
Chapter 170 - Caught In The Act

Liu Feng froze. For a moment, he digested what he heard. He knew that he never heard this voice before, and chances were, the one behind him did not know who he was. So, he slowly turned around.

In front of him was a middle aged man. He had strands of grey hair, but the rest were a lush black. His face was riddled with wrinkles, and there were two bags beneath his eyes. Those eyes darted to the side to look at Liu Feng\'s chest.

"Who are you? You are not wearing a uniform or a recruit\'s badge. Could it be? An intruder within the city?", the man raised his hand and all of a sudden, a sword appeared in his hands.

"Not again.", Liu Feng wailed. He raised his hands immediately.

"I was here on orders. I was ordered to cater to the red haired woman who was next to the king. I did not have a choice.", Liu Feng hastily bowed.

"So that is where she went.", the man paused for a moment. "But who are you.", he still pointed the sword towards Liu Feng.

"I am Sherlock... Co- no, Captain. I am a new recruit.", Liu Feng looked at the badge that the man was sporting and knew that it was a captain who was questioning him. Presumably, this was the captain that was in charge of the Phoenix\'s troupe.

"A recruit? Where is your badge?", he asked suspiciously.

"My badge. Forgive me. It was in my pocket.", Liu Feng slid his hands into his pockets. But the badge itself was in his spatial ring, and it appeared in his hand. He did not want the captain to know that he had a spatial ring, because it was a rare artifact and possessing such a precious thing would give away his unassuming identity immediately.

Liu Feng took out a copper badge out and pinned to his chest, right above his heart.

"I will forgive you for this offense because you were serving a very important person. If I ever catch you like this again, then you will be given a lashing as a punishment.", the captain warned as he walked away.

Liu Feng gave a sigh of relief. "What is with authoritarian armies and lashing punishments? It just doesn\'t make sense.", he shook his head as he continued to walk. This time, he was going back to the place that he presumed to be the cafeteria. It was morning, and he was starving. He wanted something to eat, and it was obvious that the recruits would be eating as well, so he would blend in.

He closed his eyes and looked for the largest gathering of people that he could. He stretched his mana thin around the city, trying to reach as far as he could.

"Master? Why are you using mana perception right now?", Liu Feng heard a voice in his ears.

"I am looking for the cafeteria.", he said out loud.

By then, he found where it was, alright. He could see that it was to the east. Cutting his connection to all the mana, he opened his eyes. He started walking towards where he saw all the people were gathering. He assumed that it was the cafeteria.


To call it a cafeteria was an overstatement. It was a relief camp in many ways. People were qued up, and they were waiting for food. One of the biggest problems of war was the food situation, and the army was just lucky that there were food supplies in the city\'s grainiaries. But, feeding so many mouths was not an easy task.

Liu Feng noticed something. He saw that the lines were full of recruits and students, but the students did not make a single peep. Their noble arrogance of the previous day disappeared completely. They looked down, and did not even complain about the food arrangements.

"What happened in the city centre, for them to have such a big difference?", he wondered as he stood in one of the lines.

"I knew I would see you again.", Liu Feng heard a familiar voice. He turned his head to see Escta. Then, all of a sudden, he realized something. He was near all the students, and if even a single student from the magic academy near Dilheim looked at him, the student would definitely recognize him.

"Hehe", Liu Feng smiled nervously. "Well, I am, after all, your humble recruit."

"No. I don\'t think so. I think that you are something more than just that. I think that you are actually a spy that was planted or something.", she said loudly.

All around him, he heard gasps. He slapped his forehead.

"Now she\'s done it.", he chuckled.

"Well, what do you have to say? You are a commoner, but you have access to magic. In fact, you are almost as fast as I am! That is not an easy feat. You must be at least a fourth, no fifth circle mage.", she said.

"Oh right, these people still use the circle terminology to describe mages. Oh dear, so many problems", Liu Feng thought to himself.

"What are you talking about? How dare you accuse me of such a horrible thing?", he said.

"Then explain to me how I was warned by someone that you are someone that I cannot offend? Clearly, you are hiding your power for a reason that is unbeknownst to any of us.", she said.

"Oh dear. It just means that you misunderstood everything that you were told. Remember this one thing.", Liu Feng lowered his voice as he stepped up in front of Escta. He whispered in her ear, "If your spirit tells you to do something, you should listen to that."


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