
Chapter 388 EXP In Exchange For Godhood

Chapter 388 EXP In Exchange For Godhood

Sighing loudly, Jack added, "I forgot to mention, I’ve already got a man in mind to be the replacement treasurer. However, since he’s low-leveled, he’ll be considered the assistant treasurer and will handle everything while you’re away, Kaldor."

"Who did you have in mind?" asked Kaldor.

"Rydel, can you go get--"

"I’m on it, Jack. No need to mention his name, I already know who you’re talking about." Rydel hurried away, chuckling as he left the room a second time. Five minutes later, he returned with a broad, muscular man standing behind him. Then, Rydel nodded to Jack and returned to his seat, leaving the man nervously standing in the center of the room among the other three powerful men.

"Papa, it’s okay, why are you nervous?" Marua asked, giggling at her father’s unusual nervousness.

"Zariff, there’s no need to worry. I understand that your level is still decreasing and I’m already working on a way to remove that curse," Jack stated, calming Zariff. "I want to know if you’re willing to join the Leisure Guild officially and take up a position. Are you?"

"Yeah, I can do that much no problem," replied Zariff, a little startled to be asked such a thing among the powerful men he was beside.

Jack smiled. "Good, then I’d like you to meet the man who will train you. This is Kaldor, our new treasurer. You’ll be the assistant treasurer and handle his duties while he’s power leveling."

Recognizing Kaldor as the former leader of Golden Haven, Zariff swallowed some of his nerves and bowed to the man. "Then I’ll be in your care. Though I’m not as accomplished as you, I once managed a branch of the association."

"Oh... Then you’ll be a fine candidate, I guess," replied Kaldor, nodding in approval. "I’ll show you the ropes and remind you what to do this week. After that, I’ll be leaving with these two to a dungeon, but you contact me or speak with Argyle if you have any problems."

"Sure, I can handle that." Zariff proudly looked to Jack, glad that he could somehow contribute to Jack’s cause and return the favor of saving his family’s lives. And he was especially proud to know that he was contributing to such a legendary figure, who happened to also be his son-in-law.

"With that settled, do any of you four have other questions for me?" Jack asked.

Hadurt replied with a question, "What dungeon do you have in mind?"

"Hmmm... Though the storehouse could work, I’d rather keep that place intact, so it’ll have to be elsewhere," reasoned Jack. "Do you know of a dungeon called Earthen Keep, Hadurt?"

"No, I’ve never heard of it."

"Then I’ll have to run it by Lorwynn. If he doesn’t know about it, then that’s where we’ll send you guys," stated Jack.

"It was a dungeon for people trying to reach lv. 85 back in the day, though you’ll be staying on the first three floors till Kims and Kaldor are both at least lv. 80. That may not seem like much to you Hadurt, but Earthen Keep is one of the largest dungeons to ever exist. Those three levels, to clear the floors entirely, should get them to around lv. 80. And by then, they should be able to handle floors four and maybe five with your help, so long as you’re careful. After that, play it by ear and follow your gut, Hadurt. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of experience grinding for EXP."

"Want me to get Lorwynn in here?" Hadurt asked, excited to hear that such a treacherous place existed.

"Well... Actually, yeah, that’d be perfect. There’s something I need to do before he leaves with Sterfen."

Before Jack finished his reply, Hadurt bolted out of the room, returning shortly with Lorwynn dragging behind him.

"Before you get mad at him, I’ve got something to ask you, Lorwynn," Jack stated, keeping Hadurt from some of the blame. "Do you know about a dungeon called Earthen Keep?"

"Hmmm... I’ve heard of it, but we don’t dare train there," answered Lorwynn. "According to our scouts long ago, it was overrun with creatures, making it a terrifying place for anyone to train safely."

"Even better!" Hadurt shouted, not hiding his smile.

Catching on to the meaning behind the question, Lorwynn shook his head and added, "I wouldn’t recommend going there."

"Even with Hadurt protecting these two?" Jack asked. "If worst comes to worst, I can send Dragov in to get them out and you would join them once you’re able."

"That... That does make it seem like a plausible plan," Lorwynn admitted.

Jack added, "Also, they’ll be staying on the first three floors till these two are lv. 80, so it’s not like they’ll be running wild inside."

"Exactly how big is this dungeon, Jack?" Hadurt couldn’t help but ask.

Scratching his head, Jack answered, "I’d say each floor is at least the size of the Leisure Guild’s property. It’s also ninety-nine floors deep, so don’t get lost in there."

"Ninety-nine floors..." The smile on Hadurt’s face had almost become a fresh tattoo, permanent and free of wrinkles or fading. "Are we able to--"

"No!" Jack outright rejected what Hadurt was about to propose. "That dungeon was notoriously known to be used for hundred man raids. There was only one person stupid enough to run it alone, so don’t even think of trying to clear the place, not yet."

Curious, Hadurt asked, "And who was stupid enough to run it solo?"

"That would be me!" Jack shouted proudly. "But back then heroes wouldn’t outright die. Instead, we would get resurrected at a nearby town or temple. That’s how I eventually managed to sneak my way through to the boss floor and chip away at the boss until the crypt lord finally died. Nowadays, what I did wouldn’t even be considered clearing the dungeon."


"Hadurt, I promise you that we’ll clear the place eventually. How else will I be able to become stronger? And if it took one hundred ancient heroes, I imagine that a single party with the help of a god could..."

Jack paused. With that thought in mind, Jack started to question everything. A single question could change everything he had planned thus far.

What if a god carried me through Earthen Keep?

"Jack, are you thinking what I’m thinking?"

Looking back to Hadurt’s ever-growing smile, Jack nodded. "We’ll discuss that later. Stick to what we discussed for now while I handle some matters of the guild and prepare to visit Rikko."

Looking at Jack curiously, Lorwynn asked, "But weren’t you going to visit Rikko after the election? Why the sudden change of mind?"

"There’s something that’s come up so I’ll be leaving sooner," replied Jack. "I’ll still launch my campaign before I go, but I’ll leave after guaranteeing my seat. There’s something I must urgently discuss with Rikko. Sadly, Jin left before I could even offer him a contact crystal... otherwise, I’d discuss that matter with him."

"Then if there’s nothing else, allow me to--"

"There’s one last thing," Jack added, getting up from his chair. He walked toward Lorwynn and smiled. "I want to form a pact with you."

"Huh? Why should I--"

"This pact links us telepathically and allows us both to share skills. And though I don’t have any active skills to share, I have plenty of passive skills that would interest you," stated Jack.

"... Keep talking."

Jack smiled wider. "Basically, it will give you half of my passive skills, including increased mana capacity, mana regeneration, and my beast companion bloodline skill that lets me use my mutual companion’s bloodline, as well as many other skills. How else could I make a flame body like Bowzer’s?"

"WHAT?!" Pushing Lorwynn out of the way, Hadurt eagerly stepped in front of Jack. "Make a pact with me! Come on, why waste it on him?"

"I’ll make one with both of you," Jack laughed, putting his hands up in attempt to calm Hadurt’s eagerness. "I just need to make sure I form one with Lorwynn before Sterfen takes him away. Alright?"

"Okay... but I’m next!"

With Hadurt getting out of Lorwynn’s way, the mage sighed. "I’m willing to make the pact, just make sure there are no negative side effects."

"That’s the last thing I need to mention," added Jack. "There’s one single downside to this pact, but it won’t mean much to either of you thanks to your strange circumstances."

"And that is...?" Lorwynn wanted to learn why the pact was too good to be true.

Jack sighed and continued, "This pact will take half of all the EXP that either of you will gain from now on. Know that there is a version of the pact with that condition removed, so when it comes time for you to ascend we can alter the pact and remove that condition."

Visibly uncomfortable, Lorwynn shook his head. "That’s quite a condition, Jack. I’m not sure--"

"That’s it?! No problem!" Hadurt shouted, gladly agreeing and looking at the startled Lorwynn. "What? We’ll waste all EXP after reaching lv. 89 anyway, so why not help him become a god sooner?"

"That..." Lorwynn struggled to find a counterargument to Hadurt’s reasoning. "But how could you give up so easily?"

"I’m not giving up!" Hadurt yelled in retort. "With him becoming a god sooner, I’ll become a god sooner! Then, we can charge through Earthen Keep together! This is a great solution!"

The former holy champion didn’t want to accept such a blatantly negative thing as positive, but their strange situation did make sense of it. With nothing else to say, Lorwynn sighed. "Fine... I’ll agree to the pact."

Since there was no more arguing, both Lorwynn and Hadurt knelt down, letting Jack perform the pact. Once each of them had finished, Lorwynn departed with Sterfen and Hadurt rushed to Dragov to test his increased strength.

Kims followed Hadurt around, always trying to find a moment to learn from the former chaotic champion.

Kaldor and Zariff also left, soon finding Ilgor to guide them around the guild and show them where they would be working.

Only Jack’s party was left in the office, that was until Rydel and Trax left to go train together. Though they couldn’t level up through basic combat training, they could sharpen each other’s skills. Maynard did similar, seeking out a small courtyard to diligently train his new abilities gifted from Jin.

The women all waited for Jack to say what came next, especially Eliza who wanted to ask about their upcoming trip to visit Dragas. And Lina was already playing with Bowzer and Phoro, enjoying their soft fur and feathers.

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