
Chapter 61 - Levelling Spree

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[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

Charlus level shot up like crazy. By the time he was out of all his grenades, Charlus hit Lvl 78. He had levelled up more than 15 times. 


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 78

Exp - 82%

Class - Angel of Death Tier 1

Sub Class - None (Unlocks at Lvl 100)

HP - 740/740

MP - 740/740

EP - 740/740

Str - 106 + 50

Vit - 106 + 20

Int - 106 + 20

Wis - 106 + 30

Agi - 106 + 20

Lck - 50+15


Charlus had a huge buff since he was now holding his scythe as well and that buff was affecting him as well. Charlus just then saw a skill he had missed.


[You will be able to see whether a person\'s sins weigh more than a person\'s purity]

Charlus smiled. He would no longer have to hesitate to kill someone. And Charlus was still worried about his dream the previous day. Charlus knew that it was something related to the massacre of the Marconi Family but Charlus still feared that voice. It was the first time he ever felt fear towards something that he remembered. 

Charlus decided that he should go back to his apartment and come back the next day, but Charlus still had something left to try out.

Charlus took out something he found in one of the trucks that the Chione Family was transporting. 

It was a bazooka. Charlus aimed it towards the centre of the army. He fired it. Charlus was blown back because of the sheer recoil. 

Charlus was hoping that the torpedo would go straight towards the centre where the density of the Skeletons was the greatest. But Charlus saw as the torpedo was slightly pushed off course by a seemingly invisible force and hit the side instead. 

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 43 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 41 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 45 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 42 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

Charlus saw the blast of the torpedo was at least thrice as huge as the grenade. Charlus saw a list of notifications and none of them had Skeleton Soldiers. Only Calvary. This stunt gave him 3 levels. 

Charlus left the dungeon after this. He was even close to clearing this floor but he would have to do it all again. He was not planning to do it until he crossed Lvl 100 though. For now, he would focus on what was important - the Boreas Family.

Charlus reached home late at night. He still had one day left till the weekend. He planned to go to the dungeon first and level up a few times. 

Charlus slept, hoping that he did not have the same dream as the previous day.

The next day, instead of going to school, Charlus went to the dungeon. He wanted to raise around 10 levels that day. With that, he would be comfortable with his strength. 

"Where are you going?" Lucie asked Charlus. Charlus turned away. He got into his car.

"I am going somewhere. I have something important." Charlus replied crisply.

"What is more important than school?" Lucie was confused.

Charlus chuckled. "You will someday understand that to enjoy life, you need to be able to live it."

Charlus started the car and drove away.

Once Charlus came to the dungeon, he went directly to the second floor. He no longer needed much time to clear the first floor with his strength. And to his delight, he could now one-shot stronger skeletons. 

Charlus flew towards the skeleton army. But this time Charlus was out of grenades and he only had one bazooka. But Charlus was not planning to fight the skeleton soldiers with grenades anymore. He wanted to use his scythe. He felt more satisfied that way. 

Charlus swung his scythe once he landed in front of the skeleton army. He swept at the Skeleton Soldiers that came towards him. His scythe left him and went towards the Skeletons. 

This was actually faster than when he threw bombs. Charlus was swinging his scythe around, and the skeletons started piling. The skeletons started slowing down because of these bones and it gave Charlus some chance to advance forward. He would slowly move forward and kill more Skeleton Soldiers and those bones would slow more Skeletons from approaching him.

After an hour of this, Charlus heard hooves. He saw that the Skeletons were veering away from him and in their place, Skeleton Calvary were charging towards him. Charlus unleashed his wings and flew into the air.

Charlus knew that if he was fighting the Skeleton Calvary who were basically mutants of horse and human skeletons, he would have a disadvantage if he was at a lower level than them. 

Charlus repeated the same thing he did with the Skeleton Soldiers. Charlus hovered a little over the ground and swung his scythe similarly.

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 41 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 45 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Calvary Lvl 42 Defeated]

[750 Exp Awarded]

Charlus noticed that he was only getting 750 Exp no matter the level of the Calvary so something was wrong with it but Charlus wasn\'t too bothered by it.

He ploughed through the horde of Skeleton Calvary that was charging towards him. Charlus saw the Calvary just plop on the ground as the scythe went through them. 

To Charlus, it felt a little odd. He felt satisfied when he saw beings that were supposed to be dead fall down. But he was not exactly sure. he did not get the type of satisfaction he would get when he killed someone in cold blood - that was just psychoticism and Charlus had very little of it. But he felt something more - a satisfaction that filled his body with joy. It was as if he was saving the world from something. He was doing a favour to the world by ridding them of these undead skeletons. 


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