
Chapter 94 094: Swept Up In The Currents

[<2nd Floor Special Quest! The Royal goblin Titus Boris of Clan Brutus has grown powerful enough to dabble in heretical arts that can destabilize the very foundation of the universe. His experiments will have far reaching consequences on all worlds... Including you own. Arrest him and deliver him to the nearest police station, or eliminate him and make sure his souls is thoroughly destroyed! [COMPLETE]/ Rewards: +100 to all stats! +50,000 Exp, + 1 Gold Rank Prism of the Avenger, +1 million Gold]

This quest had been offered the very moment he had dealt with those eyeballs in the east wing. Or was it when he was completely done with both wings, he really couldn\'t remember. But as it stands this was the first time he had received a \'Special Quest\' even from back when it was still just Titan Rising Online and not the event as everyone has come to know it. But even then reports of it never mentioned a special quest being so direct or tailored to an individual.

In other words the system, or whatever it was that is responsible for this whole digital universe swallowing other universes scenario, had spoken to him directly, sent him a message. But this was just speculation on his part, it could just as easily be something else, but even that were the case Cole was still not sure. It left him feeling very confused about everything as a whole, but never the less there was no other path than to move forwards, and right now he had a couple of advancements to take care of, top of the list is augment for his Attunement stat.

[Attunement Stat has reached Iron Rank I, Please choose either Mastery, Sub-stat, or Auxiliary Knowledge!]

1.  Sub-Stat: Magic

2.  Mastery: Space

3.  Knowledge: Basic Runes

4.  Sub-Stat: Psionic

5.  Mastery: Chaos

6.  Knowledge: Hacking

This was an incredibly hard decision to make, Cole had absolutely no idea what to pick because everything he was seeing here was quite good, of course he knew he would be seeing some of them again once he gets to Silver rank I, but he also wouldn\'t see others. These list are always tailored to playstyle and choices with the way you has utilized the stat and the skills in it. So it always changes.

But in the end Cole just decided not to choose randomly, most of his skills were magic and psionic based, and the chaos element seems to be popping up more now that he had become a Raen Adolescent. Space was good, but Cole knew spatial skills were mostly dependent on movement and storage, he had two movement skills available to him, but then again this would be an augment to his stat.

He suspected adding space augment to his attunement stats would do wonders for his gravity mastery, perhaps he might even be able to make black holes. Hacking he honestly had no need for, unless of course it was some sort of biological hacking and then it would be crazy. Chaos would have worked better if it was a skill attached to any other stats, he chose to attunement stat for its balance and versatility. Picking Chaos would pretty much lock it into a particular direction, the same thing with basic runes… he had no idea how he even unlocked that one.

All of the choices available to him would give his attunement an identity…. And if he should pay attention to his playstyle so far, Magic, Chaos and Space would be at the forefront of that to choose. In the end he had no choice but to pick magic which was a sub stat. Chaos and Space were masteries, and they would give the stat an identity that wouldn\'t let it conform or blend well to other situations.

While none of his skills were spells, Cole knew most of them were magical based rather than biological or technological. He would just use the other stats to cover the cracks in the foundation.

[Magic sub stat chosen… #%$$ Error! Choice changed to Space Mastery!]

Cole\'s eyebrow shot up so quickly it they disappeared into his hairline as he looked at the prompt in front of him with shock…. It made absolutely no sense if he had to be honest, but yet… this had happened. And Cole knew this was not the first, rather this was the second time he had made a choice and something else was chosen.

But who could he possible report this to, would he even get a response if he should perhaps decide to send a complaint to a game master or a moderator. He wasn\'t even sure there was such attached to this event. He spat out annoyed by what had just happened and knew that he had to find a way to get to the bottom of it. Not being responsible for his own character sheet sounds like it would be problematic.

•  Aspirant: [Cole <World Breaker> Night] Class: [Reaver]

•  Level: [28/30(25,011/30,000)] Race: [Raen Adolescent]

•  Titles: [Savage Connoisseur] [Antihero] [Warrior] [Progenitor] [Genocider] [Rambo The Commando] [Mass Murderer]

•  Money: [Tibons: 248] [Tisons: 286] [Tigons: 1,832,500]

•  Energy: [1061/1081] Negative Energy: [60/60] Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral] Lives: [10]

•  Buffs: [+15% Damage] [+200% Eating Skills] [+50% Damage To All Alignments] [+70% Damage/Skill With Firearms] [100% Damage to Endangered Species and Solo Enemies] [+10% to all stats when Facing off against more than 5 Enemies, Doubles every +10 Enemies] [Permanent +25 points every 50 Enemies killed in a single Conflict]

•  Primary Weapon: [Raen Ranger Rifle] Secondary Weapon: [Black Sapphire Cursed Revolver] [Blue Obsidian Cursed Revolver] [Black Malakai Cursed Sword]

•  Primary Armor: [Night Demon Bounty Hunter Set] Secondary Armor: [N/A]

•  Party:[n/a] Team:[n/a] Guild:[n/a] Alliance:[n/a] Faction: [Bounty Hunter (Second Floor)

•  Charisma(Seduction): Iron III(17/160) [Lesser Mind Control(Active)] [Assassinate(Active)] [Vertigo(Active)]

•  Perception(Domain): Iron III(114/160) [Aeronaut(Passive)] [Sin Seeking Eyes(Passive)] [Shadow Dance(Active)]

•  Intelligence(Technopathy): Iron III(75/160) [Shielded Mind(Passive)] [Sin Eater(Active)] [Technoman(Passive)]

•  Dexterity: Iron IV(41/180) [Spectral Rover(Active)] [Sin Reaper(Active)]

•  Attunement(Space): Iron II(135/140) [Gravity(Mastery)] [Adaptive(Passive)] [Demon Constitution(Passive)] [Chaos Blast(Active)]

•  Soul: Bronze VIII(05/50] [Soul Eater] [Soul Bank: 32] [Energy Manipulation(Mastery)]

•  Knowledge: [Martial Arts Master] [Expert Marksman] [Arcane Farming] [Arcane Winemaking] [Arcane Brewing] [Dark Summoning] [Arcane Nature Engineering] [Monster Husbandry]

•  Stat Points: 69

•  Assets: [Cruiser Class Iron Ranked Luxury Ship/Mechanoid Direwolf King Mount] [Bronze VIII Ranked Territory Rowan Valley] [The One Eye Of Mormon] [King Solomon\'s Undying Heart] [Dark Dryad Seed] [Gold Ranked Pseudo Dungeon Core] [17 Silver Prisms] [1 Gold Prism Of The Avenger]  [1 Diamond Prism]

There was just so much to unpack, he had definitely gotten stronger and not by a little. It was saying something when his growth had been spread out, from his foray and tangle with Titus Boris he had completed five bounties, one quest and had gained three levels and something that was unprecedented but not rare: gaining a new stat, which means he could get five more skills.

This would give him an advantage over most people and would at least ensure that he had a trump card to bring to bear. The best part of it all was that he had a diamond prism and a gold prism that he had not used yet. Cole stepped out of the cradle facility in the town before the valley. He had handed over what was left of Titus Boris to the police officers there and was pleased to hear that no bounty of any sort had been placed on his head for the murder of a couple of corrupt deputies.

Either way since the town the horse thieves stole the horse from was three hours away, he had offered to just escort them there and submit the thieves to the authorities himself. That way he could complete the bounty and be on his merry way to the frontier, as it stands he had spent way too much time here and he still had to find that blood lotus guy. He was someone the system wanted to get rid of, just like Titus.

Of course he was still left with quite a few questions and he had nobody available to answer it for him. Shit had gotten really weird and this was just the second floor, safe to say as far as he was concerned this entire event had not been what he expected. And now he finds himself feeling so small in front of an entity that was or could even be above a force of nature.

He couldn\'t fight against it, he wasn\'t stupid and he was not some novel protagonist. The only thing he could try to do was ride the currents as best as he could and make sure he doesn\'t drown in the process. It was extremely hard, but there literally was no other choice left… things were getting really scary, and unlike a game like Titan Rising online, he could not just quit.

And this was because his moral dilemma aside Cole knew who he was, he has tasted power the likes of which even his family could have and will never be able to imagine, not until it\'s their turn at least. And because of that taste, even though he knew everything that had to do with this event and its end game was bad, Cole could not stop…. He really has tasted power… and he wanted more.

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