
Chapter 98 - No One Likes You

Chapter 98 - No One Likes You

Dawn held her head high. She had to stand up with Daryn\'s decision. She glanced around and saw that at the end of the hall Azura was standing, sipping wine along with Jason and— Her heartbeat accelerated when she saw that Jason was holding the hands of a girl who looked familiar. Refusing to believe what she just saw, she stared at them again and then her eyes met with Niall\'s—the girl who had been her nemesis, the girl who didn\'t leave a stone unturned to make her life miserable back in the University. What was she doing here out of all the places in the world? Her eyes went to Azura who was also looking in their direction. His expressions were dark as if clouds had gathered over his head. And how did he know Niall? What connection did she have with Jason?

Time seemed to slow down. Was she imagining things? All at once Jason bent his head and spoke something in Niall\'s ears on which she tittered. No. This was real. Dawn gulped. Her body flushed as nervousness, anger and anticipation crept in. The heaviness in the air stifled her.

Daryn led her up to Brad and Maya. Her mother was standing right beside her. She extended her hand to Daryn and said, "Daryn, hun, how have you been? It\'s been so long since we saw you." She completely ignored Dawn on purpose.

Murmurs started picking up in the hall.

"I am fine," he replied curtly.

"Daryn darling," said Maya and hurled herself on him. She embraced him tightly. "I had been waiting for you." Dawn was so embarrassed that she tried to pull herself away from Daryn but he clutched her tightly, almost poking his fingers in her flesh, urging her to stay there. Maya held his hand on the other side and tried to pull him off Dawn, but he stood firmly without replying, which stopped her in instantly. She looked at him with embarrassment.

Brad didn\'t want a spectacle. Acknowledging Dawn was like a nightmare. He wasn\'t expecting it at all. His gaze traveled to Neal who stood there behind the couple like their knight trying to read his thoughts but his stony hard face didn\'t give away anything. So he looked back at Daryn and shook his hands "Hello Son."

"Hello Brad," he replied in a steely voice. "Meet my girlfriend, Dawn," Daryn said with a voice filled with warmth as he looked tenderly at Dawn.

No one reacted. No one welcomed her.

Dawn dug her toes in her heels. There was so much awkwardness, so much discomfiture that Dawn wanted to go away from there. This was a bad idea. It was turning into a nightmare. "I\'ll be right back," she said and walked out of there. As she paced, she bit her lips to shove the burning sensation in her eyes. Wasn\'t it expected? What was she thinking? That they would burst confetti when Daryn would declare that she was his girlfriend and that too to his fiancé in the public?

"Wait for me Dawn," said Daryn and started to follow her.

Maya stopped him and in low cold snarl said, "Daryn, why are you insulting me in front of so many people? Please let\'s behave normally. I am ready to ignore this little foolishness from your side."

He scoffed. "Ignore my foolishness? I suggest that you stop your insanity."

"Daryn!" Maya hissed. "This is not right."

Before Daryn could say anything, Gayle came along with Pia and Caleb.


Dawn walked up to the side and picked up a glass of wine from the bar. Her hands were shaking. She needed air and so she walked outside to a secluded spot in the garden. The cold breeze calmed her heated body. She eyed the exits of the mansion\'s perimeter with desire to flee. In order to calm her breath, she closed her eyes. There was an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. So many concerns floated through her mind that she felt panicky.

"Hello Dawn," a soft voice broke her thought process.

Dawn opened her eyes. She looked over her shoulders to see the one person she didn\'t want to. Niall was standing behind her, smiling brightly as if she was satisfied to see Dawn in such a complicated, embarrassing situation. Dawn stared at her. She was wearing a brown dress that had slits on both the sides. Her diamond necklace and earrings glittered on her skin.

"Tsk, tsk," Niall sympathized. "I feel sorry for you. Maya has planned on a huge exposé for Daryn and I wonder what will happen to you." She chuckled.

She knew the likes of Niall very well—egotistical, vindictive and cunning. Dawn pushed down her nervousness. How did Niall know all this about Maya? She wanted to ask it but there were more pressing questions. "How do you know Jason and Azura?" she rasped. Even though on the inside, her heartbeat was racing like a bullet train, on the outside her demeanor was cold.

Niall tittered. "You are always to the point." She circled her and stood in front. "You have a fantastic family. No one likes you. It was easy to gain entry." She laughed softly.

Dawn felt like peeling the skin off her face.

"You see destiny has its funny way. After that horrible incident in which my family and I were forced to leave Bradford, we migrated to America. At first my family stayed on the East Coast, but later father had to move to the West Coast because of his work. Four months back, I saw an advertisement in the paper for the job of a Golf Manager for The Wyatt Golf Course. It suited me perfectly. Who would have known that this was your hometown and this course belonged to your father?" She smiled and sipped her pi?a colada. She ran her tongue over her lip and continued, "I was immediately hired as the Golf Manager in the Wyatt Golf Course. I met Jason here." Niall looked at Dawn with evil happiness in her eyes. "I can see your end is near Dawn. If I were you, I would have tucked my tail in between my legs and run away."

Dawn gulped her wine down and said, "You have partially answered my question."

Niall rolled her eyes. "Oh! The ever so calculative Dawn." She waved her hand in the air. "The moment I came to know that the golf course belonged to your father, I told Jason about your whereabouts. His interest was apparent. He asked me to stay quiet about you and not let anyone know that you even existed." She looked at the sky above. "They say the enemy\'s enemy is your friend. But in my case, I became Jason\'s girlfriend." She guffawed. "Our purpose was similar – to destroy you. We started forming a plan to eliminate you. But Azura came to know about it through his sources and he also came to know that it was Dawn Wyatt we were talking about. He stopped us. We don\'t know why." Niall shook her head. "Foolish man." She walked past Dawn and sat on the wooden bench behind her. "Rumors are that Azura tried to find you after your disappearance in his own way." She shrugged and added, "Maybe because he needs to know about every neotide? Or maybe because he loves you?"

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