
Chapter 354 Moving Up A Sector?

Upon hearing that person call him, Lothur immediately paid attention to the uniform worn by academy employees on that woman.

Annaliese also noticed that person, who should be from Sector-6, since there were six stars above her name, above her right breast, on her clothing.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Lothur asked this middle-aged woman, who had an excellent physical build.

She looked at him calmly, showing she neither appreciated nor rejected Lothur. Instead, she just had a look typical of those experienced people on her face, not giving the slightest hint to that young man whether she was a friend or an enemy.

"Someone wants to talk to you. Come with me." She turned and then started walking in the direction of Sector-6.

Seeing that, Lothur looked at Annaliese, and she looked back at him. "You\'d better go. That woman is probably just a secretary, but she can even kick you out of the academy if she so wishes."

"Is that so?" He asked before setting off in the direction of that woman with curves proportionate to her 1.5 meters tall.

Meanwhile, the youths in the surrounding area began to comment on the situation since, unlike Lothur, none lacked common sense and knew who that woman was.

"The secretary of Sector-6? What does she want with Lothur?"

"Who knows..."

"Maybe he\'s going to get kicked out of the academy for lying?" One of the young men who disliked Lothur thought aloud.

"Idiot. He\'ll probably get promoted from one sector to another." Another person commented on this, which was the most likely possibility to happen.

Meanwhile, in one of the corners of that academy entrance, Merten was looking with pure hatred in Lothur\'s direction as he felt his wound hurt.

Merten had lost part of one of his arms to Lothur in the fight days ago. So this young man could not help but feel incredibly angry at the sight of this person.

But worst of all, he could not do anything about his grudge since Lothur was a monster!

\'Maybe I can take my hate out on that little bitch?\' He wondered, remembering that the Becker family was now no longer a friend of House Baier. So Elke was within his limits of action to hurt Lothur!

\'Little bitch, you will suffer for relating to him!\' He made up his mind and left there with plans to act against Elke.


Meanwhile, Lothur arrived at a luxurious and prominent office in the central part of the academy, where that institution\'s management was, but also Sector-6.

In this place, the middle-aged woman made him wait for a few moments until a tall and thin young man came to greet him.

"Lothur Ritter, right? I\'ve heard a lot about you recently." This man with black hair and round glasses said as he shook one of the hands of the young man in front of him, smiling.

Over the past few days, several organizations had come to this man on Lothur\'s account. These powers wanted to know about young Ritter\'s background within this institution or about the possibility of hiring him for missions.

So he was not joking with Lothur in saying his previous words.

But, on the other hand, when Lothur saw the individual in front of him, he found it a little strange since this person seemed so weak on the surface but had a considerable level.

[Name: Luis Hellwege]

[Cultivation: ???]

[STR: ???] [CON: ???] [DEX: ???] [AGI: ???]

The young Ritter had already seen this person\'s name on the metal plate on the table that separated the two. So seeing the status similar to Mabel\'s, he could not help but imagine that this was a Transcendent.

"Are you the principal of the academy?" Lothur asked.

This fellow nodded and said. "Yes, I am here for the time being."

"What do you want with me? Why am I here?" Lothur was concise, getting to the point so as not to waste his time.

That man smiled at the behavior of the young man in front of him and said. "Well, there are some problems we have to solve, no? I know it\'s not your fault that you entered the academy through Sector-1 with \'outdated\' information, but we need to fix this. You need to regularize your registration."

"On the other hand, continuing in Sector-2 and still having no access to the spiritual area of the academy is not good. So we have to change that, don\'t you think?" He asked in a friendly manner.

This man was not friendly with Lothur because this young man had done well at the Province Conference. He was naturally good-natured and had a humble attitude.

So much so that, apart from Lothur, who had the system tips, few in the province or Peters City knew that he was actually a Transcendent!

He was low-profile and acted below the radar without drawing unnecessary attention.

So even if Lothur were not a prodigy, he would still treat this young man with good humor.

Lothur saw that in this individual and was sincere. "Is there a need for that? I\'m fine, and I have plans that might compete with what you have in mind."

"Oh? Can you tell me about that?" Luis asked, not wanting to insist on something without at least seeing this young man\'s side.

There was a bureaucratic need for some of his issues with Lothur to be resolved. But he had several ways to resolve it without having to \'force\' this student.

So, Lothur responded to this man\'s friendly approach, "I don\'t intend to pursue any of my professions deeply. I have some ideas in mind and wish to focus on them until they can develop without me. After that, I will use that to fund my life or whatever I wish to do in the future."

"Is that so?" The director was serious, amazed since he had not imagined that Lothur had such a peaceful and calm goal.

What Lothur had told him was not so different from a super genius saying that he wanted to live like a farmer, a quiet life, without developing his talents.

That, at the same time, seemed incredibly disappointing and a waste, but also a noble, respectable goal.

After all, so many individuals in this world wished for chaos and would dirty their hands with the blood of the innocent for the mere chance of ascension. So, someone with the possibility to do this actually wishing for a \'secluded\' life and not developing to the fullest could even be considerably appreciable.

The principal of this institution became even more curious and asked. "Can you tell me more specifically how you intend to do this? Maybe I can help you with something."

Lothur did not know, but the man in front of him knew the identity of his dreaded father. Because of this, he was interested in keeping this young man in front of him out of trouble, whatever his real goals might be...

So Lothur soon spoke about his plans that he had already told dozens of people in Linn Province.

"Have you ever thought about waking up in the morning, getting into a carriage without depending on a beast or beast, and driving yourself to the academy?"


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