
Chapter 582 - The World Trees Administrator (2/2)

Chapter 582: The World Tree’s Administrator (2/2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Link was adjusting his body’s Realm Essence power when Halino and Eugene came to him.

With Evelina’s own blood as a model and Bryant’s aid and knowledge, Link now had a better understanding of Royal High Elf blood.

Of course, he still did not possess the actual thing, but his Realm Essence power was able to mimic certain properties of Royal High Elf blood.

At this stage, Link’s Realm Essence power was now able to pass for the real thing. Even Evelina could not tell the difference, though it was in part due to the fact that her blood was impure. However, as a Magician, Link was obsessed with detail. He had personally experienced the power of pure Royal High Elf blood through his clashes with Milda, Ariel, and the High Elf Queen. Whenever he found a flaw in his replication of Royal High Elf blood, it was as if something would gnaw on him until he smoothed it out completely. Link even felt that he would not be able to sleep well for nights if the matter remained unresolved.

Three seconds after Halino saw Link, his expression changed. He then said, “What’s wrong with you? When did you become a member of the Royal High Elf family? Have you gone mad?”

Eugene was even more observant. “Lord of Ferde, your power’s grown purer. Why, you could even pass yourself off as an actual Royal High Elf! This is amazing!”

Hearing this, Link frowned. “What tipped you off? Did you sense a flaw in it?”

Eugene shook his head. “No, there’s no flaw. That’s the thing. It’s too perfect. There’s always a flaw or two in everything, even a Royal High Elf’s power. You simply tried too hard.”

“I see. It would seem that my powers of imitation aren’t quite up to your level yet,” said Link with a faint smile. Putting aside the matter of the Royal High Elf blood, he then said, “I need to know how you intend to disrupt the High Elves’ machinations. Do you plan on destroying the World Tree?”

According to Bryant’s memories, the World Tree was not a High Elf creation. It had existed since time immemorial. The High Elves had simply settled under its shade.

In order to occupy the area around the World Tree, the High Elves were forced to pay a huge price. They had to adjust their own power and lifestyle in order to adapt to the World Tree’s power. For 3000 years, the High Elves had coexisted with the World Tree, gradually forming the symbiotic relationship between the two that existed today.

This relationship was akin to that of a lion and the fleas sucking blood off its body. The World Tree was the lion, and the High Elves were the blood-sucking fleas. But these fleas had been sucking blood off this gigantic lion for a long time. They knew how to steer it in a more favorable direction.

On the other hand, it was simply impossible for other fleas outside the Isle of Dawn to turn this lion around.

At least, Link did not know how to do such a thing.

Halino shook his head. “The World Tree is indestructible. Its power is limitless. Its roots are planted directly into the core of Firuman. Destroying it would mean destroying all of Firuman.”

“Then what should we do?” Link was now even more curious.

Before, he had assumed that Halino had no idea just how terrible the World Tree’s power was. Judging from his explanation, the Light Magician seemed to know a lot more about it than Link himself. Since he knew something that Link did not, he must have some sort of inkling to stop the High Elves. This was all the more reason for Link to listen to what Halino had to say next.

Link pricked his ears up, listening attentively to Halino now.

Eugene, the Dark Magician, added, “The World Tree is a magical relic passed down from ancient times. In a way, it’s like a huge tree-shaped magical puppet, which isn’t all that different from the tower spirit Lily that you had developed recently. The World Tree implements a user authority system similar to your Mage Tower’s, which also offers supreme administrative authority over the tree itself. As far as we knew, none of the High Elves were given such an honor. According to legend, this authority was carved on a stone tablet.”

“Supreme administrative authority? On a stone tablet?” Link grew even more curious. There was no mention of this in the game. He had always assumed that the World Tree was simply an ancient tree whose existence was similar to a guardian deity. He never knew that the tree was a magical creation.

If such a stone tablet existed, wouldn’t it automatically grant anyone wielding it the power to destroy the whole world? thought Link.

This piece of information had come as a surprise to him. The fate of the world could literally be in anyone’s hands. Link would not have minded if the stone tablet was in the hands of someone he could trust to keep the world in one piece. However, it would be a different story if it fell in a demon’s hands.

The Light Magician Halino was thinking the same thing. He shot a sideways look at Eugene and said, “Also, according to legend, this tablet was called the Book of Creation. It was torn to shreds by the Storm Lord during a great war in the past. As a result, no one in this world has had complete administrative authority over the World Tree for a long time.”

“The Book of Creation was destroyed?” Link jolted. Halino had mentioned the Storm Lord. Incidentally, Link’s Ode of a Full Moon sword had once belonged to the Storm Lord in its previous life. It should know something about this.

Ignorant of the origin of Link’s sword, Halino continued, “The original Book of Creation was lost forever, never to resurface in this world. However, its fragments were found. At the moment, there are three known fragments of the Book that still exist in this world. One is in the hands of the High Elves, another one is in the dragon’s possession, and the third one is somewhere in the far north. Any one of these fragments would be enough to give you some power over the World Tree. Maybe this will put an end to the High Elves’ madness.”

“Sounds hard.” Link was now extremely fascinated by this. Still, he managed to keep his face expressionless. His voice also remained impassive as he spoke.

Seeing Link’s expressionless face, Halino assumed that Link was still not aware of the gravity of their situation. He continued, “Lord of Ferde, you must understand, the High Elves’ plan to reunite the two realms will set off a magical disruption across the entire continent. At that moment, ordinary folk may not feel a thing, but without the World Tree’s protection, more powerful Magicians will be severely affected by the disruption. If nothing is done to stop this from happening, our powers will go out of control, and we’ll all perish!”

Realization came over Link’s face. That was the reason why both Eugene and Halino had come to him for his help together. It seemed that Link would not be spared by the effects of this magical disruption as well.

However, he was no longer that young Magician who would be easily swayed by the words of others. He had power and influence of his own. He could decide what to do based on his own judgment.

Though the matter was indeed serious, Link and his companions had already considered the possibility of a magical disruption and devised a proper countermeasure against it.

Noticing that Link’s face was still inert, Eugene said, “If you think you can weather this storm safely, then I think you should know about the second effect of the two realms’ reunification.”

“Tell me,” said Link.

“The second most terrifying thing about it is that there is a world crack in the Korora Mountain range. Once the two realms are reunited, the stabilizing runestones around the crack will lose its effect, and the crack will then open up. Not saying that the world will end immediately at that point, but the God of Destruction will definitely take advantage of this opening to slip back into our world and bring about its end!

“This is certainly worrying.” Link nodded, but he and the others had also already thought of this problem. According to Bryant’s memories, the reunification process would not be immediate. Its early stages would take at least two years. Also, Link had already collected 224 Jogu pieces at the moment. He was close to reaching 300 Jogu pieces, which was the amount he had agreed to compensate Aisenis the Traveling Magician with for his services.

Two years was more than enough time to repair the crack. It was not as serious as Eugene made it out to be.

Though he acknowledged the seriousness of what the two Legendary Magicians had told him, Link decided still to remain impassive to all this. Halino and Eugene looked at each other, visibly even more troubled than before.

How could the lord not be concerned over the dangers a magical disruption and the world crack posed? Could it be that he already had some sort of countermeasure to deal with both threats? Could it be that Link planned to take refuge in the Isle of Dawn by replicating Royal High Elf blood in his veins?

Finally, the Light Magician said, “My lord, are these two things not enough for you to step in and stop the High Elves’ madness?”

Link shook his head, “No, you misunderstand me. I don’t really think that the situation is as bad as you claimed. Maybe I’m just being optimistic, but I think the two of you may be exaggerating things a bit. I’ll need to look into this personally if I’m going to decide on anything.”

“Alright then.” Halino did not know what else to say. Link spoke the truth. Both of them might have gotten carried away when they came to him with their problems. This young man was different from them. He held power over a huge territory. He had a terrifyingly powerful Mage Tower and countless fearsome subordinates under him. Basically, Link was more powerful and wiser than the two of them. It would not be an easy task to persuade him to see their way.

Deep down, Halino was disappointed. The lord of Ferde was someone he had wanted as an ally. It was a shame that things did not go his way. He sighed and said, “But I’m sure that you’ll arrive at the same conclusion as us after seeing things for yourself.”

“You’re wasting your breath, Halino,” said Eugene the Dark Magician cynically.

Link was not offended by Eugene’s words. He smiled and said, “The two of you have come a long way just to see me. There’s no need to get all upset, just because we don’t see things the same way. Come, it’s already lunchtime. Why don’t we have lunch together?”

Halino shook his head. “No thanks, we need to find other potential allies. We’ll be paying Dragon Valley a visit, and then maybe the Mountain Sage later.”

“Alright, enough talk, Halino. Let’s go, we don’t have much time!” said Eugene. His body was already starting to dissipate. He then leaped out of a window and soared a few thousand feet into the sky. Before long, he vanished into the distance.

Halino shrugged his shoulders. “Lord of Ferde, don’t pay him any mind. Eugene’s always had a nasty temper, though he’s been in a fouler mood than usual these days.”

“Of course. Have a safe journey,” said Link, smiling.

Halino nodded, then turned around and left the place.

When the two of them were gone, Link placed his hand on the handle of his sword. He then asked it telepathically, “Did he Storm Lord really shatter the Book of Creation?”

The Ode of a Full Moon sword replied, “I think he did break some stone tablet before. Or maybe it was me. It’s been too long. My memory’s a bit fuzzy, let me think about it for a moment.”

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