
Chapter 37 - Couldnt Help Herself

Chapter 37 - Couldn\'t Help Herself

April watched as Dean left the the condo and she shook her head, yes was he was helping her move her mothers paintings and he was a great help but she didn\'t ask and she could have carried them herself. For once though it was nice having someone do something for her without even asking.

She had a small smile on her face as she started preparing dinner for the two of them. Not too long later Dean appeared at the door with the rest of the paintings. He literally lifted them like they weighed nothing, she couldn\'t help but stare at his body. Did he workout? She turned quickly and restarted making dinner.

Dean looked up at April as he walked to her art room and she was caught glancing over. Dean had noticed the flush on her cheeks he felt happy he had spent all that time and effort working out so he could make her blush.

He walked into the art room and decided to look around, alrhough he liked making her blush he wanted to give her time to get used to his presence and not be so flustered around him.

The room had everything an artist could need bright light, paint, paint brushes, canvases and an easel. He had set the ten canvas paintings against the wall and then he glanced around. He spotted some more paintings resting against the wall and walked over to take a look.

The first and second paintings were of contemporary landscapes and the next was a young girl if he wasn\'t mistaken it looked like a younger version of April. The last one was a smaller canvases than the others so it drew his attention.

He let out a small laugh and he smirked this was undoubtedly a portrait of him and it could only of been painted by April. He looked out the door and saw she was busy cooking. He hid his smile and put back the paintings against the wall again and joined her in the kitchen.

He was very happy that shw had spent the time to paint him from onky meeting him a few times, she was either very attentive to detail or he was also on her mind. He returned to her side with a spring in his step and hope in his heart.

He took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves to help her but he suddenly felt hands on his back as she pushed him towards the living room. He could feel her small delicate hands on his large muscular back, he wanted to hold her but he held back as he knew she wasn\'t ready.

"Go sit." April knew he was trying to help but she knew he would only make her nervous if he helped so she sent him to relax in the living room.

Dean looked over his shoulder and smiled, she was quite bossy when she wanted to be and he enjoyed her attention, "You sure? I can..."

April interrupted, "Nope sit, relax. I will be done soon."

April returned to the kitchen and Dean sat down, he could get used to this he thought to himself. Her house was warm, bright and comfortable. It probably had to do with the fact she was there that he liked it so much so he sat back and relaxed.

April finished up dinner and plated up, she set the table and then called Dean, "Dean..." Hearing no response she walked over to the sofa and she couldn\'t help but giggle. Dean was snoring away on her sofa, he looked very cute. She couldn\'t help herself so she poked his cheek and he murmured making her laugh again.

"Dean dinners ready." After speaking April returned to the kitchen to get them some drinks she didn\'t want him to be embarrassed and she couldn\'t help but giggle.

Dean woke hearing her sweet voice and saw her beautiful face, he realised he wanted to wake up every morning to her stunning emerald eyes, red lips and adorable smile. He heard her giggling at him and he smiled as he stood up to join her as he saw her walk to the dinner table.

He pulled out her chair as she was about to pull it out and he saw her stop for a moment before she sat down. He then sat down opposite her and beamed up. Would he get this everyday? In that case he would rush home from work, "Thanks for dinner."

"Its nothing, just dinner. Don\'t think to much about it." April was shy and wasn\'t used to compliments so she kept her head down and took a sip of water.

"So I wanna get to know my friend." Dean announced smiling his mega watt smile at her.

April couldn\'t help but internally sigh. What was she supposed to tell him, I\'ve lived and died in another life? We have met before? Thinking of that incident where they had met in her past life the date would be this Saturday.

"So this Saturday you said you have no plans?" April decided to dodge the question and ask one of her own.

"Definitely no plans, what are we doing?" Dean answered straight away, of course he was free anything for her.

"We?" April had only asked him his plans, she didn\'t expect to volunteer herself to babysit him so he wouldn\'t get hurt this time.

"Yes we, you have asked me twice now so I presume you want to take your friend out or do you want me to take you out. Either is fine with me, as long as its you I will ditch any other plans." Dean rambled which made April\'s head spin.

How did she get lumbered with accompanying him. Sighing she replied, "Fine, I\'ll keep you company. You choose, anywhere but The Empire Hotel or near it is fine."

Dean\'s head snapped up and looked at her quizzically, that\'s where they met in his past life. Why did she not want to go there?

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