
Chapter 62 - Dispair And Anger

Chapter 62 - Dispair And Anger

Easily avoiding the shots effortlessly he kneeled and opened the passenger side door and using it to shield his body. He lifted his steady arm and closed his eye as he aimed and fired shot after shot. He had outstanding marksmanship and would never waste any shot. The dark night sky only made it easier for Dean, he wouldn\'t miss a target whereas these men were sloppy with their aim.

One, two, three the men dropped quickly to the tarmac, their bodies lay limp and blood pooled onto the ground. Dean couldn\'t ease up just yet, if he was alone he would rush out but he had April with him and he didnt want any mistakes when it came to her safety.

The men hadn\'t expected Dean to return fire so rapidly. They had him pinned, alone and hoped he was unarmed, they expected he would be a simple mark.

But Dean had taken down half of the men now and the other half had taken cover in their Alligator SUV and the ditch beside them. For Dean, this wasn\'t the first time someone had tried to end his life and it wouldn\'t be the last. If you had power, influence or money you became a target for others greed. The men hid in the long grass now covered in mud waiting for a chance to fight back.

April got out of the car and hurried around to the bonnet, there was now smoke coming from the car, it was hard to see in the dark. She knew she needed to get the car going again so they could flee. She hoisted the bonnet of the car and the intense heat of the car bonnet slightly burnt her hands.

"This... aghh". Her hands throbbed, but she ignored it and rushed to open the bonnet.

She shook her hands that stung slightly and looked at the engine. Fanning the smoke away she noticed it looked like they had flooded the engine leading to a clogged fuel filter. They would need a replacement filter and they hadn\'t got the time or the resources for her to fix it.

April knew that Michael was on his way they just needed to buy some time.

She heard a noise and turned her head to the side only to see one of the men that had been hiding in the tall grass verge that they had skidded into emerge and rush up from behind the car.

She glanced at Dean, he now stood tall keeping the other men at bay by shooting at them. His tall stature would make many tremble in fear. She did not know why these men had attacked them but she was sure any that survived the shootout, their end would be lengthy and agonizing.

Bang... Bang... Bang...

Dean didn\'t see the man as he rushed towards him from the tall grass with his gun drawn and pointed straight at him.

April had no time to think, she saw red, she hurried to Dean and pulled him back with as much force as she could gather. Her adrenaline allowed her the strength to pull Dean back instantly and she stood in front of him.


April felt the intense heat and burn as she was hit. Her legs wobbled but her inner strength kept her standing. She continued to stand tall, arms spread protecting his body with her own, she felt the need to protect Dean.

Dean looked up and couldn\'t believe his angel had pulled him down so easily and he had ended up on the ground astounded as he looked up in disbelief as she stood in front of him, protecting him with her arms spread open.

Hearing the bang Dean finally had discerned why she had rushed up and protected him so fiercely. A man had managed to seek up on him. He watched in horror as April took the bullet intended for him and as she wobbled on her feet.


Dean was livid he stood straight and tall, with furious intent and shot the man who had dared to sneak upon him. It was a head shot and the man fell to the ground as blood trickled from his head.

Bang... Bang... Bang...

April\'s head was foggy but she saw a car and hoped that it was Micheal. There was also another two cars behind coming towards them. She sighed with relief and felt a weight lifted off her chest. She started to feel woozy and spots appeared in front of her eyes.

Dean pulled her towards his chest and cradled her in his strong warm arms. She felt a chill and the cold spread on her body. Their car was still under fire and Dean pulled April back inside. He held her in his arms she was so fearless and so brave to protect him, he was proud of her. He heard a trembling voice and glanced down.

"Are you hurt?" April reached up and held his face, stroking it softly. He had dried blood on his temple from earlier.

"Hmm." He smiled down at her warmly.

With that being his only response she looked up at Dean, he had blood on his left arm that hugged her, she frowned. She couldn\'t see any major signs of trauma so she took a deep breath and then relaxed. As long as he was safe she thought.

Dean looked at his beautiful April her skin was paler than usual and her lips now even redder against her ivory skin. As she started to shiver he held her closer, hoping to warm her body.

April smiled up at Dean before closing her eyes to the darkness. She tried to stay awake, tried to give him some words of reassurance but she hadn\'t the strength or energy.

Dean panicked, his eyes widened when he saw her eyes close slowly, her body then gradually went limp in his arms. His jaw tightened and he held her as despair and anger filled his body.

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