
Chapter 464 - You Should Be An Actor

It didn\'t take much time for Talos and the automatons to make their way back to Arnold. The news of the uproar they had caused in Italy had reached Arnold much before his summons did and it didn\'t look like Arnold was in a good mood after hearing that news. 

When Talos saw his master, he looked angrier than he had been in some time. Talos was immediately concerned thinking something bad had happened and rushed by his master\'s side. However, as soon as he got within Arnold\'s reach, Arnold slapped him so hard, Talos lost his balance and fell to the ground. 

If a human had been on the receiving end of Arnold\'s blow, their head would have been sent flying across the world. Thankfully, Talos was strong enough to take the blow. In fact, the shockwaves released following the slap caused quite a ruckus in the sea around Cetus.. Everyone, human or summon stood stunned there. Talos was Arnold\'s most loyal follower, no one knew what he could have possibly done to anger Arnold so much that he had to raise his hands on the automaton.

Talos was an automaton, he couldn\'t feel pain. One could tear him in half and he wouldn\'t feel a thing but Arnold\'s slap... that hurt him. Not physically, but emotionally... or whatever he had in him. Just like everyone else, he too couldn\'t think of a reason why Arnold was angry with him. maybe it was because he left Sonya and her team alive? That was the only reason that Talos thought would have made his master enraged.

But how could have he kill the other contestants? Even if it was said vassals and paladins were banned from harming each other, Talos just couldn\'t take the chance. What if the gods target Arnold regardless of the situation? He would have never been able to forgive himself if he became the cause of something like that.

Maybe if he could talk with Arnold and make him understand, he might forgive him. However, it didn\'t seem like Arnold was in a mood to talk to anyone at the moment. Not even to Talos. 

Just as Talos was about to speak, Arnold raised his hand. Signalling the automaton to remain silent. Talos immediately obeyed his master, but at the moment Talos read Arnold\'s face and realised what was going on.

After Talos had a good look at his face, Arnold began pacing back and forth in front of Talos, while the latter was kneeling before him, looking extremely apologetic. Arnold, on the other hand, appeared to be... tired of BS. The expression on his face was just like a parent who had been informed his offspring had done something bad at school. After a couple of minutes, Arnold appeared to have regained his composure and took several deep breaths before speaking for the first time since Talos returned

"Where were you?" Arnold sternly asked.

"In Italy, master..." 

"May I ask what were you doing there? Or I don\'t have the right to that anymore either?"

"We went there to teach them a lesson for what they did to you," Talos replied without any remorse in his voice, "If I could travel in time, I would do it again. But this time there would be two Talos kicking their crap instead of one."

Arnold slapped him once again, "Did I ask you to do anything of the sort? Did I ask you to attack them?"

"No, master..."

"So you went ahead and did whatever you wanted without even consulting with me first?"

"Yes... master. I thought it would be enough to quell your rage for not getting what you wanted."

Arnold didn\'t ask him anything else. He just stood there massaging his forehead, trying to control his rage. Or at least he wanted to show that he was. 

"Did you even gave a thought to what could have happened to me as a result of your actions?" Arnold yelled at Talos, "If anyone saw what you did, they would think I put you up to it just because I created you and you follow me. Did you even consider the remote possibility of the backlash your actions could have done to me, to all of us?"

"I apologize master. It wasn\'t my intention to cause you even more distress." 

"Arnold, I think it\'s enough. Talos knows what he did wrong, no need to keep bashing him in front of everybody." Nina arrived there and scolded her husband, "So just drop it already. I don\'t know what those people did to you but I can vouch for one thing. Whatever Talos did was for your well-being. It wasn\'t his intention to cause you harm. So drop it already." 

Nina\'s words seemed to have calmed Arnold a bit, but he was still a bit pissed. He opened a portal leading to his domain before turning back towards Talos and his summons.

"Get inside. I\'ll decide your punishment later."

"As you wish, Master."


Sometime later, inside the domain. 

"I am so sorry, T." Arnold said as he rushed over to Talos, "Your parts are working alright?"

"Yes master, you slap wasn\'t that powerful," Talos shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe you should train more."

"You want me to slap you again? I can do some repairs for you afterwards."

"I\'ll pass. Either way master, you should consider being an actor once all this dungeon and godhood drama dies. I know enough fools who would love to see you on the big screen."

Everyone inside the domain was confused. Just a moment ago Arnold was ready to rip Talos\' head off with his violent slaps and now the two of them were acting like long lost buddies. Just what the hell were they planning to do?

Talos and Arnold looked at the confused face of the others and couldn\'t help but cackle. They looked so lost in all the drama and had no idea that what happened earlier was all a part of the plan. 

You see, moments before Talos\' arrival, system sama informed Arnold that [The One who sees everything] was carefully watching his next moves. That warning made Arnold realise that judging from what would happen next, the god could decide to punish him. Thus he decided to act like he wasn\'t aware of anything Talos had done and didn\'t approve of it either.

That was the reason why Arnold acted so harshly. Talos was filled in with the plan when he saw Arnold\'s face and read it, just like the rest of the automatons did and decided to play along so they could fool the god together. And... their plan worked!

Arnold got a bit of revenge and wasn\'t even punished for it. Not like they had grounds to punish him either way because he broke no rules. But those gods could do anything they liked just because they wanted to, so Arnold wasn\'t taking any risks.

"So, now that\'s been taken care of, shall we get down to business?" Arnold rubbed his palms together.

After the success of his armour, he was itching to create even more weapons and gear. For him as well as his two companions. After all, he had more than enough materials to do that and he was yet to open the second box of materials. 

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