
Chapter 67 - Intel

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Charlus looked at Lucie.

[Lucie Grahams Lvl 41]

Lucie had risen rapidly in her level and Charlus noticed it. He smiled and held his hand out.

"My book please." Charlus grabbed his skill book from Lucie.

"Well get going. I am sure you are in a hurry." Charlus held the door for Lucie.

Lucie was still shocked from last night. She did not think her strength would improve this greatly in a single day because of practising the contents of the book Charlus gave her.

She sighed and left the apartment. It was still dark outside. She had booked a ticket for the night but she changed it to the morning.

She left the apartment and Charlus closed the apartment behind him. He sighed. He plopped onto his couch. He switched the TV on. Coincidentally, it was news of his massacre of the Marconi Family.

"We have received intel on the deaths of 23 men belonging to the Marconi Group. All of them were found dead. Their bodies were found without any wounds. The cause of death for all the victims was heart failure. Yet none of the victims had any history of heart problems. Scientists are now working with the LAPD forensic department to investigate this."

Charlus sighed. He didn\'t want this but at least he didn\'t leave any evidence. Charlus switched the TV off. He then slept on the couch for a while.

Charlus woke up to someone ringing the doorbell. Charlus woke up and opened the door. He saw no one was there. When he looked down, he saw a package. Charlus took the package and went back inside. 

Charlus opened the package.


Family Head - Sebastian Chione

Deputy Family Head - Lucas Chione

20 Executives - Rey Chione (...)

130 Family Members


Charlus saw a detailed list of every Chione Family member. Charlus knew it was time to reach Lvl 100.

Charlus geared up. He was going to finish the dungeon. At least, he would try to.

Charlus got up. He ordered an uber to the Gaming Cafe and went to the dungeon. Charlus entered the dungeon and got a notification.

[Will you proceed to the Third Floor]


Charlus accepted. He was transported to the third floor. 

He saw that the environment was similar to the second floor. But this time, there was a huge castle in front of him and the entrance to the castle was swarming with skeletons. Charlus was also overwhelmed with a huge stench. Charlus felt a strong disgust.

[Skeleton Warrior Lvl 52]

[Skeleton Knight Lvl 73]

Charlus saw that the skeletons were very high levelled here. Charlus decided that he should first try to get to Lvl 100 and then clear the dungeon. Then he would go after the Chione Family.

Charlus took his scythe out and equipped his equipment. He then jumped into the centre of the crowd. He then started swinging his scythe around, ploughing through the skeletons.

Charlus decided that he would have to start levelling up his skills too, so he would be able to use them in the future. So Charlus started using his skills and while they had huge cooldowns, the one skill that was used heavily was [Scythe of Death].

Charlus used the Scythe of Death so many times that he could execute it without thinking.

It took him around 4 hours to get to Lvl 100.

He also levelled up his skills a few times. 

[Scythe of Death]

[Lvl 2 --> Lvl 5]


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 100

Exp - 0%

Class - Angel of Death Tier 1

Sub Class - None (Unlocks at Lvl 100)

Title(s) - Trouble Maker, Interrogator

Active Skills - Observe, Soul Shock, Death Field, Soul Reaper, Sword of Death

Passive Skills - Shadow Walk, Scythe Mastery, Wings of Death, Strong Body I, Agile Body I, Immortal Body I, Wise Mind I, Smart Mind I, Balanced Body I

HP - 1500+200/1700

MP - 1500+200/1700

EP - 1500+300/1800

Str - 150+60

Vit - 150+20

Int - 150+20

Wis - 150+30

Agi - 150+20

Lck - 80+10


[You have reached Lvl 100]

[You can now advance your class to the next Tier]

[Would you like to proceed with your Class Ascension]


Charlus immediately got his wings out and flew away from the army. He needed some space. Charlus then pressed on Yes.

[You have started your Class Ascension]

[You will now be transported to Class Ascension Area]

Charlus disappeared and found himself in a very familiar area. He was in front of the same scale he stood in front of a  few nights ago. He was being judged.

"Thy shall now be judged!" Charlus heard a booming voice.

He felt himself being lifted onto the scale. He felt immense pressure on his body. Charlus fell on the scale and saw a feather on the other side.

Charlus didn\'t understand one thing though. What was he being judged on? He was already judged for his sins and he was not guilty.

"Thy are being judged on thy potential!" It was as if the person or entity behind the voice read his mind. Charlus suddenly felt worried.

He did not know if he was going to be good enough. Was he good enough? How could he be so sure?

Would he have to be on the same level as the feather? Was he supposed to be lighter? Or heavier?

Charlus sat down on the scale and started to calm his mind. He tried to forget about what was happening. He started breathing slowly and cooled his head. He felt clear-headed. He opened his eye and looked to the right.

Charlus saw a pair of red eyes, shining brightly in the dark. That was all he could see - a pair of well defined red eyes that looked at him with apathy.

Charlus waited for a decision. The scale tipped slightly towards each side before balancing each other. Charlus saw the red eyes move to look at him.


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