
Chapter 277

Chapter 277: Chapter 277

I turned around to check out my unit when I saw a young man with red hair approaching from a distance. A smile came to my lips when I saw his sunlit hair fluttering like flames.

“Hi, Tia. It’s been a while.”

“Hi, Sein, how have you been?”

“Well, my life is just so-so. By the way, what a headache! I think we’re going to have a hard time for the time being,” he said, shaking his head, “I felt suspicious about him from the beginning… Damn it! How can this bastard make so much trouble?”

“You bet. What the heck was he thinking?”

“I don’t know. Anyway, it’s so annoying. When I checked on my way here, it seems that messengers have already been dispatched everywhere to convey the emperor’s order. I think the Mirwa estate and the border guards near his estate have heard about this special mission.”

“I see. By the way, if he tries to mobilize his private troops, it’s going to be a big trouble.”

“You’re right. But I don’t know if we can catch him. It seems that he already escaped before the emperor issued the summons for him.”

I was puzzled. What the heck is he talking about? Marquis Mirwa escaped even before the summons order was issued?

When I looked at him with a puzzled expression, Carsein said, clicking his tongue slightly, “Well, I heard it from my father this morning. The messenger who carried the summons for him tried to catch up with him, but the marquis was not at his estate. The marquis allegedly said he wanted to get into the wagon because he felt unwell, but there was another man looking like him inside the wagon.”

I felt goosebumps. If what Carsein said was true, Marquis Mirwas was the real culprit. If not, how could he have someone looking like him ready for this occasion? As he was a cunning guy, he may have noticed he would be in danger this time when most of the nobles were gathered in the capital for the first National Founding Day festival after the emperor’s coronation. So, he must have planned escaping in advance.

I clicked my tongue, then tilted my head when I thought about this whole fuss over his search.

What’s the point of this search? If he escaped in advance to stop the chase, it was likely that he escaped to his estate with his private troops. In that case, was this call-up order a message to the knights to prepare for the worst while staying alert?

If that’s the case, it was certain that the current mission would mean a very tough challenge for all the knights. Our job would be much easier if the border troops took over the estate of the Mirwa family earlier than Marquis Mirwa. But no matter how fast the messenger delivered the emperor’s order, it would be difficult to catch up with the marquis who had escaped in advance. It seemed that we would have to prepare for a long fight with him.

Besides, the Mirwa estate is located in the borders with the Lisa kingdom, so if he were to unite with the kingdom of Lisa, we might have to have a really long fight.

“Hey, what are you thinking?”

“… Just useless thoughts on my mind.”

“I think I know what you’re thinking about, but don’t worry too much. As long as we have the troops in the border areas , the marquis won’t easily be able to rebel against us easily. By the way, did you check your unit?”

“Oh, I forgot.”

I clicked my tongue. I was ordered to go and check my unit, but delayed while talking with Carsein. What if I’m late?

Carsein stopped me when I hurriedly turned to go back.

“I already confirmed your unit. The leader is Sir Freia, and your mission starts tomorrow. So, you don’t have to hurry.”

“Really? Thanks, Sein. You saved me!”

“If you’re grateful to me, treat me some nice food later. Then, shall we go now? You don’t need to check your unit, so all you have to do is go and see your unit leader immediately. ”

“Sure. Okay.”

I came out of the training field with him side by side, when something suddenly occurred to me.

Come to think of it, Carsein, asked me to reserve two days for him at the end of the festival.

“By the way, Sein.”


“I mean the promise I made to you the other day. You asked me to take time out for you when the festival was over. As things stand now, it looks like I can’t for the time being…”

“Oh, that thing. Well, I agree because you and I are tied up with this special mission anyway. Let’s put it off until Marquis Mirwa is arrested.”

“Okay, I got it. Let me keep it in mind.”

When I nodded slightly, Carsein smiled and headed for the inner palace, saying it’s time for his shift change.

While looking at him disappearing for a moment, I headed to the 2nd Knights Division building to meet the members of my unit.

“Hi, Sir Monique.”

As I entered the hallway, I saw several knights including Sir Freia, standing by. As they seemed to be the members of my unit, I hurriedly approached them and apologized to him.

“Sorry. I’m a little late. ”

“That’s fine. I just came here, too. Some of our members haven’t come yet, but I’m going to convey you the order. Our mission is to search the inside of the capital and our search area is the commoners district in the northeast area, and the duty hours are from tomorrow morning till evening. Well, I really don’t know if I have to like it or not.”

He was right. As we didn’t have to go outside the capital, our search mission was good because it would be far from easy to search the large area thoroughly. Besides, there was a possibility that the marquis might have snuck into the capital area to catch us off guard. So, we had to be on maximum alert while searching for him in the assigned areas.

“Because the area we have to search is pretty large, it will be difficult for all of us to move together.

So, how about making a three-member team with one full-fledged knight and two apprentice knights? In other words, three members would form a one sub-unit. If you catch the criminal, blow the whistle, so other units can come and help you. As other units are also deployed for this search quickly, it won’t be difficult for them to hear the whistle.”

“I agree.”

“Good. So, let’s see you all at the entrance of the training field one hour early. See you all tomorrow.”

Lightly nodding, everyone dispersed for the special mission.


“You have to be very careful, my lady. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do. Do you know that it’s the tenth time you have made that point?”

Lina, who said she had a bad dream last night, kept nagging me to be careful while I was getting ready for the special mission. When I opened the door with a sigh of relief, I saw two men in white uniforms standing.

“Good morning, Lady Monique.”

“Good morning, Sir Seymour, and Sir June. I would like to thank you for your good work. ”

“You’re welcome. Are you on your way to the Imperial Palace? ”

“Yes. I will stop by the Imperial Palace before heading to my assigned area. As I’m going out to carry out my mission, I don’t think I need an escort. ”

“Okay. Please be careful.”

“See you later. ”

It’s been two months since the two royal knights started to escort me at the emperor’s order.

At first, I felt a little uncomfortable because they shadowed me wherever I went, but I felt better now. At least, they didn’t come to escort me as far as I carried out my duty as a knight. They also agreed with me on this because their accompaniment during my working hours would cause inconveniences to my colleagues.

After arriving at the palace, I moved to the area assigned to me. I knew the members of my unit except for Sir Freia, Sir Ryan and Sir Spear, an apprentice knight temporarily assigned to the 4th Knights Division for the mission, but I felt good because all the members were from the 2nd Knights Division that I belonged to.

The commoners district, located in the northeastern part of the capital, was relatively clean because it was a residential area for the wealthy among the commoners. Of course, it is not comparable to the noble district in every way, but there were lots of well-decorated and charming houses, let alone well-paved roads. There was a statue of the first emperor in the square.

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