
Chapter 1360: Encountering the Queen Again

Chapter 1360: Encountering the Queen Again

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

Sheyan looked at Old A, then at Aldaris. He did not say anything, but his meaning was obvious.

Aldaris snorted coldly. He made the deal with Old A and let go of him.

The Monster of Calamity had come to them with incomparable oppressiveness. Every time its giant mechanical foot trampled down, even the tough metallic street would sink down, leaving behind potholes everywhere. Metallic fragments and parts would also fly around!

Then, a round entrance opened up on the abdomen of the Monster of Calamity, and a flat oval platform glided down. This entrance was made with the latest Protoss floating technology. After the three contestants stepped on the platform, it automatically floated up and into the body of the Monster of Calamity.

Inside the war machine’s body, Sheyan told Ronnie and Aldaris that he was exhausted and needed to rest in a private room. The two of them did not think much of it.

But right after the metal door closed behind Sheyan, he suddenly collapsed on the floor, gasping heavily for breath. His feet felt weak and his body was fatigued. However, his cheeks felt very comfortable thanks to the cold metallic floor.

“What the hell is happening? Was I attacked by someone without me realising it?” Sheyan instantly tried to recall the events of the previous battle... He had courageously rushed into the midst of the enemies while enduring all their attacks. During this process, he had used the honorary dosage and ‘Gloryheal’, as well as activated SARS!

The terrifying virus broke out instantly, infecting all the enemies around him. The frightened expressions on their faces were still engraved in Sheyan’s memory. Then, a Psionic Storm once agains swept through the battlefield, reaping away HP with its violent energy. Under the dual attack of disease and storm, the temporary defensive line of the enemies immediately collapsed. They fled in fear.

Ronnie constantly emerged from the darkness behind the enemy’s back like a grim reaper. His horrible Blood Weapon silently traced lines of blood in the air, carving up the enemies’ bodies. It was then that Baganbu, Old A and Pacino summoned up their courage and united together to fight back. They proved to be a real handful for Sheyan’s side to deal with. During that time, Aldaris was beaten back into his human form from his Archon state. More than half of Sheyan’s injuries were also sustained during that period.

Unfortunately, the rest of their group did not seize the opportunity to counter attack together with them, but had continued fleeing instead. This caused their resistance to become a futile attempt.

All three; Baganbu, Old A and Pacino, who stayed behind to fight, were powerful, but they were no match for Sheyan’s side in terms of both individual strength and team strength, say nothing of team configuration. The side with an MT was bound to have a huge advantage.

The final outcome of this match was Pacino summoning a saber-toothed tiger to cover his retreat. Baganbu was killed, while Old A surrendered...

“I didn’t suffer any serious injuries. Why do I feel so weak? I feel like my life is being sucked out of me...” Sheyan pondered on the problem over and over until his consciousness started to blur... He felt as if he had been in here for a long time, but in truth, it had been less than 20 seconds since he entered the place.

Suddenly, a pair of strong hands held Sheyan up. The hands belonged to Pontin. Annie, who followed close behind him, started using her psionic powers to carry out basic treatment for Sheyan. After that, she put on an oxygen mask for Sheyan and placed him in a treatment capsule in the newly built infirmary.

Because the Monster of Calamity was built from Protoss materials and the combined design ideologies of the humans and the Protoss, the same was true for the medical facilities built in it. After Sheyan was placed in the capsule, an invisible gas seemed to hold him up inside. The gas slowly turned pale blue. It first cleaned the wounds on Sheyan’s body, then started moving in and out of the wounds.

If one were to look closely, they would see dirt, sand, and pus in and around the wounds being gradually removed. Then, as the pale blue smoke penetrated in and out of the wounds, Sheyan’s skin gradually turned transparent. The smoke extended into his body along his blood vessels and tendons, circling around them repeatedly.

The smoke did not seem to do anything, but if a high-precision inspection was carried out, it could be seen that the lactic acid, hormones and other things that had been deposited in the muscles due to excessive activity had all been removed. Everywhere the smoke passed through, the muscle fibers would slowly relax until they were completely loose, like the muscles of a baby in a mother’s womb.

Under such repair works, some tiny wounds had even started appearing on Sheyan’s body, dripping out blood that had a tint of black to it. His lungs were also wriggling quickly under the stimulation of the pale blue smoke, squeezing out some of the dust he had inhaled...

A device next to the capsule started displaying a series of statistics showing Sheyan’s condition. Annie carefully observed the operation. She would exclaim with surprise from time to time.

After a while, Pontin came over and frowned as he saw the still unconscious Sheyan.

“When will the Brigadier General wake up?”

“His vital signs are all normal, even better than than that of an ordinary healthy person. The only problem is that his brain waves are quite weak – in fact, they’re completely beyond my level of understanding. Unfortunately, we don’t have any drugs that can enhance the brain waves without causing major side effects,” Annie’s brows furrowed with worry.


As Sheyan lay unconscious in the treatment capsule, his thoughts were very disorderly, as if his memories had been shattered into numerous pieces and were now being put together again one by one.

He sometimes felt like his entire body was burning, and sometimes felt like he had fallen into an icy vault. Such extreme but contradictory sensations almost made his senses collapse. He wanted to scream, but found that he could not make a sound. He wanted to struggling violently, but found his limbs devoid of strength!

Suddenly, Sheyan opened his eyes!

He slowly exhaled a long breath. His head felt like it was about to burst. The sensations from before teetered uncertainly between real and illusory; they felt so realistic, yet so vague.

Sheyan inhaled deeply and let out another long breath. He could already guess the reason why he became so weak. It probably had something to do with G-spot. Although the powerful liquid metal life-form could transform into various powerful weapons, it also had a major side effect, and that was, it would absorb the vitality of its wielder.

Sheyan checked his Nightmare Imprint. He immediately saw a string of notifications:

[ Emergency Protection Mission: ‘Unnamed’, mission code 1A90YT completed. ]

[ Pontin has successfully created an incomparably powerful war machine, the Monster of Calamity. Further evaluation shows that this unit type is the most powerful ground weapon that can be mass produced in this world so far! Therefore, you have obtained the highest evaluation rating. ]

[ Mission Reward: 16 achievement points (highest evaluation rating + 4, legend level + 2) ]

At this time, the others had noticed Sheyan waking up. Annie opened the treatment capsule in a hurry and waited next to it with a new set of combat clothes. Sheyan took the sedatives and painkillers she offered while holding his throbbing head. He gulped them down in one go, then let out a heavy breath.

“How long was I out for?” he asked.

“About an hour. 73 minutes to be exact,” answered Annie.

Sheyan was surprised to hear that. “That long? What’s the situation outside?”

“The Queen of Blades appears to have the upper hand all around. Her forces are already very close to the Keystone. Your friend, Major Ronnie, hopes that we can move closer, because he said an enemy named Artemis may appear there at any moment,” Annie replied respectfully.

Sheyan walked out of the infirmary and soon reached the central control room through the passages. He could not help gasping in surprise at what he saw. Pontin’s techniques were truly amazing; he had advanced far beyond what Sheyan had imagined.

Even in the interior of the Monster of Calamity, Sheyan did not feel any shaking from its movements at all. Only when Sheyan looked outside did he realise that the war machine was currently in combat. It appeared that both the Protoss and the Zerg had realised the threat posed by this behemoth and had sent troops to attack it, but the deadly rays emitted by the giant thermal laser cannons were so powerful that they destroyed everything in their paths!

What’s more, there were four of these red rays of terror, each of them three metres thick!

On the other hand, the damages done by the Zerg and the Protoss on the Monster of Calamity were close to negligible. Facing the astonishing thickness of its armour, it would probably require a whole squad of Dragoons to fire at the same time at the same spot to cause enough damage to overcome the armour. However, dense formations like that were like ripe grains in front of the giant thermal laser cannons, ready to be harvested!

On the Zerg side, the biggest threats to the Monster of Calamity were actually the kamikaze Scourges. The splashing acid produced when they self-destructed were truly tyrannical, as it was extremely corrosive to any kinds of metal! Each exploding Scourge would leave a pit at least half a meter wide on the external metallic armour of the Monster of Calamity. The pits were as ugly as scars, and the defensive value of the corroded armour continued to plummet.

Fortunately, a large amount of Vespene gas was needed to hatch Scourges, so their numbers were limited. In addition, the Zerg’s aerial force was currently their biggest weakness. And with the abnormally skilled Pontin among the crew of the Monster of Calamity, the speed of maintenance was increased by 100%, so the threat of the Scourges was well contained!

Suddenly, an urgent warning blared inside the Monster of Calamity.

“Warning! Warning! The Queen of Blades has been sighted!”

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