
Chapter 291: Black pig

Lin Tian and the others together with Bu Mengting are only five people, but Jack has more than twenty foreign students.

Among them, there are three or four black people, who are particularly tall, with muscles like reinforced concrete, and their dark skin shines in the sun.

"What\'s wrong with Lin Tian?"

The foreign students came to Lin Tian, ​​but none of them flinched and stood in front of Lin Tian.

Seeing Feng Jiabao\'s concern, Lin Tian was also moved a little.

"The foreigner molested Meng Ting and was beaten by me. It\'s okay, I beat him like this this time."

Lin Tiangang wanted to take action and clean up these foreigners. Unexpectedly, Feng Jiabao would actually stand in front of him.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing well? Our brothers are here today, no one dares to move the people in our dormitory."

"The boss is right. Today we killed these foreign devils."

Guo Rong, a foodie, also showed a rare fierce aura.

Lin Tianzhen wants to say that 20 more foreigners in this group are rubbish, you don\'t need to worry about me.

But the other three people obviously wouldn\'t listen to him, and they gathered closely in front of him and Bu Mengting.

"Hi, Jack. These yellow-skinned monkeys seem to want to fight back! That\'s interesting, otherwise my fists will be useless."

A strong **** laughed at Jack. This guy was burly, standing there like a big human-shaped pillar. His name is Johnson, the boss of this group of foreign students.

"Who are you talking about yellow-skinned monkey? Black-skinned pig, come out, I want to **** you!"

Lin Tian was furious when he heard these words and was about to call out and clean up the nigger, but Lin Tao jumped out first and walked over with the nigger.

The sound of a black-skinned pig not only made Johnson glared at each other, but several other blacks also stared at Lin Tao with unkind expressions.

"Yellow monkey, you are looking for death!"

Johnson squeezed his fist and made a crunching sound.

Lin Tao is not afraid.

"Black-skinned pig, if you are counseled, you will kneel down and admit your mistake to Lao Tzu, and I will spare you once today."

Lin Tao, who had always been silent, broke out today.

The quoted Feng Jiabao and Guo Rong screamed again and again.

"Black pig, get down on your knees!"

Looking at the situation, Lin Tian thought for a while, but he didn\'t want to make a move. Let Lin Tao be a hero.

He had taught Lin Tao the kendo before, but he hasn\'t known what level Lin Tao has realized recently.

But there should be no problem with this black-skinned pig.

"Yellow monkey, you provoke me."

Johnson couldn\'t bear it anymore, and took a step forward and rushed towards Lin Tao

This guy is huge, and his running speed is about the same as walking, but every step on the ground causes a dull sound.

"The strength of this black-skinned pig is a bit strong, can Lin Tao resist it."

Guo Rong was a little worried.

"I\'m afraid of a bird, Lin Tao is a fierce man who even wins kendo beauties. Strong power is useful for farts, Lin Tao is fine. Even if there is, we will rush up and stare at the black-skinned pig."

Feng Jiabao will boost morale.

With the effort of several people talking, Lin Tao and Johnson had already collided together.

That\'s right, it\'s just a collision. Facing the horrifying size of Johnson, Lin Tao didn\'t choose to avoid it in the first time, but chose to come head-on.


Johnson didn\'t move, Lin Tao took five steps backwards.

Although Lin Tao took five steps back, a smile appeared on his face.

"The strength is good."

Then his speed suddenly increased, and before Johnson had no time to react, he punched Johnson in the stomach.

But this punch seemed to hit a wild boar skin, Johnson didn\'t move, as if Lin Tao\'s punch was not him.

"Yellow-skinned monkey, you really can jump, but your strength is too weak."

Johnson laughed loudly, and patted Lin Tao with both hands like a fan.

This time Lin Tao opened more easily, and the two of them were like a super heavyweight boxer and a sub-lightweight boxer.

Lin Tao can use his agile body skills to constantly hit Johnson. Johnson completely relied on his body to resist, nothing happened. But if Lin Tao was really hit by Johnson once, Lin Tao might not be able to get up.

The two fought for a while, and Lin Tao left several footprints on Johnson\'s body, but Johnson had nothing to do.

"Yellow monkey, don\'t run if you have the ability!"

Johnson yelled, but Lin Tao still avoided his attack.

Lin Tao didn\'t expect this Johnson to be so rough and fleshy, if he changed someone else, he would have been knocked down long ago.

Damn it\'s not a way to go on like this, it can\'t hurt Johnson at all.

"Yellow monkey, don\'t you just jump around?"

"Johnson quickly slap the yellow-skinned monkey to death, my head is almost fainted by him."

The group of foreign students provoked Lin Tao one after another.

"A group of idiots, Lin Tao obviously has the upper hand, so I think there are more black-skinned pigs."

Feng Jiabao muttered in a low voice. He also wanted to speak up for Lin Tao just now. However, there were too many people facing him, and his voice would not be effective at all.

"But Lin Tao really poses no threat to that black-skinned pig." Guo Rong was more pessimistic.

Lin Tian watched for a long time and found that Lin Tao hadn\'t integrated the kendo, but only used his fists to fight Johnson.

"Lin Tao, you use kendo!"

"I want to use it too, I don\'t have a sword in my hand."

Lin Tao was very depressed, all his kung fu was on the sword, and at this moment he was hitting with his bare hands and frustrated.

"Who said that there is no sword? It seems that you don\'t have enough understanding of swordsmanship. Swordsmen, weapons, as long as they can be used as weapons, they can be used as swords.

"what does it mean?"

Lin Tao asked, he was hit by Johnson on an errand when he was distracted.

The moment he avoided Johnson, the kendo experience that Lin Tian taught him before was all present in his mind.

A spiritual light flashed from Lin Tao\'s mind.

"Yes, as long as it can be used as a weapon, it can be used as a sword."

He stopped suddenly and looked at Johnson coldly.

"Black Pig, I won\'t play with you anymore, I will defeat you now!"

Lin Tao stretched the fist he had just squeezed into his palm. He wanted to replace the sword with his palm.

"You will only brag, and I will knock you down with this punch."

Seeing Lin Tao stop, Johnson thought it was his own opportunity and threw his fist towards Lin Tao.

The speed is very fast, the strength is also great, and the force that directly depends on brings out bursts of breaking air.

Faced with this punch, Lin Tao didn\'t move, he retracted his palm, and what appeared in his mind was the kendo taught to him by Lin Tian.

"Lin Tao, run!"

"Fuck, Lin Tao\'s brain is broken, is he hitting the black pig head-on?"

Guo Rong and Feng Jiabao suddenly became nervous, and shouted out their voices, wanting to remind Lin Tao.

Lin Tian smiled, this time Lin Tao won.

"Hahaha, yellow-skinned monkey, you have no strength to jump."

Johnson\'s fist hit Lin Tao\'s chest, just as he saw it was about to hit.

Lin Tao suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp look made Johnson\'s heart cold.

He didn\'t know why he was suddenly scared in his heart, but at this time, he believed in his fists even more.

His iron fist will destroy everything in this Chinese.

Lin Tao\'s palm moved, or Lin Tao\'s sword was out of its sheath.

At that moment, the palm of the hand turned into a sword, and the speed of this sword surpassed the extreme speed that people could catch with the naked eye, and it stabbed directly under Johnson\'s creaking nest.

Fast, too fast.

It was so fast that everyone didn\'t react, as if Lin Tao\'s palm had been resting under Johnson\'s creak.

"Haha, yellow-skinned monkey, your attack has no effect on me at all."

After Johnson finished speaking, he was about to continue his unfinished punch. He suddenly screamed. He stepped back three steps, clutching his squeak and screaming.

"Black magic, you used black magic."

As soon as Lin Tao hit him, a mysterious force penetrated directly into his body, like a long sword, piercing Johnson\'s squeaky nest, cutting through the skin, and inserting it into the bone.

But Lin Tao clearly used the palm of his hand.

Johnson is a bit embarrassed with intense pain, but more angry.

"What are you guys doing in the cold? Give me up and kill these yellow-skinned monkeys!"

The black-skinned pig cursed, and other foreign students immediately rushed forward.

Here Lin Tian, ​​of course, would not ignore Lin Tao, and they rushed forward.

To Lin Tian\'s bitter smile, Guo Rong and Feng Jiabao rushed really fast.

"You two protect Meng Ting, and leave these garbage to me."

Lin Tian had to go faster than two people at home, Lin Tao knew how to do kendo, so he was fine first. Guo Rong and Feng Jiabao are ordinary people. If there are fewer people versus more people, they will definitely suffer.

"Jack! You are so courageous, you dare to provoke me, I will leave you a deep impression."

As Lin Tian said, he rushed into the crowd.

With his scalping skills, these foreign students are like sheep, and Lin Tian is a lion rushing into the flock.

A random punch can knock down a foreign student, and even the stronger black among them can kick it with one kick.

In the blink of an eye, all the foreign students were beaten down by Lin Tian.

The only one who can move is Johnson, who is still fighting Lin Tao.

"Jack, we meet again!"

After cleaning up the garbage Lin Xu stared at Jack. Jack was originally a white man, but now his face seemed even paler.

"You can\'t beat me, you are bullying a foreigner. I want to call the police!"

When facing Lin Tian alone, Jack would have a kind of fear coming out of his bones.

"You call the police, by the way, when you call the police, remember to say that your leg has been interrupted."

"My leg is clearly not broken."

As soon as Jack finished speaking, he immediately understood.

Lin Tian kicked Jack\'s thigh, and with a click, his leg deformed and a large pool of blood flowed from it.


Jack screamed and fainted directly.


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