
Chapter 797 - Unfamiliar Teen (5)

“Thank you, sister!” Showing a sweet innocent smile, Long Dai Dai shot a glance back to the rock behind herself before seemingly running off in the referred direction.

After the two ladies left, Bai Xiachen figured its safe now and came out as well. He didn’t waste any time and chased after his friend that went ahead.


Back over in the first elder’s courtyard, a big gathering was taking place, many showing heartfelt smiles or making flattering congratulatory messages.

“Haha, congratulations to First Elder, you’ve finally found your granddaughter.”

“In particular is how beautiful this Dai Dai is, she will certainly become the number one beauty of our clan when she comes of age. Compared to Tsing Yi from a hundred years ago, she will surpass her and more.”

In the face of all those compliments, the first elder only retained a blooming smile on his wrinkly old face.

“Yu’er, it’s been hard you,” the senior turns to his disciple, “if not for you, I fear me and Dai Dai would never be able to meet in this life.”

Returning a shallow smile of her own, the wretched Longyu had no shame in what she said in return: “Oh Shifu, for you, I will go through a mountain of knives and walk through fire if I have to. I know you have some misconceptions of me before, but now I’ve thought it through. From now on I will listen to Shifu’s word.”

Hearing the kidnapping woman’s lies and deceits, the first elder definitely relaxed somewhat inwardly.?Perhaps I really misunderstood her?

“First Elder, you really took a wonderful disciple. I heard in order for Longyu to find your granddaughter, she had to fend off multiple powerful humans during the rescue effort and even nearly lost her life in the process. Where would one find another wonderful apprentice like so?”

Of course, these flattering words and stories were spread by Longyu herself, there’s not an ounce of truth in them. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that the shameless woman was delighted to hear it in earshot because it shows how trustworthy she was in front of the old man she’s trying to sweeten up for the upcoming scheme.

Compared with the lively scene out here though, Dragony on the other hand didn’t show herself and kept to her room after meeting the first elder. Perhaps it’s the part of herself that didn’t know how to confront Dai Dai’s grandfather, but the missy felt wrong seeing the senior using her friend’s identity.

“Who?” It was then a sudden noise from the outside causes her to jerk up in alarm: “Who is outside the door?”


Following the opening of the door, an unfamiliar teenager walks in. Fair skinned with a thin eyebrow, this young man wasn’t gorgeously handsome by any means, yet he’s still quite the looker for his standard.

“You’re not a dragon, who are you?” Dragony frowns and asked with intrigue.

“I’m here to take you away,” the boy’s voice was crisp and sound.

“Take me away?” Blinking her big blue eyes in confusion, Dragony eyes the human teenager with curiosity, “Why would you take me away?”

“I know you are not Long Dai Dai but rather a stranger kidnapped by Longyu. I don’t care what sort of backgrounds you have nor does it matter to me; I only want to go against that Longyu!” A flash of rage flickers with the youngster’s eye, “I’ve been lurking here in the Dragon’s home for over a century. Now that I’ve gathered enough evidence, it won’t be long before I confront her. Until then, I will send you away first.”

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