
Chapter 612 A Dungeon For Gods?

Chapter 612 A Dungeon For Gods?

"Is Glacier Keep a dungeon for gods?"

"That’s precisely what Glacier Keep is," Daruun answered with a smile. The man recognized as the God of Fate paused for a moment to let that sentence properly settle in the minds of the many gods listening. But Daruun quickly resumed his explanation, "The mysteries within Glacier Keep will remain as mysteries until you travel and uncover them. However, allow me to explain a few key details about the keep.

"First, know that Glacier Keep can accommodate dozens of gods. So don’t feel that there won’t be enough room for you all to participate in its opening. But I do have a suggestion. Though you all can enter Glacier Keep, it won’t be together. You must enter in groups no larger than four. There is no limit to the amount of groups that can enter but you’ve been warned."

As another pause hung in the air, Daruun chuckled, "Go ahead, Perchet. You’ve assumed correctly that I’m giving you a moment to think for yourselves and ask questions."

Nodding, Perchet spoke up in a fashion similar to Daruun, speaking for all to hear yet keeping his voice soft and gentle, "What would happen should we enter with more than four at a time?"

"That’s something I wouldn’t recommend at all, but anyone will be welcome to try it should they wish."

"How large is Glacier Keep?" asked Perchet, moving on. "For example, we know that Earthen Keep is ninety-nine floors deep and each floor is quite expansive in its own right."

"Hmm... I don’t think Earthen Keep is a fair comparison, at least not in terms of layout," Daruun mentioned.

"Then how would you describe the general layout, even if you can’t give us a detailed description of the dungeon design."

"Such great questions! You’re quite wise, Perchet. I regret that I failed to meet you before Halmut swayed you to sign his contract..." Daruun sighed, letting his casualness keep some of the legendary gods on the edge of their nerves. "I won’t give you any details of the countless rooms, puzzles, mazes, foes, and more within Glacier Keep. But I will warn you, this will be unlike anything that any of you have experienced prior to now. Be fully on guard and do your best to avoid death, as those who make it through will find themselves with more experience and treasures than you thought possible."

"Yes, Torian?" Blinking, Daruun smiled and gave the Thundering God a moment.

"Daruun... How are you doing all of this?"

"You mean leaving you all stationary? This is merely a protocol for giving an announcement mid-battle. I’m simply making sure that everyone is available to listen and ask their questions. I’m sure none of you want to give your current opponents a chance to attack, so this just makes things easier and removes that stress momentarily."

"But how are you doing this?" questioned Torian, raising his voice but keeping a calm, perplexed stare on his face.

"It’s simply because I can. To explain how would take too long and would distract from my announcement, so forgive me for not fulfilling your curiosity at the moment," stated Daruun. "But please feel free to ask your other question, for everyone else to hear also. Many are wondering the same thing."

Torian nodded and immediately asked, "Who are you, Daruun?"

"That depends." Daruun shrugged. "According to most of Kartonia’s history, I’m simply the God of Fate and the man who aided in the creation of the neutral faction of gods. But you and most gods weren’t born until my former reputation had already disappeared, which Halmut and Skaryn have told you nothing about. The only others who remember from that time would be Moranti, Lyrun, and Eedaj, although Lyrun has since passed. Would either of you two care to share my former reputation?"

"You’re the progenitor of the gods!"

All legendary gods instantly felt tension at the edges of their eyes. Instinctively, their eyelids ran out of space to contract and failed to open any wider.

Getting a nod from Daruun, Moranti continued, "You were the man who aided in Skaryn’s ascension, also aiding Halmut at the Skaryn’s request. Prior to aiding them, we have no history or record of your existence on Kartonia, which left the world to wonder if you come from Kartonia at all."

"That..." Torian flinched.

Hearing that was the last thing that the Thundering God didn’t know he wished to never learn. The other legendary gods felt similarly. None of them liked the thought of Daruun being more powerful than Halmut, which had already been hinted at by Halmut’s willingness to shut up. But now... Hearing that Daruun was a mysterious deity before Halmut or Skaryn had ascended was more than they wanted to believe.

Tralbok was especially furious. His inner rage was stockpiling but his lips failed to respond to any of his thoughts. And his inner desire to grow stronger at any cost immediately filled the God of Time with regret.

"What are you to this--"

"SHUT UP!!!"

"Halmut... I’ve warned you once and now a second time. A third interruption will result in the suspension of my announcement and my immediate visit to your precious hideout," Daruun stated, dropping his casual tone for the first time.

No energy leaked from Daruun and there were no hints of strength being shown by him. But all people listening to Daruun’s somewhat cold threat felt their spines tingle and straighten in response.

"Now then... Continue your question, Sillo. Have no fear of his barking."

Ignoring Daruun’s casual disrespect to Halmut, Sillo took a second to gather his breath and bolster some courage. "If you’re stronger than Halmut, then where do you come from and why haven’t you told us other gods of your true strength? I’m sure we all would’ve agreed to join you if we had known what you’re capable of."

"Oh, you have no idea of what I’m capable of. Nor does Halmut, though he’s slightly more aware than he lets on."

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