
Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Exactly at the appointed time of the meeting, Kyon, in an unknown personality, approached a huge square building, second in size only to the Russells palace. It seemed to be made entirely of gold. The roof was crowned with four domes with coats of arms. At the main entrance there was an impressive statue of a piglet, also made of pure gold. All this splendor belonged, of course, to the most influential trade guild in the world - the Golden Pig. It is worth noting that the guild following it is 50 times inferior to it in terms of turnover, that is, the Golden Pig guild is a giant of the world of trade.         

As soon as Lovr showed the formation at the entrance, the facial expressions of the staff instantly changed, and they respectfully escorted the VIP guest to the most prestigious meeting room on the top floor, where only patriarchs can get into.     

After 3 minutes of waiting, two fat men in pretentious and obviously indecently expensive suits entered the room. One of them looked like a toad because of his fat cheeks. His name was Gusteau - the sixth golden brother - the head of the guild in the empire of Rosarrio.     

The second one was his adviser, representative, deputy and right-hand man at the same time.     

Gusteau, with an amiable smile, firmly shook the young man\'s hand: «Mr. Kyon, I didn\'t recognize you! You\'ll be rich, ah-ha-ha! I am glad to see the messenger of the goddess at my place!»     

«Thank you. I\'m glad to meet you too.»     

«Yesterday you said you had some serious business to speak to me about. Could you tell me what\'s the matter?» – the man\'s bulging eyes gleamed greedily. If someone needs something, then, as a rule, you can make good money on it.     

«I need to order medicine through your guild for a huge amount of money, which, unfortunately, I don\'t have… I want to borrow the money from you. For one month.»     

«Oh-oh-oh, the young genius needs resources to implement grandiose plans! I see, I see. And what amount are we talking about?» – Gusteau asked delicately, sipping tea from a cup. If he is talking about one month, it is unlikely that something will surprise him.     

«Seventy-five billion.»     

The fat man choked on his tea and coughed. His assistant gently patted the boss on the back.     

Gusteau cleared his throat and regained his professional composure: «I\'m sorry, such a sum caught me by surprise… This is a lot of money. No family in Rosarrio, except the Russells, will earn that much in a year!»     

«You are right, Mr. Gusteau.» – Kyon agreed. – «The amount is really large, but I am sure that your trust in me is much more valuable. Moreover, I am not asking for money, but for medicine bought with this money.»     

«Medicine, not money…» – the fat man drawled thoughtfully. – «Hmm, does a direct disciple want to prepare transformation medicine for his master?»     

Lovr was surprised at such insight, but only slightly, after all, in front of him was not just anyone, but the head of all the branches of the G. P. guilds in Rosarrio. He is one of the few who knows that Lanatelle\'s breakthrough into the overlord phase ended in failure.     

«Mr. Kyon, recently your income from our cooperation exceeded half a billion a month. Given the dynamics and growing popularity of the medicine you have made, you will be able to return this money to us in about three years, but why did you name a month?»     

«Because I will pay with expensive high-quality medicine of transformation, breakthrough and acceleration of development. Although it is not money, I am sure that they will be flying off the shelves, and in six months from their sale the amount that I borrowed will be collected.»     

Gusteau frowned thoughtfully and politely asked to give him 5 minutes.     

«No problem.» – Kyon replied, reaching for a cup of tea.     

Soon Gusteau returned and solemnly announced: «Mr. Kyon, the great and terrible patriarch of the Bakers wants to talk to you!»     

«I would be honored…» – Kyon said, slightly surprised.     

The fat man placed a nephrite in the center of the table. A bright light poured out of the nephrite, then the light formed a life-size translucent head, the sight of which would have horrified any unprepared person. He looked about 45 years old, with plump cheeks, chocolate-colored hair and small sunken blue eyes. Either a typical moneylender was slipped to the messenger of the goddess, or the formation creating the hologram is unable to convey even a small part of the greatness of the patriarch of the Bakers.     

«Hello, my boy. I am glad to see the famous messenger of the goddess.» – the patriarch\'s voice, although somewhat high-pitched, did not seem any less impressive.     

«Hello, patriarch Bazhen. I am somewhat surprised by your friendliness and even familiarity towards me, especially considering that not so long ago Gusteau, apparently on your orders, intended to kidnap me, threatening me with pressure.»     

Gusteau was parched. This guy is not a fool, since he started the conversation by making a claim to Bazhen! Usually every sane person tries to please him, but he does not… Kyon is not afraid of the patriarch. However, the truth is on the guy\'s side. That day, those two powerful protectors prevented his abduction to Saturn.     

«We all make mistakes…» – Bazhen confirmed with regret. – «Nevertheless, life goes on. Enemies become friends, friends become enemies, and sometimes even relatives! And you can\'t tell right away what will be better…»         

«I don\'t understand what you\'re driving at…» – Kyon narrowed his eyes suspiciously.     

«Have you ever heard the saying: "those who have become friends because of benefits will quarrel for a century"?»     

«Yes, I have. Utter nonsense. Because there is no friendship in business, there is only partnership, and you need to choose conscientious partners who are able to compromise, and then there will be no quarrels.» – Kyon clearly expressed his position.     

A slight smile appeared on Bazhen\'s plump face. Not everyone will dare to argue with him, oh not everyone. This guy seems to be deliberately demonstrating his disobedience.     

«Your words are not meaningless, boy. It\'s just a little difficult to recognize a conscientious person in someone who blew up the auction organized by his business partner!» – Bazhen said in a steely tone. The head of the Bakers looked sternly at the young man. He wanted to know the limit of the courage of the messenger of the goddess.     

And although there was no aura in the air, Gusteau turned pale with fear. Kyon dared to anger the patriarch! He had never seen him so serious before.     

Kyon did not react to the provocation in any way, as he saw that this anger was feigned, and, shrugging his shoulders impassively, said: «Have you ever heard the saying: "to serve with the same sauce"? I\'m sure you have. So, the small organization, the illegality of which you concealed, is a negligible price for trying to take away my freedom. But I am a reasonable person, and such a symbolic payment was enough for me to forget all our disagreements. After all, only an abnormal person would wish to become a sworn enemy for the family second only to the Walders in wealth.»     

The flickering head of the fat man instantly lost its former severity and looked at the young man with a squint, as if trying to see something in him, then burst out laughing: «Ah-ha-ha! And I like you, boy! Your ability to defend your position is something I haven\'t encountered for a long time. As soon as any of my interlocutors finds out who I am, they immediately wet their pants, it infuriates me. But you\'re not like them! Well, I was not mistaken in my choice… You deserve to become Baker!»     

«Um… Do you want to adopt me?» – Kyon was surprised.     

«Oh, well, not exactly… You see, once you were adopted by the Stones, and the public will not perceive the re-adoption in the way we would like. Another thing is if you become Baker by marrying my daughter Bella! Then it\'s a completely different story…» – the patriarch "casually" hinted about his condition.     

Gusteau took his breath away. The head of the Bakers, who loves his youngest daughter immensely, really decided to give her to such an ambiguous guy?!     

«The wedding… Ahem.» – Kyon had a lump in his throat. – «Patriarch, you do realize that I already married a demon once? You definitely won\'t like it…»     

«I don\'t care!» – exclaimed the excited Bazhen. – «No one would ever suspect that you and Dick are the same person, so everyone will assume that Bella is your first wife. And when everyone finds out which family the messenger of the goddess has joined, the authority of the Bakers will skyrocket at all!»     

«Yes, but in my heart…»     

«In your heart, she will take up more, much more space than a pathetic demoness! You won\'t be able to think about anyone except Bellochka, ah-ha-ha!» – Bazhen laughed confidently. He seemed convinced that his daughter was an angel in the flesh.     

The punchy character of the seasoned patriarch was beyond imagination. Here it is, the quality of personality necessary for the head of a great family. Diana, Kyon\'s foster mother, who has earned his respect, has a similar character.     

However, for Lovr, the concern for personal gain comes strictly after the right choice of a woman. She should be at least beautiful and slender, as well as chaste. With chastity, everything is clear: he is categorically against the possession of public property. More than three sexual partners in a lifetime is already an alarming sign, meaning promiscuity, which is unacceptable for him. As for appearance, it\'s not so simple here either. In addition to good luck in biological roulette, a girl should by no means be fat, because obesity means that she is unable to control her appetite, that is, unable to monitor her own body. Or, more simply, emotions easily take over her mind, which is unacceptable.     

Thus, Kyon did not want to take risks, especially considering that all the Bakers are fat. And he did not want to take on life-long obligations, because if something happens to his wife or relatives, then in the future he will have to answer for them. The same applies to Valeera, whom he is obliged to save, because he had already chosen her, and she proved with her letters that the personalities of Zosimos and Kyon are now the same for her.     

«Patriarch, I don\'t want to offend you, and I\'m sure your daughter is the best creature on the planet, but please understand, I don\'t like long–term commitments in my personal life… I\'d rather pay off all my debt with medicine made by myself, which in the worst case will take six months.»     

«No, no, my boy, no, I\'m sorry, but I won\'t miss a fish like you! Do you need money? No problem! I\'ll give you a hundred billion tomorrow! But you have to sign the engagement agreement, confirming that you will marry my Bellochka in a year, just in time for her coming of age. Well, if you refuse, then look for money somewhere else… Hmm… No one to borrow from? What a pity, but we are your only friends with tightly stuffed wallets! Ah-ha-ha!» – Bazhen guffawed contentedly.     

Patriarch Baker\'s shamelessness and straightforwardness were amazing. He did not stand on ceremony, but directly stated his intentions. This is the first human (not a demon) who appreciated the messenger of the goddess: as soon as he had the opportunity, he immediately dug into the outstretched palm up to the elbow.     

{Damn it… And what to do?} – Kyon, with the help of Synergy, considered a lot of options, but they were all untenable. It all comes down to the fact that the Golden Pig guild is the only possible supplier of all the medicine he needs, and if he refuses the patriarch\'s offer, which, by the way, anyone else would instantly agree to, then the supply of medicine will "suddenly" be delayed for weeks, or even months…     

Such a problem could theoretically be solved by the medicine of purifying the keys and youth – candy with Synergy inside. But this will not only make Bazhen go berserk with the desire to get Kyon, but it can also cause chaos in all empires. And anyway, all this will hardly affect practitioners with high development.     

Kyon closed his eyes gloomily, considering the situation, then coldly asked: «And if I want to get married in three months, can we arrange it?»     

«Hahaha, as expected, you are a smart kid! I\'m sorry, but I won\'t give my girl to anyone before she turns sixteen.» – Bazhen sternly assured.         

Lovr mentally clicked his tongue. And where should he go after saving Valeera? And in a year the demons will celebrate the day of the goddess Persephone… A new emperor will appear. To give up the opportunity to become one is out of his character. Moreover, he already has the marriage formation of the first princess, which means that it remains only to earn the recognition of Lucius…     

After thinking for a while, Kyon made a decision: «Give me three years. I will inform you about my readiness three months before the wedding, and in three months we will have a wedding. At best, this will happen in a year, and at worst, in three years.»     

«Three years… But why? Aren\'t you interested in becoming a real Baker as soon as possible in order to get almost unlimited resources for your development?» – Bazhen was perplexed. It seems he misunderstood the boy\'s words about the wedding in 3 months. It seemed to the patriarch, who studied in detail the character of the messenger of the goddess, that the guy would try to arrange the wedding as soon as possible, but suddenly he postponed it for years ahead… This is unexpected.     

«Because I have urgent plans that require time.» – Lovr replied dryly. In addition to the demons, he also has a promise to Triana that by the day of the goddess Ceres, in a year and a half, he will become her alpha. And in two years the day of the goddess will come at all. There will also be plenty of interesting events.     

«I see… You are so young, energetic and ambitious that you have plenty of plans. Well, I have taken your request into consideration. Three years is too long. I give you two years. In the worst case, you will get married just on the eve of the great inter-imperial tournament, the final of which will be held on the day of the goddess Danna.»     

Kyon tried several more times to increase the term to three years, but patriarch Bazhen was adamant. The guy had nothing left but to agree to a pig in a poke – that\'s how he saw Bella, whom he was literally forced to marry.     

Bazhen smiled contentedly and promised that the first supplies of medicine would arrive tomorrow morning, but before that, the partners should sign the engagement agreement…     

Half an hour later, the multi-page contract with Bazhen\'s signature was on the table.     

After reading the document carefully, Kyon realized that he had nothing to complain about. Moreover, there was even a clause in the text obliging him to take his oath to fulfill the contract under the recording of formations! Everything is arranged in such a way that he will either fulfill the contract, or he will be considered the most immoral person in the world, worthy only of contempt.     

However, Lovr did not miss a sma-a-a-all loophole, and it was hiding in Bella.     

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