
Chapter 82 The Outcasts(Chapter Preview)

"I am never letting you guys do the camouflaging." Kai said as he slowly stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes.

"But we used everything to hide this place. Only a pro hunter or someone who has lived their entire life out in the wild could figure this out." Mariel protested.

"Let\'s talk about that later. As much as I hate to say this, we have to blend in with the people of the mortal cultivation world. Meaning that we will have to wear robes." The three of them sighed as Kai snapped his fingers.

He was now wearing the sect master\'s robes while Mia and Mariel were wearing core disciple robes. And that\'s when the three people came into view.

The trio consisted of two men and a woman. All three of them were wearing green and brown robes that seemed to blend in with the environment and all three of them held peak-tier imperial grade bows.

"State your name." The woman said as she nocked an arrow in her bow.

"Let\'s see, a 6th stage heaven spirit realm cultivator and two 4th stage heaven spirit realm cultivators." Kai said as he pointed at the woman and then pointed at the men as their expressions turned into shock before going back to neutral.

"I am only going to repeat this once, tell me your names." The woman asked again as Kai sighed.

[ Do not try to bullshit your way out of this. ] Mia and Mariel sent him the same spiritual message as he chuckled a little.

"My name is Kai and these two are my lovers, Mia and Mariel." Kai introduced himself and his two lovers.

The woman and her partners lowered their weapons and started whispering among themselves.

"You only have a first name and those don\'t ring a bell. Follow us." One of the men said as the three of them started moving.

"Should we follow them or kill them?" Mariel whispered to Kai as he shook his head.

,m "No, these guys are going to be useful." Kai whispered back as Mia narrowed her eyes.

"Do you want to have sex with that woman?" Mia asked and crossed her arms.

"No. We will have to obtain some information first since we don\'t know anything about this continent. And other than that, those men showed expressions of displeasure behind the woman\'s back so I am curious about that. If worst came to worst, we can always go ahead and kill them." Kai suggested with a smile as he started following the trio.

Mia and Mariel looked at each other before they too started following Kai. The two men and the woman swiftly moved through the forest while Kai, Mia, and Mariel just casually walked without caring about their surroundings.

Being an immortal or a goddess doesn\'t mean that one just sits around doing nothing. Mia and Mariel had plenty of experience roaming around in forests so they had no problem at all.

As for Kai, he had the blessing of the elemental ruler of the earth so he didn\'t face any problem at all.

Seeing the trio move without any problems, the woman fell back to chat with them. She closely examined their clothes as they looked like they belonged to a particular family or a sect.

"Where are you guys from?" The woman asked Kai.

Kai could have just told her that they were from somewhere near the forest and that their families kicked them out but that was straight bullshit and would thus reduce the chances of them getting some valuable information out of these people.

"We are not from this continent." Kai said as he lowered his voice so that the men in front of them wouldn\'t hear what he said.

"That\'s a bad joke." The woman replied as Kai sighed.

"I will tell you where I am from if you tell me your name." Kai decided to just postpone this conversation.

"Su Jiyai." The woman, Lin, replied with a stern face as Kai smiled wryly.

[ That\'s how you introduce yourself. Just your name and done. ] Mia said to him with a spiritual message.

"Well, Jiyai, we really are from another continent, the western continent to be specific. We were kind of teleported here when we entered a blue swirling portal-like thing." Kai replied as Jiyai looked startled.

"You found out the gate of heavens on the western continent and it teleported you to this place." Jiyai said in awe as Kai was momentarily confused.

\'The gate of heavens? Why are they calling a space gate the gate of heavens? I guess I will have to question her about this.\' Kai thought as he nodded.

"After we reach out HQ, I am taking you to meet with our leader." Jiyai whispered as she went back to meet with the men.

"The gate of heavens. I have heard many names for a space gate but that one\'s quite extreme." Mariel whistled as Kai shrugged.

"Let\'s just see this \'HQ\' that she was mentioning and see if their so-called leader has any information on Risea." Kai said back as they continued to follow Jiyai and her partners.

They soon reached a clearing where dozens of wooden huts stood firmly on the ground. Everyone was wearing brown and green robes and everything looked peaceful.

But Kai knew that this was just a facade and many of these people were just fakes. The men went off two do who-knows-what while Jiyai led Kai and the rest towards the biggest house in the entire place.

"Will you actually tell us anything about this place or the people that live here?" Kai asked as he was getting bored while walking which was kind of understandable since he either flew or just teleported to anywhere he wanted to be.

"The Central continent has always been ruled by the Fang family who is the host of the Yellow Dragon. But they abuse their power since ancient times. In the early days of their rule, many rebellions occurred but all of them were defeated by the host of the Yellow Dragon.

But instead of killing the rebels, the Fang family decided to destroy their cultivation and dropped them in this forest without any resources. The Fang family thought that the rebels would be killed by the spiritual beasts living in the forest but what they didn\'t know was that there was a group of wild tribal people living here." Jiyai said as she saw a child crying over a bruise on her leg.

Jiyai went to help the child while Kai, Mia, and Mariel stared at her back. All three of them had interested expressions on their faces as they saw Jiyai tie a piece of cloth on the child\'s wound.

While watching Jiyai and the child, Kai noticed that the people around him were glaring at Jiyai with hatred.

"I wonder what has she done to deserve those glares?" Mia asked as she used her trademark ice-cold glare to terrify the people as they moved away from the group.

"Anyways, let\'s continue walking." Jiyai came back and stared at the group with confusion before she continued to walk towards the largest house in the area.

"The tribe was extremely old fashioned and used weapons made out of stone and wore leaves as clothes. The rebels tried to modernize them but it was hopeless as the tribe didn\'t want to give up on their own ways as they thought that a god will punish them. In the end, the rebels could only teach them about making high-grade weapons and proper clothes.

After a few years, the people in the royal capital started calling the people here outcasts. They would even kill some people just to tell them that they have power over us. That\'s when the outcasts decided to split up their living place and we are now spread all over the forest. This place is our HQ." Jiyai finished as they reached their destination.

A man who looked as though he was in his forties was standing outside the house and he had a necklace made from gold hanging around his neck.

"Meet my father, Su Huan, the leader of the outcasts." Jiyai introduced her father and the leader of the outcasts to the group.

"Who are these people, Su Jiyai?" Su Huan asked as Jiyai went close to him and whispered in his ear.

His eyes widened for a minute as he stared at Kai, Mia and Mariel in disbelief. He then calmed his expressions before speaking in a serious tone.

"If you really are from the western continent, where does it float?" Su Huan asked.

Kai was confused by this question. Shouldn\'t this old man know that the western continent was grounded to one place? And even if it floated, it was not like he could tell him the exact coordinates as Huan wouldn\'t understand them.

"It doesn\'t float. It is rooted to the ground and the White Tiger guards our continent." Kai replied as Huan nodded.

"Come inside. I will tell you some important things and I believe that you really are from the western continent." Huan replied as everyone went inside the house.

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