
Chapter 652 Control

\'But what about the air, why does it not just zap to the ground?\' Eldrian pondered for a bit. He was curious how he could control the summoned lightning. The other elements it seemed natural to be able to control them, with only nature being strange and hard to control due to its properties.

\'No, that isn\'t quite right. Fire can also spread as a fire would do, however, we can control it or we can leave it. And not just me, everyone. Keeping it confined to the spell area for the most part.\'

\'I can see how that is possible. Even if people can\'t normally take control of a spell, they all have an idea of what it should be and how it should evolve. Their situation is more like aiming a gun, with the casting process being both the aiming and molding of the spell.\'

\'I stay connected, capable of altering its path and its form. During casting however others have the same ability. They might not be quite aware of this, but no one is going to cast a spell without any idea of how it should work.\'

\'You read its description, how it works, you memorize its spell module, and you practice until you master it. There is no way someone goes through all that and lacks a basic understanding of how the spell should perform.\'

\'Thus, they have unconsciously formed the mold for the spell during casting, only aware that they are aiming it. Yet, at that moment they had not just aimed it, they had also formed it.\'

\'And as long as we will it, the mana will stay confined to its designated path. Not influencing the environment unless its path is obstructed. Thus, spells function in a controlled manner. Thus the fire does not spread wildly, and thus the lightning does not follow its nature seeking the path of least resistance.\'

\'But more than that, it is still just mana taking on the form of an element. It does not become the element. And since it is mana, it does not necessarily need to follow the rules of the element.\'

\'Is this why Tier 0 spells like Floga, even if I make it as big as a person, hardly does any damage. Its temperature not increasing unless I compress it and focus on doing just that.\'

\'Is this maybe part of the principle behind training weapons? Allowing wooden items to stay as hard as solid wood, but when attacking someone with all your might it does hardly any damage?\'

\'You were talking to someone before your monologue.\' Two mentioned as Eldrian\'s thoughts started to wander a bit more in random directions. Coughing, he smiled awkwardly and looked towards Brazan.

\'Should I explain what I just realized? No, I need to confirm my suspicions first. But I can point out one thing to Brazan.\'

"When you are casting a fire spell, what do you think will happen?"

"That I will form the spell, summoning fire," The lizardkin answered. Curious about what Eldrian had just been pondering and not understanding what his question was supposed to mean.

"Right, but what does the fire do?"

"That would depend on the spell-"

"Just the spell?" Eldrian questioned, "Then why can I do this?" Summoning a tiny ball of fire [Myfotia], Eldrian had it dance around a bit before sending it off to explode.

Brazan however was shocked when the ball landed on the ground and did not explode or set the ground afire. Instead, it bounced like a ball. Slowing down with each bounce until it lay on the ground, just like a normal ball.

Yet, it was made out of fire.

Eldrian was also pleased, unlike normal, he had not controlled the ball to bounce each time. He had not manually moved it up and down to mimic a ball. Instead, he had wanted to spell to do just that. Envisioned it acting like a normal ball. And it had worked.

A fascinating result, a truly wonderful thing.

"You can do this because you are a High Elf." Brazan answered after taking a moment to wrap his head around what he was seeing.

He already knew Eldiran could control spells, but seeing the fire lay on the grass and yet the grass did not dry, did not change a single shade of green. It was a shocking sight.

"It is not that. In fact, I think Myropsis might be able to do this too.", \'Though she would likely need a few tries to get it right. But this should be easier than fully controlling the spell the entire time.\'

Brazan paused, thinking back to Eldrian\'s original question. \'What do I think a fire spell is? What do I expect from it?\'

\'Is it that in the moment of casting we too have control? Of course we do. After all, if we had none we would never be able to use magic. If we could not control a spell, we would not be able to aim it. But, there is more to this...\'

Giving Brazan a few seconds to think things through, Eldrian asked a follow-up question along with sending another ball of fire to the ground. This time, he let fire be fire. The grass quickly dried up and caught fire as the tiny ball exploded.

"What do you think is the difference between these two?" Eldrian asked. After a few seconds, he tried to regain control of the fire. Finding it predictably hard.

\'I see, I even need to use some mana.\' Using mana sense, Eldrian quickly realize what was going on. The mana he sent to the fire quickly became part of the normal flames. Increasing their fire element just enough to allow him to take over the fire.

\'That\'s right, I can\'t control anything that does not have mana in it. And normal flames have a lower quantity of fire elements compared to magical flames. While almost all things in the world have mana in them, the quantity is sometimes not enough to alter the nature of the element. But, if we increase it we can convert it.\'

\'What do you think, Two?\'

\'Yeah, it isn\'t elegant. You\'re just ripping control from nature with force. Brazan\'s control is far more fascinating.\'

\'You\'re right, it is almost how we make use of our aura of wrath.\' Eldrian nodded, returning his focus to Brazan who was looking between the ball of fire still, not influencing the surrounding grass, and the blazing fire.

"Control." Brazan replied after a moment.

"What do you mean by that?"

"With one you clearly controlled it, the other you did not." Brazan replied but quickly realized that he was not right. Looking at Eldrian\'s silence, he returned his attention to fire and ball.

"Will?" This time his answer was less certain, more a question.

"What do you mean?" Eldrian asked again.

"Both spells had your will, I saw now that you stopped the fire from spreading further. And I can see that to do so you used more mana, the fire is no longer a mix of natural and magical. It is now all magical like a spell. While I can control natural fires, I won\'t be able to control this."

Eldrian found it interesting that Brazan\'s ability to control was almost the opposite of his way. Eldrian took control of the mana, but Brazan took control of the fire itself.

\'Yet, I don\'t get how he can\'t control his own spells...\'

\'Maybe because a spell already has will in it?\' Two offered and Eldrian felt like a lightbulb went on in his mind.

\'How did I never consider this.\'

"Brazan, when you control a normal fire, think of what you are thinking and doing at the moment. Compare this to what you are doing when casting a spell. I believe they should be quite similar."

"Indeed," Brazan nodded, looking at the now burnt area left behind by the fire and where the fireball was still resting on the ground. He paused, \'I always thought spells as fixed. But what if instead, I consider it to just be fire taking on some forms for a moment? My will imposing control over it. Then, do I not do the same with spells and my ability?\'

Seeing that Brazan seemed enlightened, Eldrian smiled and excused himself. Inside he found that Maia and two others were absent. Only Rina was in the mansion, she was waiting at the door with refreshments. Freshly squeezed orange juice with some complimentary sweets, having heard Eldrian talking with Brazan she had quickly hurried to greet him appropriately.

Rina was a foxkin type of beastgirl, seeing her Eldrian was reminded of the girl he had saved before the catastrophe and Kohaku again. He wondered if either of the two were still alive.

"Is something wrong, sir?" Rina asked, quickly picking up on Eldrian\'s mood changing for the worse.

"It\'s nothing." Eldrian quickly brushed it off taking the offered juice and asking, "Is the materials in the storage room?"

"Yes, what are you looking for?"

"How did they sort it?"

"Highest grade closet to the entrance," Rina replied.

​ "Thanks." Moving past the still confused girl, Eldrian quickly grabbed two of each type of body part of the reavers.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support the story by simply reading on Webnovel, voting for the story, or sharing comments. It is all greatly appreciated.

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