
Chapter 62 Training-1

Samuel entered the designated room in a rush. He is running a little late, and his first meeting with Melanie left a strong impression on him. He knew that his teacher was a no-nonsense type who would not shy away from scolding a person even for a little mistake.

" Teacher, I am here. Good morning. " He said, catching his breath. He could have easily used Magic to rush faster, but someone would have seen him in the act. He needs to keep a low profile as not many people know his existence in the Academy.

" Guess who showed up, You are late." Melanie said with slight annoyance.

" Sorry, I got hung up in something. I will try to be on time from now on. " Samuel apologized.

"Morning, come. We will start the lesson. You will be only one here for the forseable future. It could change later. " Melanie motioned him toward the seat. Samuel obliged and sat down, focused on his teacher\'s words.

" First we have to know your level, now focus on the screen infront of you and try to breath in the scene. I want you to recreate it as much as you can. Don\'t worry about the results. Now focus." said Melanie and started playing a small clip.

Samuel focused all his attention on the clip, which started with a bright flash: a boy and a man were the first things that appeared on the screen.

"Remember how we helped to build the runway? lf we died like the others, our bones would be in the runway." said the man to the boy.

"In a way, it\'s our runway." said the boy.

"No, it\'s their runway, Jim." said the man.

"The clip must be from a war movie. Countless planes are flying in the sky." Samuel thought and burned everything in his mind. With a brain like a super-computer, it is much easier for him. He uses parallel thinking which helps him analyze and record information simultaneously.

"Try not to think so much. Try not to think so much! " the man said.

The scene shifts from high-octane to emotional in a split second, which the boy can portray. He is emotional all of a sudden and delivers his next lines.

" I can\'t remember what my parents look like.

I used to play bridge with my mother in her bedroom.

She used to comb her hair. I\'d watch her.

She had dark hair. "Boy said there are large pauses between delivary of each lines, and the man hugged him tightly; the scene went on for a few more minutes before the clip ended.

Melanie was sitting beside Samuel, observing him. She needs to ensure that he is serious about it and that her previous encounter with the boy was not an empty talk. She is pleased looking at him, engrossed throughout the scene.

" So, what do you think? Still up for it? " Melanie

" An intense scene with a wide variety of emotion by the both the actors specially the child actor. Specially the change in emotion is done well." Samuel gave his thoughts on the clip.

" Good, now go up to the centre of the stage and play the boy\'s dialougues." Melanie asked.

Samuel nodded and went up the stage.


The Academy is peaceful, same as every other day, except for a few teachers in the meeting room. Curiosity is unbearable in the room, which can be felt even from the outside.

If Edith were to walk in, she would recognize this small crowd. They are the people who attended the meeting the other day.

Christopher, the improvisation teacher, is discussing a few things with others.

" What do you think? Have you seen him yet?" One man asked.

​ " I have seen him yesterday, he was with his aunt and Lucy was guiding the group." said the woman on the right.

" What does it look like? I was teaching at that time and missed them completely." the woman beside her said with a little frustration.

" I also missed him by a few minutes. They had already left when I got to Melanie\'s office." Christopher said. He is also curious about the boy with a godly appearance.

Yesterday evening, Mixalis already boasted a lot about meeting his idol. He went on and on about George and Amelia but went into great detail when asked about Samuel. This, in turn, made everyone jealous of him. There is no apparent or special reason for the envy except for how Mixalis described Samuel.

" The angelic appearance, with a perfect face."

"The impercabble fashion sense that will put biggest male or female models to shame."

"His long white snow like hair tied up in a ponytail gives you a sense of elegance."

" Smile that can stopped the heart of anyone regardless of sexes."

He detailed every single of his features in precise detail, which made them madder. Mad on themself to have not witnessed this \'God\' with their own eyes.

He also bashed anyone and everyone and compared them to Samuel to fit his narrative.

" You think your child is cute; you should have seen Samuel."

" What? You think your hair looks beautiful. You should take a note from Samuel about what its means to have beautiful hair. "

" Putting on make-up is meaningless. Samuel looked impeccable without it. You should just give up."

" Gym? why bother when you will never attain perfect body like Samuel."

It was for everyone to hear such rhetoric from him. He transformed any topic about Samuel. His glorious gospel to make others look pathetic was already becoming stale in just a day. But it definitely piqued everybody\'s interest.

Christopher boldly decided to leave the group and venture toward Melanie\'s class to see for himself. He is skeptical about Mixali\'s claims but nonetheless intrigued; hence, such drastic measures to sneak and spy.

He slipped out of the room and soon reached his destination. he quietly entered the large hall and peeked toward the stage to see for himself but, in turn, became engrossed in the ongoing performance.

Some words escaped his mouth," His words definately didn\'t do justice to the actual thing."

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