
Chapter 559 - Moment of Life and Death

Chapter 559: Moment of Life and Death

The gusting vital Qi was like water that broke out of a dam that swam towards that huge leech. Yan Liqiang didn’t care anymore now.

The reason humans were humans and stood at the peak of the food chain wasn’t purely due to power but the unique talent of this body. People could cultivate and reach the pinnacle of power through cultivation.

There was no use for his brain power now and his power wasn’t as strong as this huge leech. What should he do? Yan Liqiang betted that this monster of a leech’s cultivation talent was far below his. He betted that although this leech could suck away his vital qi, it wouldn’t be able to store as much vital Qi as him.

This was because he was human and this body was the most perfect art of the universe. Vital Qi was the crystal of a person’s cultivation!

If Fu Guang didn’t lie to him and his prediction was correct, then he would be able to use vital Qi to burst this huge leech no matter how huge its body or how powerful it was. It was just like eating too much would burst a person from the inside. A body that can’t contain too much vital Qi would burst open if it took in more vital Qi than its upper limit.

If this huge leech had a Qi sea, then he would lose!

Yan Liqiang’s Ten Dragons Ten Elephants Divine Technique was the highest grade technique in the world. Under the effect of the Muscle Tendon Changing and Marrow Cleansing, the vital Qi gathered in Yan Liqiang’s dan tian was at least tens of times more than the people in his cultivation state.

When Yan Liqiang opened up his vital Qi reserve for the huge leech to suck, the huge leech seem to have been struck by bliss at first and increased suction like a hungry baby on a milk bottle. It sucked Yan Liqiang’s hands tightly as though fearing Yan Liqiang would fly away.

When the vital chi reached inside its body, the black body of the leech started to show bands of rainbow like rays. Yan Liqiang gritted his teeth and let go of the sword that held the Black Scale Sword. Instead, he held tightly a slippery organ that was twirled on his hand. Yan Liqiang controlled the flow of his blood while increasing vital Qi output by five times.

The huge leech squirmed in the water while dragging Yan Liqiang towards that black cave.

If before Yan Liqiang’s vital Qi was like water flowing out of dam then now, it was mountains quakes and tsunamis.

Soon, a fifth of Yan Liqiang’s vital Qi had been inserted into the leech. When Yan Liqiang was about to be dragged to the cave entrance at the bottom of the lake, that huge leech finally felt something was wrong. It stopped squirming in the water, the lights on its body flashed faster and faster.

You wanted it didn’t you, I’ll let you have it...

Yan Liqiang gritted his teeth and kept sending his vital Qi ferociously into the water leech.

The huge leech seemed to have felt pain and started rolling about in the lake water bringing up all the mud and rocks in the lake. At the same time, it wrapped Yan Liqiang’s body tightly and started to contract as though wanting to squeez Yan Liqiang to death.

Yan Liqiang couldn’t help spitting blood under the huge pressure of the squeeze.

Yan Liqiang couldn’t see anything anymore. It was all mud around him. he couldn’t even open his eyes. Yan Liqiang felt his body rolling about heavily in the water. There was mud everywhere, in his nose, ears and when he spat blood, a huge mouthful of mud went into his mouth.

Yan Liqiang shut his eyes and ate the mud but kept inserting vital Qi into the leech. He knew his tactic succeeded. The huge leech was beginning to feel the pressure of his vital qi. If he wanted to live he had to persist. If he let go now, it would be giving up all his previous efforts and he would die.

The leech rolled around in the water heavily. The two sucks that held Li Yuqian’s hand had released as though wanting to spit Yan Liqiang’s hand out. However, Yan Liqiang knew that if he let go now, it was certain death so his hands clutched the two suckers tightly. He was going to stall till the end.

Yan Liqiang felt his body kept rolling in the darkness. All his bones especially his ribes were cracking as though on the border of breaking. Dizziness and pain kept charging at his brain making him feel weak. His consciousness was momentary. The only thing supporting Yan Liqiang was his will, he couldn’t die here, he couldn’t let go!

It was unknown how long the leech rolled around in the water but just when Yan Liqiang was about to completely lose consciousness and felt he might have lost the gamble and was about to die, he suddenly felt a coldness on his right hand. A strange cold energy flew from the sucker he held tightly too and flow into his body through his meridians.

That icy cold feeling made Yan Liqiang who was about to completely lose his consciousness wake up.

What was going on. Why was this leech inserting energy back into him. Was it that it couldn’t hold on and wanted to use this way to save itself from danger? He must not let the leech have its way.

Yan Liqiang kept inserting his vital Qi into the huge leech.

But in the blink of an eye, Yan Liqiang’s left hand suddenly felt a hot flow inserting into his body.

Everywhere the hot flow went, Yan Liqiang’s arm felt like it was burning. His muscle, bone and blood vessel felt like they were going to explode.

The cold and hot energy met in Yan Liqiang’s body!

In a rumble, Yan Liqiang felt there was an explosion in his body...

The ceiling of Martial Grandmaster realm was pulverised in that explosion...

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