
Chapter 186 Sawblade Worms (Bonus )

"Now that everyone is here, quickly gather around me. Let\'s head to our location,"

The group was chatting away when Professor Zaxi\'s piercing voice snapped them back to attention.

They crowded around her as a magic inscription glowed beneath their feet, and before they knew it, they were teleported to a new location with the aid of magic crystals.

As Aizel\'s vision returned to normal, he discovered he was in the heart of a massive mountain range, its rocky terrain and craggy peaks towering over him.

Several caves were scattered across the area, and a large number of mages were posted at strategic spots to oversee laborers who appeared to be digging underground to extract something.

The clanging of pickaxes and the sound of machinery echoed through the air, as the team worked tirelessly to mine the valuable resources hidden beneath the mountain.

"Welcome to the Crestfall Family magic crystal mine."

"With the help of Lysandra, we were able to get permission to go inside the cave to see how the crystals are formed and even help them clear some monsters inside."

"Let me be clear first: no one will act disrespectfully or head on their own. Now follow me."

The group trailed behind Professor Zaxi as they entered the cave.

Aizel couldn\'t help but take note of the hardworking miners who appeared to be working round the clock under the watchful eyes of guards and supervisor mages.

The cave was illuminated by several lamps as they delved deeper into the cavern, with Isabella walking alongside Aizel and Hazel, and Seraphine behind them.

"What do you think Sera, are they both in love?" Hazel whisper softly.

"Instead of focusing on them, you should focus on the expedition," Seraphine replied.

"Hehe, do you have someone you love?"

The group continued walking. Hazel attempted to engage Seraphine in conversation again but was met with a cold response. Seraphine simply closed her eyes and seemed to tune Hazel out completely.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, Aizel, and the others began to notice the emergence of pink crystals embedded in the walls and ceiling.

Workers were busy extracting these crystals and carrying them away. Aizel sensed a higher quality of mana in this area, and he realized that any magic he cast here would be more potent.

"Now from here on out, we will divide into small groups and head to different places to hunt the local monsters known as \'Sawblade Worms\'.

"Normally these get to only Grade I and Grade II, so you all will be okay."

The group quickly split up and ventured down different paths within the cave. Isabella stuck with Aizel. Hazel and Seraphine chose to follow the same route as well.

"Why are you all following me, seriously?"

"As I said, I follow you on this expedition," Isabella replied.

"I am your friend softie as well as Seraphine."

Aizel sighed.

As they went further into the cave, their heightened sense of mana finally picked up on some activity. Seraphine was the first to sense it, and she quickly alerted the rest of the group.

"Here they come," she said.

The sound of rumbling grew louder and louder until Aizel finally caught sight of the source - a group of giant worms with smooth, light pink skin and long, thin black hair.

Their tongues were elastic, and their teeth resembled those of a chainsaw. They stood at a towering height of 3 meters and looked extremely menacing.

"They are fucking ugly," Aizel commented.

"Well, they are called monsters for a reason," Isabella replied while quickly summoning a long wooden staff.

"Are you going to fight with a stick," Aizel said, after noticing the staff.

"I will boost your abilities along with your healing. I am not specialized in fighting." She replied.

"Interesting; this is the first time I have seen someone who can heal," he thought.

"Beware of their teeth, they\'re sharp and deadly, they can rip your body apart in an instant. I can only heal wounds, scratches, and small injuries.

"Don\'t expect me to regenerate limbs or completely heal you guys from the brink of death."


"Who is Roger?" Hazel asked.

"I meant okay,"

A sudden movement caught their attention as two worms charged toward them.

Their tongues lashed out like elastic whips, aimed straight at Isabella.

Aizel\'s quick reflexes allowed him to summon Sekki and block one of the worm\'s tongues, while Seraphine used her spear to intercept the other one.

Isabella\'s staff began to glow with a soft light as she swung it in a circular motion, directing the energy toward them.

Power surged through Aizel\'s body, giving him the same boost that his dagger usually gave him through life energy.

Damn, she is useful," Aizel thought.

Suddenly, in a swift motion, Seraphine swung her spear horizontally, and the pointy edge shone with a bright light, unleashing a powerful water slash that sliced the worms in half.

As the rest of the worms slithered towards the group, Hazel\'s magic sprouted roots and trees from the ground, trapping the creatures.

Aizel and Seraphine then easily eliminated them, as they were only Grade I worms. The fight was over in an instant, and the group continued on their mission deeper into the cave.

"Can we use their corpse for anything?" Aizel asked. He was collecting the corpses, hoping Vespara might be able to use them in some potion for him in the future.

"Well, their teeth and tongue can be used as material for armor and weapons, while their meat tastes quite good if it\'s good," Hazel replied.

As Aizel glanced towards the lifeless, hairy pink corpses of the worms, disgust crept into his face. Isabella and Hazel couldn\'t help but chuckle at his reaction.

"More are coming," Seraphine said.

Everyone nodded and quickly placed their attention on hunting some more.

eαglesnovel`c,om The team continued to face successive waves of Grade I Sawblade Worms, but with Hazel\'s magical assistance to trap and control the monsters, Aizel and Seraphine were able to dispatch them with ease.

Isabella quickly restored their stamina, erasing any signs of fatigue and enhancing their senses and strength with her magic. The four mages worked together flawlessly, taking down the worms one after another without any trouble.

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