
Chapter 214 - A Strange Feeling

While Cassidy is still thinking about her dream family, Adrian walks up to her and embraces her from behind out of nowhere, startling her for a bit.

He wrapped his arms around her waist as he also stared at what she was watching. She turned a little to look at him, wondering what he was thinking. But right when she was about to say something, she suddenly had a feeling that someone was observing them from a distance.

\'Huh? What was that?\'

Cassidy swerved slightly to the side but found no one. Deciding to think of it as a mere figment of her imagination, she just shook her head and looked at Adrian once more.

"You know..." he started again all of the sudden, letting out a sigh as he leaned his chin on her shoulder.

"I really can\'t help but think that I don\'t deserve all this happiness. Sometimes, I say to myself that you deserve someone better than me."

"What...?" she breathed out incredulously.

"Okay, stop thinking that already. I\'m the one who\'s supposed to say that you deserve better. You\'re so cool and handsome and all. I, on the other hand, was a lost cause before I met you. I was a troublemaker delinquent."

"What\'re you saying? You\'re much cooler than me. I\'m nothing without my looks and my wealth. I was a scum with a rotten, stuck-up attitude."

Cassidy has no idea where all of this is coming from, but she can tell that Adrian has a reason for claiming such things. Even though she finally got back together with him, there are still so many regrets and concerns that keep weighing down on him.

"I learned about your parents. Grisham Donovan had told me everything I had to know..." he then brought up out of nowhere, taking her aback when he addressed his grandfather by his full name. 

"Seeing this scene before us, I can\'t keep myself from recalling how my family robbed you of a childhood that you deserve. I learned the horrible things that he had done to your parents, and from there, I found out why you\'re afraid of lightning and thunder. It\'s all horrible. We\'d been horrible to you-"

"Adrian..." she cut him off, and right then, she thought for sure that he was about to break down in tears.

"I don\'t remember my parents nor my past that much. I also can\'t quite recall how I developed that fear. But I assure you that everything is okay now."

"S-Sorry. I just... I can\'t keep myself from feeling that I am to blame as well-"

"Enough. It\'s not your fault. You\'re a victim yourself."

Adrian didn\'t respond to that, seeing that Cassidy was already starting to get mad. 

She felt how he got less stiff, much to her relief. Since they are supposed to be having fun tonight, she worries that he will end up getting so emotional that he will cry again. 

"Come on, Adrian. Let\'s go walk around."

Adrian only nodded as Cassidy took his hand.

She wasn\'t finished with her candy apple yet, but she\'s no longer that hungry. At the moment, she has all of her attention on how her husband looks like a lost little puppy as he continues to feel downhearted. She would have teased him if only he was not genuinely upset. 

\'Ughhh... I so wanna take a pic of you right now. But I don\'t really wanna make fun of your-\'

Cassidy came to a still when she got that strange feeling again.

She could feel someone following them. She could feel someone staring at them.

Biting her lip, she then slowly turned to look back. But just like earlier, she saw no one suspicious - or at least she thought. She gulped silently before she stared ahead once more, hoping that it was really only her imagination.

\'Or maybe it was not my imagination. Maybe it was Asher and the others. But then again, with his and Irene\'s big mouths, they probably wouldn\'t be able to follow us without the two of them blowing their cover.\'

She let out a deep breath and swivelled around for the last time. But still, there is nobody there. This time, her husband caught her acting odd. 

"Cassidy...?" Adrian called, concern laced in his voice. 

"What\'s wrong? You seem kinda tense. Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I\'m okay," Cassidy replied nervously, scratching the back of her head and deciding to ignore that strange feeling.

There was no point telling him. She would only end up worrying him and ruining the perfect evening that they were having together. With that, they continued on their way.

But even though the feeling was forgotten for a little while, it never really went away.


There is nothing better in the world than being with the woman he loves.

Knowing Cassidy is by his side, feeling her fingers wrapped around his, and seeing her face glow with happiness - they all make Adrian feel like the luckiest guy alive. Despite his time-to-time emotional downturns, he is glad that he is spending time with her. 

"So, Cassidy, what ride do you wanna try out?" he asked her, pulling her closer to him as he noticed several guys giving her a once-over.

Sometimes, he feels that she underestimates herself too much. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever met - one whose smile can attract anyone who sees it.

"Knowing you, I think the most exteme one is the first on the list," Adrian added, earning a giggle from Cassidy.

"I don\'t know, Adrian. There are so many things we can do. I don\'t even know where to begin. I do wonder what the others are doing, though. I hope Asher isn\'t giving them a hard time. You know how he can get sometimes."

"Yeah, I know. But I think I can stand him. Not sure if he can stand me too, though. He may have agreed to come along tonight, but I know that he is still not letting me off the hook."

The couple looks around together while they talk. Beyond the stands, they can see a number of interesting rides, including the ferris wheel and roller coaster. He felt a knot forming in his throat when he imagined riding on the former with her. 

"Adrian, check this out!" Cassidy then called out to Adrian all of the sudden, making him turn to look back at her. 

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