
Chapter 314 Consequences-1

The following morning, Samuel woke up to find that his parents were looking for him. He had checked his phone, and they still featured the scandal regarding the Earl\'s son, Roderick. Most people criticized the monarchy concerning the events that transpired at the hands of a single man.

The British people still had long respect for their Queen, but for the other nations, it was a chance to attack the heart of the government. Many other smaller peerage came into question soon after, some baseless accusations, but nonetheless, it got all the media attention needed to blow this situation out of proportion.

" Have you had your breakfast? You were late for the family brunch today." Robert said while getting a closer look at his son.

" Especially today, I might add. I also noticed you looked awfully happy when you came home yesterday." Laura said.

" I already ate and if you are looking for topics to discuss before addressing the root cause. I want to let you know that I can handle it." Samuel sat down. He knew exactly what they called him here for. He had already anticipated this meeting beforehand.

" Very well. Do you know what you did? I have been busy answering the call since morning!" Robert was calm, but his angry face pointed to a different picture.

" Son, we don\'t know why you did it, but there is as certain panic among the upper class that we have launched some sort of witch hunt against them. It is serious." Not only influential men but their wives were talking too. Laura had a string of friends who held titles of nobility; they often met for tea parties.

Which was why they were asking questions about Samuel\'s involvement.

" So you don\'t think that he deserved it? He was a predator hiding behind his father\'s fortunes. I merely asked him to pay for his crimes."

" This is not a game. You could have come to us if you have any issue with him. There are other ways to go about it."

" We also heard that you blackmailed the Earl? I share your enthusiasm to bring him to justice but still, we are very disappointed in you." They had supported him in every endeavor that he partook in since childhood, but this was way out of line.

" I know. But before condemning me, I just want to tell you the whole story." For a few minutes, Samuel explained everything to them. They were surprised to know that Adele was involved in this; she would be his next target.

" Coming to you would have meant, he would have walked without any media attention. I want to make him feel what his victims felt and sadly judicial system in our country will never let such a case see the light of the day."

" I get it but unfortunately I still think it was wrong. You could have gave us some warning to prepare and do you honestly think we would have let him scotch free when Adele is involved? you should know better!"

" She is like a daughter to me too. I can\'t believe you never mention it!" Both his parents were still upset with him. Blackmailing the Earl for personal vendetta? Moreover, he went there personally; it would not be long before someone connected the dots.

" I am very sorry for it. Clearly I was not thinking properly at that moment which is why I will divert some of my resources-"

" Stop with your lousy apology. All of know you enough to see that gleeful smile hidden under all that charade." Robert stopped him.

" What your father is trying to say is that you have an important meeting at noon. It\'s best that you dressed well for that occasion." their scrawny faces turned blissful when the meeting was mentioned.

" Meeting? Where?" Samuel asked suspiciously.

" Of course the Palace. Hurry along, Arthur is expecting you." They shooed him away. Samuel didn\'t know what hit him until he was outside the study. He damn well knew who he was meeting!




" That\'s what happened. I should have explained it to you yesterday night but I was too tired to get into it." Samuel was ambushed by the girls as soon as he stepped into the hall. He again had to explain his whereabouts where he had been all yesterday.

" So you blackmailed a noble? Seized his company? Sent his son to jail? and saved a damsel in distress? all in one day. That\'s impressive." Liliana commented.

" Is that what you are worried about? I knew something was wrong when she didn\'t receive my calls yesterday. I should go see her." Iblis, who had come early, said with a panicked voice. She was obviously worried about her friend.

" I heard a lot about her. I should come along too." Paige suggested accompanying her.

" I will go with you too. I don\'t really know her but I can offer some help. I too have experienced something....similar." Rosaline was reminded about her past discretions.

" Wait! Before we head out. I think we should hear the whole story. Sami here had carefully glossed past the detail when he visited her alone at night yesterday." Maia, the keen one, caught him sneaking past that part.

" Now that you mention it. I do found him rather happy when I spotted him yesterday." Paige also came closer with her arms crossed.

" I am a free man! I am sure you can ask Adele about it." Samuel was brazen with it. They were the ones who labeled themselves as his friends; it was not his fault! He was also coming to terms with his \'alleged\' fate described by his title, \'Harem King\'.

" Fine! Come on everyone, no reason to talk to a dog!"

" Right, we don\'t speak dog language."

" Humph."

" I will see you soon."

" Don\'t worry, I will watch over them just to be sure that they don\'t start random fights." Liliana said.

" I am honestly more worried about you. Just try to be discreet while visiting the suburbs. Normal folks reside there." Samuel said.

" We will try. See you soon."

" Arthur, send some people with them. They might run into problem knowing what happened yesterday." Samuel said after they left.

" Yes sir. About the meeting, it will not be good if we kept the other party waiting." Arthur added.

" Right, I must get dressed then."

Samuel dressed appropriately and came downstairs to find Darren waiting for him. Seeing him as the party was set for tomorrow was not surprising.

"Man, I thought you were kidding when you asked me to about Friesian horses the other day, I met grey and his friends playing in that newly constructed ranch. It\'s quite impressive." Darren came closer to give him a hug.

" Just something comes when you are chasing to top your last year\'s gift. The only drawback is I have to do it again next year with much more enthusiasm." Samuel returned the hug.

" But isn\'t it school day today?" Darren asked.

" It\'s funny that you asked. Grey insisted he had a stomachache but miraculously it disappeared after my mother accepted his proposal to take a sick leave."

" Well, kids are like that. Not that I know because I am a single child."

" Sir, the meeting." Arthur saw that he was talking sweetly with Darren, so he interrupted.

" Right, let\'s go. Darren can come with me right?" Samuel asked to which Arthur just shrugged. It\'s not like Samuel recently became a troublemaker; what\'s the harm in rebelling one more time?

" Wait! Where are you going dressed like that?" Darren just noticed his unusually formal appearance.

" Where are \'we\' going? Don\'t ask question it\'s just some palace and I would like you to come with me." Samuel began dragging him toward the exit.

" Palace? Which one? This country is filled with them!" Darren reluctantly followed as he knew that despite his bigger size, he could not overpower Samuel for some reason; it was the fruit of his several attempts.

" the one that ends with \'hum\'." Samuel refrains from saying it out loud.

"Buckingham palace!? Why? Don\'t tell me because of what happened yesterday?" Darren was not stupid. There was only one reason presently why someone would visit that place.

" I have been summoned. Now from my experience it\'s never a good idea to let the most powerful woman in the world waiting. Let\'s go. I will fill you in during our journey."




" I have seen your majesty." Samuel bowed slightly and did the royal greeting impeccably.

" Samuel, I didn\'t know if you would show up or not in light of recent events." The Queen and Samuel were meeting alone. She wanted to talk with him privately.

" How can I ignore your majesty\'s summon. I can as soon I heard about it. I am also sorry about the trouble I caused you lately." Samuel said with a sorrowful face.

" You know, from all the occupation that you embodied over the years. You excelled at acting, if I didn\'t know about it I might have believed in your apology. These old bones still have some good attention to details." The Queen said with a stern voice.

" It\'s funny, my parents said the same thing. I never knew doing the \'right\' things pardon you from being trusted." He said with a calm smile.

" hmm.. Is that Wintringham boy that accompanied you here?" She changed the subject, probably because the tension was getting high. She wanted to approach it from a different angle.

" Yes, he could be my alibi if I disappear from this Palace. I heard there are certain people that you employ that can do that." Samuel chuckled, but it didn\'t garner the response he hoped for. It appeared it was not time to make such dull jokes!

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