
Chapter 182 - 182: Evidence

Silence! Utter Silence! At this moment probably even if someone dropped some paperclip, it\'s bouncing on the floor would be heard by anyone present.

Nobody expected such a turn of events. It was simply unbelievable how things changed so fast, as now people were looking at the duo with clear anger and hate in their eye.


These two fu*ckers had almost pushed them all from the peak of a mountain, just for their personal benefits, and to cover their tracks.

How could the people in the crowd not be angry, and hateful at the duo in front of them? In fact, if they had the chance they wouldn\'t hesitate to give the duo a good beating.

The two main characters of the show were dumbfounded at this moment, they would have never expected that the story and their fate would turn around so quickly.

While everything that Eric said was true, they would have never thought that in just a day that he had been charged as Vice-President of the company he would bust the two of them.

A big reason why they had decided to support the Eldest Young Master Takeshiba Tetsu, was exactly because they wanted to cover their tracks of the embezzlement, but that seemed impossible right now.

But the most shocked person of all was Eldest Young Master Takeshiba Tetsu, who didn\'t expect this in the least.

If Eric had only used his first reason for doing it just because he was the boss, and that he could fire anyone he wished to, there was still leeway for him to use words to force logic.

He could even try to use his name, and position to force a bit of pressure on some of the workers, but with the new development, the entire situation had changed.

There was no way he could go on and defend two people who had practically robbed the company, and that while he was in charge of them.

In fact, depending on how Eric played his cards, he could very well become one of the people involved and deemed responsible for this.

Just how did this happen!? Just a moment ago he was so happy, and self-satisfied with what he had done, that he was thinking of his next move.

He was even planning to stage his return with this situation, but right now he felt like he had fallen from grace.

In just a few minutes, the situation had totally changed, and now the one in a bad position and the one to face the anger of his father would be him.

His situation was already fragile after what had happened with Eric when they got practically introduced, so with this new development, his father would surely kick him out of the house.

What could he do!? How should he solve this problem that he created, only to be bitten by it!

The only thing that came to his mind, was trying to doubt Eric\'s words, and evidence, after all that could be just him bluffing, so he said,

"Surely brother-in-law is jesting how could they…"

But once again he was interrupted by Eric, who said in a natural voice,

"I am not talking empty brother-in-law, these two guys benefited from your trust, and benevolence to steal our Company!

I know that brother-in-law is someone who never thinks bad of people, and always trusts people a bit too much, but these two guys are scum beyond scum!\'

With that said, he let the crowd process his words for a moment, as he then turned towards Hilda, and said in a bossy voice,

"Hilda go to my desk and bring me the yellow folder close to the computer, I have everything we need to legally send these matters to the court!

I am sure those pieces of evidence will open the eyes of my good-natured brother-in-law!"

The more they heard him talk like that to the Eldest Young Master Takeshiba Tetsu, the more they felt that it was some kind of mocking towards the guy.

But his face seemed so natural, and fluent when he did it, which made them think that perhaps they were overthinking things.

In the meantime, Hilda who just like everyone had been utterly shocked by the turn of events, and didn\'t know what to think anymore disappeared behind the office, and returned soon with a yellow folder.

It was clear to most of the people on the floor that Eric wasn\'t lying, and that he truly had pieces of evidence of what he said, otherwise what kind of idiot would bring an empty file to confrontation.

Just as everyone was impatiently waiting for Eric to show the file to them, and also all the evidence he had about it, Eldest Young Master Takeshiba jumped forward and said,

"Brother-in-law I don\'t think this is a good place for you to show your evidence, as it might get compromised, and people who don\'t want the best for you and the family will defame it.

Why don\'t we go through the file alone, just the two of us, and we can talk more in detail about what to do with it!"

It was clear that he was afraid of the extent of the evidence, after all, he had been the Vice-President of the company when all this had happened, and it was impossible for him to not be involved in it.

While there was no way he was going to spend even one night in jail or get punished because of it, it was nonetheless going to be a big defaming rumor, that would destroy his reputation.

We are talking about a guy that separated everything into casts and groups of lowly commoners and nobles. And of course, he saw himself as a nobleman, as a lord of sorts.

If his name was mixed into this kind of matter, then certainly his reputation would suffer badly, and he would lose a large part of his following.

For that reason, he couldn\'t allow Eric to create more eye-witnesses, and people who knew about the pieces of evidence, and any possible change that would happen with the data.

Eric seemed to be in a dilemma at the start, but after giving it a good thought he finally seemed to have understood his words, as he said,

"Brother-in-law is right, we need to be careful of anyone in here! Why don\'t we go to my office to discuss what to do with this file?"

Eldest Young Master Takeshiba Tetsu was extremely relieved with what just happened, as he seemed to have just been able to breathe again for a moment underwater!

Taking Eric\'s confirmation, he turned towards the crowd and said,

"I am really sorry for trying to protect two hungry hyenas that are the cancer of our society and our workplace.

Please rest assured, that whoever is part of this horrendous crime will be punished accordingly, and we aren\'t going to allow even one of them to escape their responsibilities.

But like I said these matters are really big, and vital to the continuation of the family\'s companies, and we can\'t divulge that kind of information here.

Eric seemed a bit unwilling, as this was supposed to be the fruits of his long and deep investigation, but still, he pretended to hear his Brother\'s in law, as he said with an apathetic voice.

"I agree with you brother-in-law! We shouldn\'t discuss these matters in public as it damages our reputation no matter what.

If it wasn\'t for your insistence in the matter, I would have just done that, but I felt that you deserved an answer so that from now on, you don\'t allow anyone to benefit from your benevolence and naivety!"

Once again Eric was calling him naïve with a natural voice, and the people truly didn\'t know what to think about this. Was Eric complimenting him, or insulting him.

But if one looked carefully at them, and the situation, they could easily understand that Eric had a hidden smile on his face, and seemed to be treating his brother-in-law like a little and inexperienced kid.

In front of him, the Eldest Young Master of the Takeshiba family, Takeshiba Tetsu didn\'t have the time to think about this, as he was more concentrated on how to treat this situation later.

Their words clearly disappointed the whole crowd who were all waiting for the evidence with great expectancy.

The eyes of every worker in the crowd were fixed on the new yellow file, but none of them had the right or the luxury to see what was inside it.

Most probably just like any other incident, even this one would be taken care of the same way from the Takeshiba family.

They would most likely try to bury this scandal, by placing all the blame on the two floor managers, and then punish, and fine them over the damage they had caused to the company.

This was a typical closure to any kind of similar matter in nature, and this particular case wouldn\'t be different from the others, even though Eric would be one of the involved guys in this.

Like this Eric just gave all these guys a closure speech, and after that started walking towards his office room, with Young Master Takeshiba Tetsu, it was time to make this guy bleed a little bit.

Young Master Takeshiba Tetsu was able to come out of the office room only when there were less than 20 minutes left for the announcement ceremony to start.

Eric had managed to cut more than a few slices from him, in order to help him deal with this matter, and with his father.

From this could be clearly seen how much he feared his father, as he was ready to join hands even with his most hated person.

As soon as he left though, inside the office room was left only him, and Hilda. 

As he was going to check upon his appearance for the ceremony in the mirror, he heard Hilda speak, as she was unable to control her curiosity anymore,

"Master Eric did u truly have evidence prepared for their wrongdoings!?"

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