
Chapter 547 - Fall Of The Earth (2)

As a result, the effect of consuming or transplanting the dragon queen\'s heart was shrouded in mystery. However, there was not a single thing the fragments of the system Arnold had, could not tell him.

Still, all the fragments could tell him was that one who got the heart transplanted into them would gain powers like no one had ever seen.  That is if they were able to survive. 

According to the fragments, the power of a dragon queen resided inside her heart, unlike the other dragons who did not have one concentrated power source. That\'s why transplanting the heart into someone else\'s body was more or less equivalent to claiming their powers for themselves. 

Such an abrupt surge of power could have driven even the calmest and mightiest gods to lose their sanity. As for Arnold who wasn\'t even a full-fledged god yet the backlash to transplanting such a heart for himself would have been catastrophic.

There was an 80% chance he would die during the process of transplanting. Another 10% chance that the operation would fail and he would be left crippled. 4% chance that he won\'t be able to adapt to the power of the dragon itself. 5% chance that he would go insane... 

As for the remaining 1%, in the event the operation would be successful, he would transcend any gods who could rival him. Possibly even Shiva. 

Arnold had known about the secret of the dragon heart for a while now. He had gotten to know about the heart when he was looking for ways to increase his universal influence and primal power exponentially. 

However, given the risks and the problems he would have to face to obtain the heart in the first place, he decide to take the safe and slow path. That was until Ragnarok became a reality. He knew it was going to be a matter of time when Zeus and Loki would show up on earth as well and well, destroy everything in their wake. 

Just handling the dragons caused some irreparable strain on his body. Thus, no matter how strong he believed himself to be, he would not be able to take all of the demons and gods by himself. Even his army of fire giants, dragons and other summons, might not be enough. 

Thus he needed to act fast and get strong as soon as he possibly could. Even if it meant risking himself getting killed in the process. After all, if he failed to subdue his enemies without the heart, he was going to die either way.

Therefore, in Arnold\'s eyes, it was better if he died trying rather than by not doing anything. The higher the prize, the higher was going to be the risk. In the end, he decided to trust his legendary cheat of luck one last time. 

[Dragon Queen\'s heart located.]

After spending minutes running like a mad man in a field littered with the burnt corpses of dragons, Arnold finally saw the majestic bluish-white scale of Typhoon. Judging by the condition the corpse was in, it was evident it had taken a lot of lightning bolts for her to die. Unlike the rest of the dragons who were swatted down like flies.

Without wasting another moment Arnold quickly teleported the corpse inside his domain. His domain was the safest place for him to get operated in. Also, since the time flowed according to his will inside the domain, he could literally take forever to get operated on and not much time would pass in the outside world. 

Next, he opened up a portal next to Natasha, Alice, Dani, Tiamut and everyone he needed to get operated on. Except Talos, Anubis and Yan. It would take at least a couple of hours for the three of them to raise the undead dragons to help protect and defend the humans against the inevitable dangers. 

Arnold was hoping to delay Zeus and Loki for as long as he could in hope of getting back on the battlefield better and stronger than all of those dastardly gods combined. However, it seemed like the Asgardians had a different plan. 

Having the fire giants with him already made Arnold quite a force to be reckoned with. With the addition of dragons and the dragon queen\'s heart to the mix, he was brewing a recipe for disaster. They could not allow that to happen. 

As much as Arnold becoming unstoppable would help them ensure their victory against the foes, Arnold would inevitably become a source of constant headache for them. After all, he would be unstoppable.

But since they were tied with Odin\'s oath of non-violence, they couldn\'t directly harm him. As a result, they decided to do what they had done before ad tried instigating the crowd against him. However, as things stood, humanities faith in Arnold and his summons was much stronger than anything they had ever seen before. 

He wasn\'t even a god and yet the humans preached him like he was the greatest being they had ever seen and touched. The humans finally made the gods understand one thing. Arnold didn\'t need to have the dragon or the dragon heart to be unstoppable, because he already was. 

Still, Baldr was thinking about doing something extremely stupid. He was planning on kidnaping the woman Arnold was close to and using her as a bargaining chip. However, before he could have done anything he was immediately hit by the back of Odin\'s spear.

"How foolish can you be, my son." Odin shook his head, "Deathless is doing all this just because he lost his sister. Do you really think it is a good idea to put out hands on the woman he loves?"

"Then what can we do? He will kill us all after the battle is over either way!" Baldr yelled back at his father.

"We\'ll see what happens when it happens. Till then we only have one goal... to defeat Zeus and Loki. Remember that."

Baldr gritted his teeth in a mixture of annoyance and anger. But he knew his father was speaking the truth. Instigating Deathless wasn\'t something they could afford at the moment.. They\'ll have to wait and see how things panned out. 

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