
Chapter 496 - Patch Notes 4.0 (No Math)

Chapter 496 - Patch Notes 4.0 (No Math)

Susan pulled out a remote controller and clicked on the on button, enabling a holographic streaming of Conquest’s Logo and the following scene of the new Update.

The patch update started with playing a trailer of the upcoming events.

The beginning of the trailer started as a scene where the camera was looking at nothing but an empty darkened and deserted lands. It rose up, showing a moon, broken and shattered, stars so dim that they could barely be seen and then it focused back on the land.

It was like a first-person point of view, seeing the underworld for the first time. The person moved taking in the scenery, and right next to him, he heard a footstep. Looking to the side, the person saw another, yet this one was an undead, void of life, a zombie. The zombie never attacked this person, causing him to look at his arms. They too were made of rotting flesh and bone.

He too was an undead. And right behind him, were many, many more undead so much that he couldn’t see the end of them no matter how he tried.

These undead seemed to be all walking in one direction, with one purpose, even the person showing us the scene was bound to keep moving forward even if he could look around.

The march didn’t last for much as the undead stopped in front of a wall of fog, so thick it was almost tangible.

The fog disintegrated revealing what is now known as the mightiest realm of conquest. The Undead Realm. There, a city was built, full of undead so powerful that these mere zombies and low tiered undead were no match for any of them.

A death knight showed up in front of the main person.

He was donned in full armor, black as the night, a tower shield, and a flamberge sword tucked under his side.

The Death Knight grabbed the main person’s head, moved it to the side and left, as if he was checking for cattle, and said.

"You’re not too rotten. Follow the group there, you’ll find your gear, and your journey will then begin," the Undead said.

The Death Knight then moved to inspect another person.

The man in question followed the way the Death Knight pointed him toward and there was another group of undead, only they didn’t look as geared up as the Death Knight that inspected him. Though the quality of their armor was not too shabby.

Anyone who had seen Skeletal’s adventures will know that these were Undead Captains.

One of these captains shoved a sword into the zombie’s hands and pointed forward for him to move to another captain who shoved an armor into his chest.

The main zombie was supposed to done the armor.

Once he done it, a message appeared in front of him.


Welcome newly turned undead to the Service of His majesty, The Undead King.

You have been given a chance to prove your value, succeed in the missions tasked to you by the undead legion and you will have a chance to increase your ranks.

Death will never be an issue to you, as you can come back no matter how many times you die to continue your task.

In the Undead Legion, you are obliged to follow the Knight’s code.

Never kill the unarmed. Never disobey your superiors. Never Deserted the legion.

Good hunting, and forever remember

Never Hunger.

Never Tire.

Never Fear.


the zombie then took on his first mission, a time skip happened, then he became an elite undead, gaining better gear, then he leveled up some more, becoming an Undead Captain. His hard work never stopped, his fear never shown, and thus he increased his rank to a Death Knight.

Finally, the same Undead was seen moving back to the front of the Undead Realm, and in front of him, hundreds of thousands of other undead if not more. He moved to inspect one of them and said,

"You’re not too rotten. Follow the group there, you’ll find your gear, and your journey will then begin..."

The trailer ended as the Death Knight looked back at the Bone Palace situated at the middle of the Dead Realm, the heart of the Undead City.

The camera zoomed in until it penetrated the top of the Bone Palace tower, revealing the Undead King seated with one hand on the skull handle of his throne, another holding his head.

The Undead King grinned saying, "Do you have what it takes to join Us? If you think you’re worthy of the Undead Curse, then come, forfeit your humanity. And turn to a race that fears no good or evil. Our doors are open, the only thing you’re required to have is a bit of courage."

The undead king then waved a hand and the trailer ended.

"That’s pretty amazing. I guess this creepiness has an appeal to its own audience." Suzan said.

"You sound like you want to join the legion," Dave jested.

"Oh god forbid no, I have a pretty character, I wouldn’t like to be turned to an ugly undead," Suzan said shuddering with disgust.

"I think many will think like you until they finally realize that it’s not about looks. Anyway, where are the patch notes?" Dave said.

"Oh, right here they are!" Suzan said and clicked another button


Conquest Patch Notes 4.0

"Hello Players,

Emile Kada here, the Conquest Development Team has decided to make some changes to the Gameworld and how it players interact with it. Now with the opening of the underworld and the expected surge of players joining it, we decided to add several events to the whole of Conquest.

The Undead legion had cemented their reign in the Underworld fully controlling it from west to east and south to north. All the Raid Zones are now controlled by the Undead Legion and are at their disposal.

Beware, death to a legionnaire will no longer send a player to limbo, but instead a forceful recruitment to the Undead Legion.

You could refuse the recruitment but the player to refuse it will lose two levels instead of just one regular level per usual death.

However accepting to be recruited will save your level, and will welcome you into the legion’s ranks starting from the bottom.

We have made a survey and noticed that many players are not too interested in permanently becoming undead, thus we created several methods to leave the Undead Status.

First, paying a Cardinal tier class to remove Undeath, which will cost two levels. (Level 1 and 2 will remain in their levels if they die to an undead.)

Paying the cardinal to remove the curse of Undeath, however, will increase player’s hostility to Undead Race. And if they fall to the fangs of Undead once again, they will be recruited, but refusing will cost twice the primary value of levels required. Also, removing the curse will be considered the same as deserting the legion, which will cause all of the primary milestones reached in the Undead Legion to be null and void.

Secondly and the most important and interesting method to reverse Undeath, is that players are encouraged to keep playing and helping the legion until they achieve Doom Knight Rank, this way they will be able to switch to human and Undead appearance, however, it is only appearance, they will still be susceptible to the holy element even in non-undeath form.

The only exception to this rule is player Kis’Shtiengbrah due to his legacy Item.

On another note, for those who do not wish to see the Undead rule. The ruling of the Undead Legion doesn’t mean that the Demonic faction has gone extinct. There are may cultists and evildoers in the world that had once served the Ash King.

The Ash King might be the king of the demonic beings but he is not their god. The revival of the Demonic Race could still be achieved if one were to succeed in finding and completing an SSS rank quest.

Yes, it’s that difficult, and if any of you complain, do know that player Death Stroke, aka Kis’Shtiengbrah, had completed a similarly ranked quest all by himself when he was much lower level than the average player. It is difficult, it is hard, but it is not impossible.

Now for the more important news.

The Events that will happen in the Underworld will vary from month to month. Basically a World Boss Event will happen every three months, where the first to kill the boss will get a general diagram of their armor set and their weaponry, unsealing the cap from the currently designed weapons and increasing the power of already existing ones.

Then some siege and an invasion from a race that has been forgotten.

A new category of weapons has been discovered, the Arch God class, this type of weaponry will be a must to have in order to defeat the upcoming challenges and mighty beings of conquest that will soon appear.

The Dragon Age expansion has not been developed yet due to the lack of interaction of players with said dragons. So far only one Dragon has been slain. Which was the source of the expansion, yet none others have followed the same fate. Most players keep to themselves in safe zones such as cities, and those who venture out are usually under spells to conceal themselves from dragons.

We have decided to increase the difficulty a bit. A few events that will include dragons have been added, not to spoil much, all I could say, don’t count on city walls too much, or those ghillie suites.

More dungeons have also been added to the game, as the players will be battling fiercer monsters and creatures from now on, you’ll have to gear up properly. Enjoy the grind as the level 500 average was the starting point of the second most major phase of Conquest, now the real game begins.

Last but not least, all regular monsters will have a mutated type that will be more powerful, faster stronger, and far more dangerous. These Variants will be available to the hunt and will generate a variant of their gear as well. You will obtain better equipment by slaying them, but do not be too arrogant, as these variants are not there just for show.

This is all I have to say for the patch, it hasn’t touched upon the game’s mechanics, as most of it has been adjusted and balanced out the last patch. Yet for game practicality and way of life, we will be the ones to request something of you.

For security purposes and safety measures, we will be uploading the entirety of your gaming content to our servers for safekeeping, it will slow your Full Dive once the server opens for a few minutes, there seems to be an issue that caused a visual glitch, or "pixelization" of certain monsters in the game, sometimes even the AI Albert. We will be investigating the issue and work on a solution as fast as possible.

This has been a lengthy patch note, I apologize for all inconveniences. But once the servers are back online we wish to see you all there, slaying monsters, and Conquering the lands.

Emile Kada

Susan then spoke, "Oh my, I’m so excited to see the new update. What do you all think?" she asked.

Everyone was already deep in thought; the whole patch was considered a major bombshell that was dropped on them. More powerful monsters, more events in the Underworld, a new race? And more weaponry that could flip the tides of battle. Dave had seen such a weapon in work, not even he, the undead king, or the Earth Titan could stop it. the only thing that managed to hamper it was the selfless sacrifice of Drahma.

If more of such weapons existed in the world, this could mean that any battle will have an unexpected outcome.

Valentine began talking about the impact the new weapons will have on wars, and which guild will obtain one first as it will switch the balance of power.

Even if Dave didn’t believe in this balance of power anymore. Zhang Shi has lost his Legacy which will be the downfall of his guild. The Heaven Dawn also lost many players to the demonic faction as they also sacrificed their legacies, only the Devastators had remained at full force. But they too would not compare to Dave’s legion and his Kingdom in the East.

Even if the Eastern Kingdom is still under development and Demitri is still equipping it financially before moving to a more military approach, the backing of the legion will intimidate anyone from doing anything foolish and attempting to raid them.

But he can’t deny the fact that if the Devastators were to get their hands on an Arch God tier weapon, they might get c.o.c.ky and dare to impose their commandership on him. Something he will never allow.

White Ghost seemed more excited about the new events, as it will make his guild members stronger and the possibility to hunt in the Underworld. Zhang Shi remained without comment and Demitri only mentioned the benefice of the Dragon Age event that will cause players to be more adventurous. This will undoubtedly cause their deaths and then they will have to procure more materials spending money that will eventually end up in his pockets.

As for Dave...

"I think that the new patch will open up new adventures. I can’t wait to see what we’ll have next."

Susan then nodded and thanked the audience and everyone that watched the show. Everything was over, and it was time for Dave to leave the set and head to Mercy’s Birthday party. Ralph was bound to be there, and he didn’t want to leave his buddy alone.

Right before he left, Valentine spoke, "Dave, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Dave turned; Valentine didn’t seem like a rotten egg. So why not, "Sure, what you got?"

**** Please Make sure to read this story on .com, if you are reading Rise of the Undead legion anywhere else then you are on a pirating website, do not accept to offer any kinds of payment to such people as they are non-repsecting of author’s right and I, as the writer am not benefiting from their schemes in any way possible.****

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