
Chapter 467 - A Brewing Storm

Chapter 467 - A Brewing Storm

"Thank you," Dave said while giving a half bow.

"It is the way of kings, We must return generosity ten times, and vengeance even more so." The undead king uttered as he gazed upon the people in his hall.

"And for now, let the coronation of Our Child commences!"

A loud fanfare and music echoed through the palace, unlike what should be in a joyous event such as a coronation, the music was bone-chilling, more like the chorus of hell. Yet for the Undead this was probably the only kind of music they would ever listen to. Or so they thought..

"Oh, starting the party without me, that ain’t cool," spoke the voice of a well know, very famous, and pretty dangerous guy.

Nicholas, the Undeath God, appeared in the middle of the hall. Without a moment to waste, all undead and NPCs knelt down, including the Elven King, the Undead King, and even the Ice Queen. The only ones that remained standing were the players, Dave, and Balaam the oracle.

"Don’t be like this, I’m just here for the fun of it," Nick joked and pulled out his guitar.

"Who the f.u.c.k is this guy?" Zhang Shi spoke, and to his words, the gazes of every undead bar the Undead God himself turned to him.

"You better not insult him here, buddy, and you could inspect him yourself," Dave smirked.

Zhang Shi remembered that he actually had an inspection skill and he didn’t use it. And it was clear to Dave that he had just done so, as Zhang Shi took a couple of steps back, fear painted in his eyes.

It’s not every now and then that a player gets to meet one of the Game’s literal Gods. And Nick was not as simple as any other one. Proven truly so by his next words...


The moment he struck the strings on his guitar, beauties wearing spiked leather jackets and heavy white makeup appeared in the hall. Drummers, guitarists, and bassists all appeared with their musical instruments as a metal fest began.

The Undead around the palace began headbanging, soldiers turned to mobs, shouting to the music as Nick plucked the strings of his skull guitar, its sound making the whole of the Bone Palace shake from the vibrations.

Every undead moved to the beats, every undead roared and howled as the music sored. Bar the high tier ones, and the nobles as they had no idea what kind of music was this, nor had they ever heard of it. But at least they were smart and wise enough not to question the taste of a god.

Dave was left stupefied, not to mention the other players. How did the situation turn to this? Only Nick can change a coronation to a rock festival.

The music continued on for a long while until Nick was satisfied and smashed his guitar onto the ground, the skull-shaped guitar didn’t break, yet the whole palace shook and a large portion of the floor caved in.

"Oh, I got carried away, I’ll fix this later," Nick shrugged then turned to Dave.

"Kid, you came a long way."

"Yeah, no thanks to you," Dave snorted.

To his casual words, the Undead King’s fists closed firm. "Kis’ Shtiengbrah..." The Undead King utter the name.

Dave saw worry in the Undead King’s eyes and also noticed his hand on the pommel of his night-black sword.

Dave smiled, this was a good king, he had feared that Undead God might be offended, and was willing to fight the Undead God for him.

Dave nodded at the Undead King to be at ease, then turned to Nick.

"Technically, it was all thanks to me, but I get it, you’re still pissed about the Heart and all that crap, but that doesn’t matter anymore, you got all you ever wanted right?" Nick said.

"What I want is not just this, Nick," Dave said. "I want everything," Dave said while spreading both arms.

"And so should one of the Undead Be, Your Unholiness, will you grace [Me] with your presence as [I] coronate [My] Childe?" the Undead King said.

"Of course, he is also my Champion."

"So be it, Childe, come and sit here," the Undead King pointed at the throne.

He lifted a brow up in question, that was the Undead King’s throne, but the king’s smile was a sign of acknowledgment and welcome. Dave nodded and followed the King’s request.

Once he sat, everything turned somber. And all over conquest, a large screen popped up in the sky, showing the players what was going on in the hall.

Dave sitting on the Throne of the Undead King, and the latter moving toward him, his sword drawn.

"Today, We take you, Kis’Shtiengbrah, the Forlorn Hope of the Legion, into Our Arms. Today, you have proven yourself, not only part of Us but one of Us. For today, your bones and flesh, the rotten blood in your veins, has become one of Us. You have earned your seat, you have earned your place, and have earned your honor.

Childe, would you accept Us as your foster father?" the Undead King questioned.

"Without a hesitation," Dave replied.

"Then so be it, Childe, today Marks the day that you become Kis’Shtiengbrah of Arotsa. My Undead Heir. Prince of the Undead, Ruler of all Undead Once I am no longer here." The Undead King placed the sword on Dave’s Right shoulder then on his left.

He then turned, raised his sword up then pointed it forward.

"Does anyone have an objection to what THIS KING HAS SPOKEN?!"

None dared move, or utter a word, they all knew that speaking was nothing short of suicide in this situation.

The Undead King dropped his sword, then pulled out a Signet Ring. He placed it in Dave’s pinky finger, and surprisingly even if Dave had already four rings on his hands, the fifth ring, did not get unequipped.

"Then So it has become, and So it shall be. Arise, Undead Prince Kis’ Shtiengbrah!"

Dave stood up, and loud horns blew to warn the world of the birth of an Undead Prince.

From all over the World of Conquest, every creature, every human, and none human knew that the Undead Have now a new Prince. And this came with a huge calamitous surprise.


The Undead Legion has now a new Prince, their future hope carved in stone.

All Undead Will receive an increase in their attacking ability and defensive abilities of 20% permanently.

All Undead Will drop more precious rewards.

The Undead Expansion has been set to open Once the Ash King is defeated.

Once the Undead Expansion is unlocked, all players will have the ability to transform to Undead.

Undead Personally Turned by Kis’Shtiengbrah will have a slight advantage over regularly turned players.


"Now that’s pretty dope," Dave uttered.

"Son, We, shall ask for your aid in the raid upon the Ash King’s dominion. Shall you lend it to us?"

"Of course, without a question, I want that guy dead the most," Dave said.

"Then so be it, We march against the Ash King Soon, be ready." The Undead King spoke, his words clear and loud so that the players will hear them.

This made them shake, the Undead King will be attacking the Ash King, and they have lost three Temples that could help them to aid the Ash King. The Only remaining Temple is the one that the Heaven Dawn guild owns. And if Dave really wanted, he could also bring it down.

The White Ghost was not going to let him, but if what happened to the Blood Ragers guild were to happen again, that large scale illusion will definitely cost them the Chalice.

White Ghost immediately issued a silent order to his guild members to assign players to rotate and cast Vow of Silence, this way if a spell is cast, they could at least have a warning and a fighting chance to protect the Chalice.

While White Ghost was busy with his antics, the whole of the Underworld Shook.

"Hooo," spoke Nick, an evil smile that could match Skelly’s smile crept upon his face.

"What is going on?" Warlord Asked.

The Undead God kindly replied, "A couple of kids want to go out and play, I guess it’s time you deal with that, kid."

Dave had no idea what Nick was talking about, but the Tengu flew right through the Royal Hall and knelt down in front of the audience.

Dave was surprised at how the Tengu looked now, he was broader in shoulders, higher in size and width, his black raven wings now had dark golden feathers. It was the Doom Knight Transformation that happened to him.

"Such insolence!" the Undead King spoke in a loud angry tone.

"For my Insolence!" the Tengu pulled out his Katana, and in one swift, merciless motion cut off his left arm.

"Impressive," The Undead King said. "You have not only severed the Flesh, but you also cut the Soul of your arm. If you had done any less, I would have had you erased."

Dave understood that what the Tengu had done was extremely overbearing. By cutting the soul of his arm, no magic can repair it, and it will be truly dead. Attaching it back will not change the fact that it is a dead arm. This made him both worried and frustrated as one of his Underlings will now be unable to fight to the best of his abilities.

"It is only a meager price to pay for my boldness, but I need to speak some words! This is a matter of utmost urgency!"

Dave walked forward to the Tengu and left him up to his feet.

"I dare not Stand in the presence of kings!" The Tengu Said.

"You stand with me," Dave turned to the Undead King, and the latter nodded giving him permission.

"What’s going on?" Dave asked.

"My children, they are attempting to leave their Labyrinth, they need to be calmed down or god only knows what will happen."

"Oh, as a matter of fact, I’m a god, and I know what’s going to happen if you let those two little hooligans out."

Dave frowned at Nick’s choice of words; ’Hooligan’ was the term Demiurge always called Nick by.

"They will start chaos here and take it up the outer world, you really don’t want those two guys without a leech."

"Go, sort this matter, as for you, take your hand with you, Marik, take care of it. He rules over Soul magic and your arm is nothing to him. This is For our Childe has sided with you, and we always Side with our Childe."

"Thank you for your generosity, Dread Lord." The Tengu said.

Marik Smiled to the Tengu, the sac of potato looked really weird while he smiled Dave thought. Marik had no distinct shape, he looked like a bag that could absorb anything, yet he was still one of the Seven Abyssal Knights of the Legion.

Tendrils of blue ethereal magic burst out from the stump on the Tengu’s arm and attached themselves to the limb on the ground, the two parts zapped back together and locked themselves perfectly and seamlessly.

The Tengu did a few hand signs and stretches, making sure everything was alright.

"Thank you," he said once more.

"Let’s go, it’s time to sort this, once and for all," Dave said as he equipped Durandal and Ajax. The two bolted out of the hall leaving the players and the rest of the invitees together, not fully knowing what was going on.

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