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Chapter 333

The couple didn’t have any more important things to do in the Underworld . Although the presence at the South was still bugging Arthur, he wasn’t willing to go out of his way to provoke it as it’ll for sure bring a lot of trouble .

Actually, Arthur was curious about the mysterious man who helped them five years ago, however, as per the granny’s words, he already left this high-Realm .

Bai Lingyue was a middle-aged man who was respected by the leaders of the Underworld and even treated as a Senior . Although he didn’t participate in the bloody battle, he still wished to aid the couple for unknown reasons .

The granny didn’t disclose too much information about him but she still said that he originates from the Azure Realm . One of the hundred most powerful High-Realms .

. . . . . . . . . .

"What’s the meaning of this?! How was he kidnapped right under your fucking eyes?"

Claudia snapped at the guards who were supposed to be secretly protecting him from events like this . Unfortunately, they remembered nothing about the whole matter . One second they were watching at the young master was enjoying himself in the bar and the next they were already on the ground, unable to comprehend what happened to their High Stealth skill to deactivate and how did the young master vanish into thin air .

"T-the opponent was just too powerfu-"

Claudia cut him off as her face reddened with anger . She already regrew her lost limb after spending an astronomical amount of money to buy the highest kind of Health Potion and one of the well-known High Priests on Earth .

The anger and humiliation she suffered in her short trip were unleashed upon these two poor bastards who couldn’t stop Lucy from taking the bastard .

Not only was she ridiculed and severely injured, her precious son was also kidnapped and she doesn’t even have the means to find him .

It has already been a few days yet no one contacted her and her subordinates were unable to find any trace of him, which infuriated her even more .

"Oh don’t spout that bullshit to me! I didn’t hire you to make such lame excuses! You are supposed to be professionals for fuck’s sake!"

In a fit of anger, the woman kicked the table and flipped the chair as the two middle-aged men emotionlessly watched her without commenting . They failed their job and she has every right to scream at them like albeit being annoying .


She pointed at the door while shouting hysterically . She’s almost on the verge of ripping her hair from the anger . Everything was going smoothly until a few days ago, she horribly failed her mission and her son was captured out of nowhere .

Just as she was busy trying to find solutions, her phone rang and upon seeing the identity of the caller, Claudia frowned and hesitated for a few seconds before picking up

"Emm, Greetings CEO Josef . "

She and Josef were barely friends, she wasn’t able to seduce him and her unique skills failed when cast on him . Although she has seduced officials from the government and is richer than most of the people on Earth, she is still lacking compared to a few individuals, including Josef, CEO of Lobisoft .

"Yes, hello Miss Claudia . "

Claudia inwardly cursed him for this call . She was certain that he called her because he needs something, just like everybody . In any case, she was going to politely decline as she’s busy with too many bullshit and a request from Josef wouldn’t be something easy to do or acquire .

Unfortunately, her expectations were betrayed by the next words she heard .

"Miss, I heard some unpleasant news regarding your long and lost relative . "

Claudia froze for a few seconds, unable to reply or even move her lips . Only after ten full seconds did she bite her teeth and bitterly answer

"I’m not sure what you are talking about, CEO Josef . "

"Oh but I’m sure you do . . . it’s your son, after all . "

Ever since she gave birth to her son, Claudia made sure he never appeared public . She was certain no one knows of his existence, which is why she was so shocked when she heard Josef speak of the matter so casually .

Heck! She isolated him for fifteen years and only let him see the outside when he became an adult . It was too late to regret not being more cautious so Claudia could only sigh and stop feigning ignorance as it’ll complicate things a lot more .

"CEO Josef, are you trying to blackmail me?"

A burst of laughter rang in her ears as Josef seemed to enjoy more than expected .

"Hahahaha no no no, by all means, I’m trying to help you . More precisely, guide you toward the safest path . "

Still not understanding, Claudia questioned:

"What do you mean?"

"See, Miss Claudia, my little birds told me about a recent kidnapping . Well, it doesn’t personally concern me but I thought you may be interested . "

The angry woman remained silent, unable to find the right words to respond to him . She just waited for him to continue and say what he wants .

"Since I’m such a generous man, I’ll give you the first piece of information for free!"

Josef could hear her gritting her teeth loudly which made him even more amused . He paused for a few seconds to make her tenser then resumed

"Your son is not dead, however, you should hurry up before he eats himself hahahaha"

"W-wait wait!"

Josef was planning to hang up and call her tomorrow to provide more information IF she was willing to pay up . He hesitated for a seconds before picking the phone again and saying

"What! You’re already eager to know more?"

"What do you mean eats himself? Explain yourself!"

"Hahahahahhaha why should I? I’ve already done you a big favor by investigating into a dangerous matter . Of course, you’re free to report me to the authorities if you want hahahaha"

The call ended with his laughter, which kept ringing inside Claudia’s head . It was fortunate her only son was still living but the situation didn’t change .

She suspected Josef’s involvement but soon gave up on such speculation as he would gain nothing from her and they didn’t have any previous enmity for them to go after each other’s family .


"Sir, did something good happen?"

The secretary of Josef, who’s usually silent and expressionless, frowned upon seeing the man laugh nonstop while staring at the windows .

"Indeed, something very, very good, hahahahahah"

His laughter continued for a long while before it turned into soft chuckles . Arthur requested of him to call Claudia and say this and that . It was merely to make her nervous and uneasy . She would literally think of everybody but Arthur, the husband she killed herself a few years ago .

There is one more trade that occurred between him and his dear old friend . Lucy provided him with an astronomical amount of money in exchange for the chip . What’s more, it wasn’t a permanent exchange but a temporary one . He’ll keep the money even when they return the chip to its owner, or so said Arthur .

Honestly, Josef trusted Arthur and he was sure that the chip will be safer in his hands so he accepted the offer almost immediately . After all he had seen, it was apparent that it isn’t a simple storage but something more dangerous .

"Hey, you two, how strong do you think they are?"

Obviously, Josef was talking to his ever-so-silent bodyguards, who are always standing next to him . After a long silence, the oldest one spoke with a deep voice

"Uncertain . The woman seems to be as strong as the man and from their contained aura, I would say they are a league above the Goddess . "

The Goddess he was talking about was obviously Miya, who’s known as the strongest being alive on Earth . It’s a shame that she went back to her home . . . . but it’s not like anyone knows of this matter .

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