

"Relax, idiot. I\'m just gonna start the movie as we planned."

But then, he can\'t kiss her anymore – is what he wants to say.

Damien huffs, putting on his kitten eyes once more. He then looks back at Aira and twists slightly to wrap his arms tightly around her waist.

"Oh, come on. Don\'t give me those again," she tried, evading his gaze, while he pushed closer.

"I let you eat my food, play my video games, and borrow my shirt. And I don\'t get kisses for all my hard work?" he complained with a moping pout.

"I gave you cookies, you spoiled brat."

"Cookies aren\'t as sweet as you, though~"

"You\'re really as cheesy as ever."

"That\'s because you don\'t pamper me enough.\'"

"I thought we\'re gonna watch a movie? We can do this afterward. Otherwise, I\'m gonna be asleep before the movie ends."

"Just one more kiss, please?" 

As much as Aira didn\'t want to, she couldn\'t help but blush. She wondered how exactly Damien turned from a snobbish rich kid to a total lovesick right after they started dating. 

But then, she does know that he used to thirst for care and attention. Maybe that\'s why.   

"You\'re needy, aren\'t you?" she sighed, still looking away.

"Just one little baby kiss for your favorite baby?" he prodded.

"Pfft…! Don\'t call yourself a baby. That makes me feel weird." 

Aira then turned her head slightly to look at him. Damien had to keep himself from grinning in order to continue the helpless begging act he was showing her. 

"Just one itty bitty little kiss for your favorite boyfriend, then?" he suggested.

Her face softened up a little at that. He was all too familiar with the giddy feeling that came with calling attention to their relationship status.

"I guess if it\'s just itty, bitty, and little," she quipped in playful defeat.

"Uh-huh, it sure will be," he whispered before leaning in to meet her lips once again.

Their kiss wasn\'t itty nor bitty at all. It most definitely wasn\'t little either, and it\'s surely more than one.

After spending a moment full of innocent smooches and warm cuddles, the two of them finally pulled apart from each other. 

"We should probably watch that movie now, huh?" Damien began again.

"Yeah. Probably," Aira replied, beaming.

Her eyes drifted down to his lips one more time as a smirk formed on them in response.

He gave her one last quick peck on the cheek before he eventually hit \'play\' on the remote. As he sat smirking in his own teasing, she dramatically sighed. She then settled with rearranging herself a few times to watch the movie while snuggling up to him. 

Aira ended with her legs draped over one of his knees at an angle with one arm behind his back and the other holding the blanket in place. Damien adjusted himself as needed and moved the part of the blanket she was holding into the arm he had around her shoulders so that they could hold hands.

From that point on, both of them enjoy the movie until they fall asleep. 

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