
Chapter 60 Token

The next morning, a special gift came for Samuel as recipient. It shows the appreciation of certain individuals who Samuel helped recently.

Kenneth received the gift as Arthur informed him about it. Kenneth is surprised to see the sender\'s name as he didn\'t know how It linked Samuel and this person. So, he called David for an explanation. Soon, Kenneth is sitting with David in front of him, a little distressed; he is nervous about fearing that contents of his conversation with Oscar have been exposed.

" You wanted to see me, Grandpa Kenneth. " David said, breaking the silence.

" Yes, but first see this. " Kenneth said, presenting him the gift. It was a heavy box with a pretty design carved on the whole piece. From one look, anyone could tell that the box contents were bound to be very expensive, much more than the box.

" What a beautiful carved box! Golden brown, darkening to a medium/reddish brown, and overall appearance is similar to Osage Orange but is definitely Japanese red Mulberry wood. We have several such boxes in the estate. Why is it here? " said David.

" It is not the question, why? But Who sent this? It is a gift from Crown Princess Masako to Samuel. Apparently, Samuel helped her somehow. Do you know anything about it? "Kenneth asked David.

" I do; I read a report that Sami met with the Japanese embassy people during the party a few days ago and did some speculation. But I dismissed it because it was a far-fetch idea. This gift proves that the young master\'s speculations were correct. " David said, finally understanding the whole picture.

" Speculation? Care to elaborate. " Kenneth asked.

" Well, Sami predicted through a series of events that Princess Masako may be pregnant at that time. It was through small things but He connected many dots to prove his point which led the Japanese emissary to leave the party early. " David further recounted the events from the party, which made Kenneth nod with approval.

" So, that\'s what happened. I understand. " Kenneth said, but David was still curious, so he asked---

" I don\'t see a big problem, and this should not warrant an expensive like this. Am I missing something, Granpa? "

" You must not know the situation regarding the Japanese Imperial family. I know you recently took the post from your father, but you should study more about world leaders; It may come in handy in the future. Let me tell you, What Samuel did amount to much more than simply informing them about the baby. Crown Princess and Prince have been married for seven years, and during that time, do you not think they wanted to have offspring? " Kenneth asked him.

" Hmm, they could be waiting for the right moment before having one. After all, they are busy people. " David retorted with his explanation.

" That may be true, but you must consider that there has not been a single male heir in the Imperial family for more than thirty years, which means they are bound to be desperate. There is a certain rule which was placed in the 1940s that discouraged the family from having any female emperor, and with most of the family getting older every year, they need a male heir. " Kenneth elaborated.

" Hmm, I get it. So, they are placing special attention on this child, who may be their hope for the future. I still do not get why an expensive gift send. They could have promised a few favours, which would be perfectly fine. They don\'t have to go out of their way to send gifts." David gave his two cents on the matter.

" You may be right if it was their first attempt. They have already had two miscarriages in the past, which have been hidden from the public eye. So, you can understand their special sentiment on this matter. This time either through early detection or other reason, They are highly likely to succeed. Hence, the gift. " said Kenneth. David is a little frustrated over failing to observe the whole picture alone.

" It is okay. You grow as you experience different situations. Learn from it and move on. Dwelling in the past can make you less susceptible to seeing the future. " Arthur added from the side, seeing the complicated gaze of the youngster.

" I see. I understand now. Thank you for teaching me. Grandpa Kenneth; Grandpa Arthur. " said David with a respectable gaze. To him, both of them were like Sage, who has been through countless trials and tribulations. He is thankful for their guidance.

" By the way, what is inside the box? Have you already checked its contents? " David asked.

" No, but it has gone through extensive security inspection. It is a gift, and Samuel should be one to open it. I have already called him earlier. He must be here any minute now. \' Kenneth said, and right on cue, Samuel entered the room. The doors were open, but he knocked to announce his presence.

" Good morning, Grandpa Kenneth, Grandpa Arthur, and Uncle David. I came as soon as I heard that you were looking for me. " Samuel said.

" You are here; come here. Look what I have for you. " Kenneth said, beckoning Samuel to come closer.

" For me, Is it another gift? I informed you already that the party was more than enough. Oscar also said I am receiving different gifts from party attendees. They were not informed about me earlier and didn\'t bring anything, and now they are sending things with the excuse of making them up to me. I already have more than enough. " Samuel said seriously with a helpless look.

" You have to get used to it. They will always shower you with gifts and flattery to gain something from you. Even associating our name with them could bring them massive wealth. As for this gift, It is not from me. Crown Princess sent you this for helping her the other day. Take a look. " Kenneth said.

" Princess Masako? She didn\'t have to do that. It seems unnecessary for small conversation." Samuel thought. But he still went over to look at the gift.

" Beautiful Box. The gift must be expensive. " Samuel muttered. He is curious about the box\'s contents and slowly lifts the cover.

They are in a well-lit room with warm sunlight peeking through the window covers, but still, the box\'s contents shined with brilliance for a milli-second which surprised everyone. Everyone peeked inside the box to find a slightly bend sword. There is a letter beside the sword which Samuel picked up which stated--

" This is a token of my appreciation to congratulate you on your birthday. It also served as our thanks for your help which I will be forever grateful for.

I acquired this item a few years ago and hope it will serve you best.

--- Crown Prince.

" It is a short and exquisite handwritten letter in Japanese, but it showed heart.

Kenneth also looked at the letter and looked at the sword again. He is surprised by the sword because it is a very famous and highly collectible item. He didn\'t know that the Imperial family had willingly gifted such an item.

" A katana. I have read about them but never seen one in person." Samuel said seeing Kenneth and Arthur\'s serious faces surprised him.

" Am I wrong?" Samuel asked.

" No, no, It is definitely a Katana, but This one is very famous. Have you heard about Japanese Swordmaker Masamune? I believe it is one of his works. I have seen these types of blades before, and I am fairly certain about them. " Kenneth said.

" Masamune? " Samuel asked in a puzzled tone. He has not yet absorbed the history of other cultures from the source.

" Let me tell you more about it. " said Kenneth and began his history lesson.

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