
Chapter 109

Even with Calsedonia’s magic, if there were near 30 stoned rats, it would still be impossible for her magic to capture them all, and there were a few of them who escaped the effects of the magic.

「There are four of those who have escaped from the effects of the magic! Three on the right, one of the left!」

Calsedonia, whose《Life Force Detection》’s effects are still working, luckily told Tatsumi and Morgan about the presence of the stoned rats who had escaped her《Thunderstorm》.

In the same instant the two heard that, they moved.

Morgan, who had before strengthened his body with magic, kicks the ground with great force and a great impact.

Flying through the air like a shot arrow, Morgan pulls out his sword from his lower back and closes toward the stoned rat on the left.

The weapon Morgan originally used was a large spear, but this time his opponent is a small-bodied quick-moving stoned rat. For that reason, this time Morgan chose the sword as his main weapon rather than the large spear that would be at a disadvantage against a stoned rat.

Morgan, strengthened with magic, closes in on the running away stoned rat on the left with even more speed than the small magic beast.

The stoned rat was running to take refuge in the stream. If the stoned rat gets into the water, first of all it would be unable to be captured by the sword.

It was just a short distance until the stream. The stoned rat frantically moved its small body, dashing toward the water.

And, the magical beast who had just reached the edge of the stream, used the best of its leg strength and skips its small body into the air.

Just like that it sinks into the water, the successful escape of the stoned rat being sudden. (TL: the ‘sinks’ here could also mean die)


Its small body, flying through the air, is cut down by a silver flash of light.

Originally, it would be hard to capture the stoned rat with a weapon. However, for someone of Morgan’s skill, it’s not impossible.

Just barely catching up with it, Morgan swings his sword grandly.

The silver light goes through the small magical beast’s body, bisecting it into two, and the body of the magical beast makes a popping sound, falling into the water.

On the other side, Tatsumi is chasing two of them out of the magical beasts left.

He’s chasing them, but Tatsumi is not moving his legs like Morgan does.

Tatsumi, confirming the two small bodies running away, immediately activates《Instantaneous Transfer》.

Tatsumi’s figure appears blocking the way in front of the magical beasts running away, and at the same time as his appearance he takes his sword made of a dragon out from his lower back.

Tatsumi, happening to have the high-class skill, enough to be able to use Iai (The art of drawing your sword and sheathing it afterward), bisects the stoned rats who had without thinking stopped running due to Tatsumi’s sudden appearance with an invisible sword.

Faster than his companions who were bisected, there was one stoned rat left who changed his course and ran a different way.

At about the same time, a clear metallic sound echoed at Tatsumi’s hand, and a golden chain surged out.

While releasing『Amaryllis』, it ascertains its users’ intention and answering that it passes through the air, capturing the body of the small magical beast.

The tip of『Amaryllis』, appearing from the air, easily pierces through the body of the stoned rat.

There’s one stoned rat left.

The last one left had not chosen to run.

To be precise, it had tried to run away at first, but it hurriedly changed its direction.

Either it had chosen to, when cornered in this predicament to retaliate, or the disorder was the reason for its actions.

The last stoned rat who had run away from Calsedonia’s lightning resulted in charging right toward Calsedonia right after she finished her spell.

Using its small body’s speed to the limit, in a flash it approached Calsedonia.

Calsedonia was chanting her spell a bit ago and cannot move. Facing the woman, the small magical beast shoots out its long tongue from its mouth.

Of course, at the tip was the stinger that contained the petrifying poison.

Even for Calsedonia, if she was hit by the stinger and its poison, she would also get the effects of the poison. If her arms and legs were all petrified, she would still be able to use her《Detoxification》to remove the poison.

However, if the stinger were to pierce her head or heart, a vital part of her body, then that could not happen.

If her heart or head were petrified, it would mean that the future of death’s call would not be far away.

Though Calsedonia herself knew this. However, she still cannot move from that spot.

Is it because it’s just after she activated the spell that she can’t move? No, that’s incorrect.

It’s not that she can’t move. It’s just that she can’t move of her own intention.

That would be because she has a conviction. That the magical beast’s stinger would never be able to reach her body.

Right now, the magical beast’s poisonous stinger is about to reach Calsedonia.

A dark shadow cuts in between the middle of the two like a gale.

No, the shadow didn’t cut in at all, rather it suddenly appeared.

The magical beasts’ stinger is deflected by the suddenly appearing dark shadow’s shield he was holding.

No matter how sharp the stoned rats’ stinger was, it could not pierce a shield made with dragon materials.

With a small clicking sound, the magical beasts’ stinger hits the shield, and at the same time golden chains start running through the air.

The stretched tongue and body of the stoned rat being cut into four pieces in an instant, the stoned rat was not able to produce any good results of its last attack.

「Are you injured?」

The shadow that cuts in between Calsedonia and the stoned rat — Tatsumi, turns around and asks while smiling.

「Yes. Because I believed that Danna-sama would protect me.」

Responding to the man’s smile with an even more smiling face, Calsedonia takes a few steps closer to Tatsumi.

「... But, in order to thank you for protecting me..... I have to do something right?」

Calsedonia, who had come to Tatsumi’s side, softly kissed that man’s cheek.

Morgan while sudden did not approach the normal Tatsumi and Calsedonia, while dropping his shoulders, wryly smiling with a “good grief.” (TL: Yare Yare used here, and where the doujins at)

And just like that, the hidden threat to Lagine Village, the stoned rats, according to Tatsumi and co., have been defeated.

And, at the same time, for defeating so many magical beasts, Calsedonia’s fame –《Holy Maiden》’s fame rose even more.

The once thought of as「Insane」Calsedonia. However, the people who would call her that no longer exist in Lagine Village anymore.

Even if they were small, the fearsome group of stoned rats who carried petrification poison stingers was burned to the ground in an instant by astonishing attack magic.

And saving the girl who was affected by the stoned rats’ poison with curing magic full of affection and compassion.

And above all, the happy-looking smile as she always stood close by the side of the jet-black armor wearing young man, her husband.

The citizens of Lagine Village who had seen this, once again would never call Calsedonia「Insane」or「Liar」again.

At the same time, Calsedonia’s family Bikkuri and co’s social status would also increase within the village.

Being the parents of the《Holy Maiden》, in the village it was as if people placed their gaze on them.

Originally, Bikkuri and co had lived on the edge of town poorly, which was the fault of the previous village chief, Nephro.

Nephro, who was holding onto the thought that it won’t be just for free at the thought of Namea, Bikkuri’s wife, used his position as a village chief and sent them into isolation in the village.

As if Namea would one day regret living the poor life with Bikkuri, and come to him crying.

Thinking that, Nephro would bit by bit corner Bikkuri and Namea.

However, the same Nephro is now not here. Bikkuri’s family would in relation to this once more be ushered into the village.

Now there was nothing more for Tatsumi and Calsedonia to do in this village.

The last thing for them to do would be to leave Lagine Village and return to Levantillis.

The day came where Tatsumi, Calsedonia, Morgan, Joruto, and Yerimao where to depart from the Lagine Village.

Finishing their travel preparations, Tatsumi and co. think back accompanied by their parlow.

Deagan, who had become the new Lagine Village chief, The savaiv temple priest Vergil, and Calsedonia’s family Bikkuri, Namea, and Lilinalia.

Other than that were the villagers, who were crowded and had come to see the traveling Tatsumi and co off in the plaza.

「Everyone, thank you for all your help this time around with various things.」

The villagers’ representative, the village chief Deagan lowers his head.

And in addition to this all of the other villagers imitate the village chief.

From the middle of the villagers, one girl timidly steps forward in front of Calsedonia.

「...... Elder sister......」

The girl who had stepped forward — Lilinalia puts together her words while shyly.

「Anytime.... Come home anytime, okay? Since this village is your hometown.... Of course, that includes elder brother-in-law too.」

「Lina.... 」

Calsedonia hugs her sister closely.

Lilinalia too, while slightly hesitating encircles both of her arms around her elder sister.]

There is no longer any disconnect between the two sisters. That also goes for the elder sister and her parents.

During the time they were staying in Lagine Village, the gap between Calsedonia and her parents filled up favorably.

Their father now stepped forward, watching the sisters as they hugged and unwillingly said goodbyes.

「..... Once again, let me congratulate you, Tatsumi-kun.」

Bikkuri deeply bows toward Tatsumi.

「I’ve heard of you from Calse. You’re the『Young Man from her Dreams』. What Calse had been saying a long time ago...... it was true.」

The young man met she met in her dreams. Calsedonia, when she was young if there was anything on her mind she would say it.

Bikkuri could not believe what his daughter was saying. No, it’s not as if he was at fault or anything. Nobody would have believed things about a person living in a different world.

「When Calse was still little, if I had been able to believe my daughter a little more.... Nah, I won’t say things about what’s done and past. My daughter too..... Calse has already forgiven us for it, so there’s no meaning in bringing up the past again.」

Bikkuri raises his head, and presents his right hand to Tatsumi.

「My daughter.... I entrust Calsedonia to you. If it’s you, I can entrust my daughter to you with peace of mind. After that.......」

While scratching his head with his open left hand, Bikkuri adds just a bit to the end embarrassedly.

「The debt you repaid to the old village chief, someday we’ll repay all of it. Just.... Our earnings aren’t as good as yours, so it will probably be bit by bit but.... 」

「Yeah. There’s no reason to rush, so please repay it slowly.... Father-in-law-san.」

Tatsumi tightly grasps Bikkuri’s presented right hand.

Tatsumi calling him father-in-law once more, Bikkuri opens his eyes very widely.

But his eyes slowly narrowed, and he smiled.

「I leave my daughter to you! And after that, you can come to play anytime, but not with Lina, Tatsumi-kun... no, Tatsumi!」

「I understand. Someday, you and the rest should come to the royal capital to play too.」

Bikkuri puts strength into his right arm too as to not lose to his son-in-law.

And at that point, he had put in not just strength to his arm but also trust.

The four of Tatsumi and co straddle the parlow. Morgan again swings the reins of the wild boar carriage connected to the orcs.

A four horse parlow, and one wild boar carriage, slowly depart from Lagine Village.

「Tatsumi! For now we’re going to Toga city. We’re going to get the materials we need for travelling there, and then we’ll once again go to Levantis.」

「Got it, Joruto.」

Tatsumi faces his beloved horse Porche toward Toga city’s direction. At the side of him, suddenly Calsedonia riding her horse Ferrari lines up.

「Some.... A lot happened, but we’re finally on our way home.」

「That’s right. After leaving our house for so long, after we get home we’ll have to do a lot of cleaning.... Oh, but we could have Brownie possibly. 」

「That’s true too. After we get home, let’s give Brownie something tasty to eat. After that, let’s buy L and Jadock and co. a souvenir.... Wait, in the first place should we let this world get lessons in souvenirs?」

While swaying on Porche’s back, Tatsumi tilts his neck.

Calsedonia giggles and a smile drips onto her face, was Tatsumi’s appearance that weird.

At the happily smiling woman, there was no longer any shadow of sorrow to be seen.

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