
Chapter 7 part1

YuanQiu\'s words as sharp as the wind made her seemlike a different person from the yes-man she used to be. Fourth Aunt Liu wassurprised into speechlessness.

Aunt Zhang\'s heart was happy. "YuanQiu is right. Ifyou make these vegetables grow back like they were originally, then you don\'tneed to pay. Otherwise, this is theft. Then we need to find the village chiefto settle things. Oh right, the village chief is your future relative bymarriage. He will be on your side. Then we will invite the neighborhood chief.If he can\'t come, then my husband will make a trip into town. He\'ll invite anofficial he knows there to come and formally accuse you of theft. Your Xiucaison would have some face then."

Hearing Aunt Zhang would go to the county officials,Fourth Aunt Liu was scared into a cold sweat. Her son just received the Xiucaititle and hoped for more future prospects. If she blew this matter up in frontof the county official, would the official still look favorably upon WenXuan?

"Little fatty\'s mother, what are you saying? Ididn\'t say I won\'t pay. Why are you in such a hurry?" Fourth Aunt Liu\'sfreckled face showed a forced smile to Aunt Zhang. She looked at YuanQiu andfalsely smiled, "YuanQiu, your vegetables are indeed good, but not worth onesilver. How about this? I have 100 coins on me right now. I\'ll give that toyou. I\'ll send you some more money later. What do you say?"

YuanQiu\'s coldly sneered in her heart. With FourthAunt Liu\'s greedy and avaricious personality, if she brought the vegetablesback home, would she still send money over? That was more improbable than pigsflying.

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