
Chapter 336 336 - Zombified Cattle

"Zombified! How could it be."

From the beginning, since all this began there had been only very few zombified animals. The animals which were infected with the second strand of the virus all mutated into a stronger version of themselves or straight up died unable to handle the new changes in their body. None of them changed to zombies.

This caught Dr Prisitsky\'s attention. he too put his head out as he glanced into the distance. "I haven\'t seen zombified animals for a long time. Is it possible to get flesh and blood samples?"

"We have to think about living first," Yue mumbled.

The situation was getting worse by the minute. if it were mutated beasts they would have easily shot them or even thrown a grenade and killed them off but these were actually zombified beasts.

They are undead!

They are impossibly hard to kill.

A normal level five or level six zombie itself takes almost fifteen ability users to take down. Shooting at their head doesn\'t work nowadays as the zombies had developed flesh behind their eye socks to protect their rotting brains. The only thing they could do to kill them was to fully burst their brains or burn them completely to a char.

Now take that zombie and multiply its danger potential to ten. We get the zombified cattle. They are fast, resilient, and determined to eat their flesh. It was very very bad combination.

Usual cattle alone weigh around 750 pounds. They are well capable of even toppling their cars and buses.

Yue took a deep breath. "We can\'t let them get close. Dad, wake Fan up. Juda! Give me a rocket launcher. Sand ability users start to create pits around the route. Try to trap as many as you can."

with their weight, if they fall down a pit it will take them a while to come out of.

The soldier who was driving parallel to them got to work.

Many of them were all level four ability users, but they all lacked real-life fighting ability. It took them a while to dig a huge pit. Four of the earth ability users joined hands to do that.

"Here, Yue!" Juda shouted from the van close by.

Fan Xui who had woken up lowered his window and picked up the huge rocket launcher.

"Great, mum do you think and make it super-sized? We have to have a lot of firepower to take these beasts down,"

"Got it," she leaned back to do her job.

In just a few seconds the huge rocket super-sized. it was as big as a cannonball launcher.

Yue frowned slightly. "it\'s too big. Fan, can you handle it?"

"I think I can." Fan Xui struggled to take it out the window. His muscled strained visibly under that weight.

"Mum, reduce the size…" he hurriedly whispered.

To his surprise, she gave him a sheepish smile. "I find it quite hard to reduce the size after I make them big…"

"it\'s okay mom I can handle it," Fan grunted as he placed the huge rocket launcher on the roof of the car. The whole roof dented down, bearing down the weight of the rocket launcher.

Yue looked up ahead. The zombie cattle were unimaginably fast. The black dots had now become very close to them. From this distance, he could notice the blood and snot running down their mouths. Their feet were torn apart in a few places and their organs were just rolling down as they ran.

"They don\'t look like they have been zombies for long," he mumbled.

"True. Maybe they got infected recently." Fan said as he shot the rocket.

A huge blast was heard pushing their car back slightly. Yue slowed down slightly and hit the brakes in order not to get flipped.

Dust and debris flew around covering their vision.

"Water users! Use mist to clear the path!" he shouted. While doing so, he glanced at his son, "zi Chen, I want you to send your army of bees to check on the cattle. Don\'t let them get close."

"Got it,"

Chen sat up and waved his hands. A few bees suddenly started to struggle out of the air vent and flew to his hands. He simply whispered a command and the bees listened to him.

"Why were they even in the air filter."

"Oh, I thought it would be convenient to travel like this. bees can\'t fly at a high-speed dad. Don\'t you know that?" Chen said as a matter of fact.

"Oh…" Yue glanced ahead with a proud smirk. His little son had grown up smart and capable boy. He was slightly reassured that he could survive all this mess.

The water ability users controlled their powers and got the dust to control.

The sight before them started them. The cattle had dodged the bomb, and they were still rushing towards them with determination.

"Shit… where are the pits! Create more pits! Don\'t let them get close!!!"

The soldiers were all tired. Creating that one pit alone was enough to drain their powers whole.

And only two of the cattle had fallen into that trap. The rest of the cattle were surprisingly intelligent and dodged the pit to rush toward them.

"Gods…" Yue gritted his teeth. "Everyone, close your windows. Fan, continue shooting at them. Don\'t stop!"

Fan Xui did not stop. He kept shooting rockets one after another. The water users did a quick job of cleaning the dust after that.

Successive shots took down five of the cattle. The rest were all still running towards them.

A feeling of impending doom fell to his heart. Yue tightly gripped the steering wheel. "We can\'t just rush up ahead. its suicide. We have to retreat."

His mum worriedly looked at him. "But where?"

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