
Chapter 483 - Myropsis, Truly A Curious Individual

Chapter 483 - Myropsis, Truly A Curious Individual

"For now, leave it there." Solvi had managed to catch her breath, but even now she was still extremely tired.

"I need to recover my mana and fix the simpler arrays so the room won\'t collapse. Also, since this is supposed to be your reward for your achievements, I believe I should give it to Pelaros first."

Eldrian nodded, he didn\'t like that it had to be done like that. He wanted to start practicing with Crystoi right away. However, he understood that sometimes things needed to follow a certain set path first.

"Alright," Eldrian smiled forlornly as he looked at the spear, sighing and turning to the dwarf so he wouldn\'t be tempted.

"I am curious, did you gain any insights?"

A massive grin appeared on the dwarf\'s face as she nodded. "Yes, the voidstone, in particular, helped me realize something I had never even thought was possible."

"That\'s great," Eldrian said, a bit sad that she wasn\'t sharing. He couldn\'t blame her though, it would certainly be a trade secret.

"Right, since the forging is over and..." Pausing to see if she was going to offer him a room to practice in or apprenticeship, Eldrian sighed when she didn\'t. "Since you will give the spear to Pelaros, I will see myself out."

Nodding to the staff as he left, Eldrian finally realized he had forgotten to buy more beds. Not having thought that he would hire maids, he had left most of the first-floor rooms empty. In fact, he had also wanted to leave his room empty and most of the other rooms too.

Vivian however had argued that he couldn\'t do that. Even if just for appearance, there had to be a bed. The realtor of course had quickly added more gusto to ensure he could squeeze Eldrian for as much as possible.

\'I hope they actually chose a room with a bed last night.\'? Eldrian prayed while feeling like slapping himself for his forgetfulness.

Not knowing anywhere else to get furniture, he went to the realtor again. Though he didn\'t like the man, at least the deliveries were prompt and the items in good quality as far as Eldrian had seen.


\'Ugh! He wouldn\'t freaking stop offering me more \'special\' maids. The creep!\' Sighing as he escaped from the place, Eldrian decided to see if Myropsis was in her usual room. The magic association\'s library.

No-one stopped him as he walked in and headed directly for the library, if that was because they remembered him or something else Eldrian didn\'t know. However, he appreciated it.

Entering the room, he found pages scattered everywhere. The bookshelves had been evacuated leaving on ruined books and pages in the room. In the center of this mess, a girl was scribbling notes on the nearest page while casting Vrachos.

Eldrian made sure that he was not in the line of fire as he watched the girl decimate a corner of a bookshelf. After each cast, she would scribble something, pick up a new stone, and then cast the spell again.

She repeated this cycle ten times before finally realizing that someone had entered the ruined library.

She looked at the intruder, squinted her eyes, and stared.

Eyes flying open and jaw hitting the floor from the shock, she fumbled over her words as she tried to make sense of what she saw.

"El-el-elf- No Hi-hi- No, Haru!" Jumping from the pile of scribbled pages, not caring that they would be lost in the mess, she jump-hugged him even wanting to kiss him.

"You\'re finally back, and you reached Tier 4! How? When? What-" Mumbling, "No that isn\'t important," Shouting, "Please help me!"

Eldrian paused, not understanding the past few seconds of events. Trying his best to get her off him while being warry to not touch the wrong places, Eldrian asked what she wanted help with.

"I still can\'t get it right. In a hundred tries, I am only able to control the spell two or three times. And even then, it won\'t last for longer than a second or two."

"As a result, I can\'t figure out how I managed to control it when I do!" She replied while clinging to him as if the contact might allow her to steal some of his luck.

Of course, in her eyes, he was insanely lucky. When she had first met him he had been but a weak little Tier 1 elf. She hadn\'t even put him in her eyes during their first meeting, outside of his race being High Elf.

Of course, as she came to learn more about him she realized how amazing he was. But, to jump from Tier 1 to 4 in just a few months. While also making massive contributions in the war at that! It was simply unheard of.

"Please, let me breathe!" Eldrian shouted, having had enough and finally pulling out the big guns. Which is Chelona\'s Shield ability and Kyma\'s shockwave. Sending pages flying and Myropsis\'s skirt with it.

Ducking from her slipping arms, Eldrian glanced at something special as he escaped and ran for the stairs. When Myropsis tried to chase he used Frost Needle to freeze the ramp. Of course, this took quite a lot of mana.

Myropsis did not chase, she just stared at the now ice-covered ramp in awe. Until a few seconds when her fervor grew again. \'Shit!\' Seeing her growing fervor, Eldrian feared he wouldn\'t escape from the room.

Luckily, the ice seemed to also have cooled Myropsis down enough for her to think a bit more rationally. Suddenly, she acted all lady-like.

"Sorry..." She said bashfully while twirling her shoulders, "You must understand, I became so desperate after months without much progress."

Eldrian just stared her down, not willing to come down just yet. Seeing this, Myropsis turned beet red from embarrassment. "Please, don\'t look at me like that!"

"Then stop acting crazy."

"I-I wasn\'t- I\'m not... Fine, I\'ve calmed down!"

"Is it safe for me to come down then?" Eldrian asked, and Myropsis nodded like a shy lady. Eldrian didn\'t trust it.

"I think I will stay up here for now."

Hearing this, Myropsis felt like crying.

Instead, she soldiered on. Turned her back to Eldrian, sat down where once her chaotic system of pages had been and now was just floor, and started with her previous pattern. Needing to stretch to reach any new pages, which often gave Eldrian quite the view.

Eldrian watched her cast four more times before saying, "You aren\'t taking control of your mana. You are only hinting at it that you want control. If you want to succeed, then every spell needs to have all your focus. You can\'t spare any of your thoughts on anything else."

Smiling, Myropsis nodded and tried again. This time, after ten casts she was starting to sweat. However, on her tenth, she had also managed to halt the cone-shaped stone for a few seconds.

Realizing that she was about to rush him in joy, Eldrian followed his exit strategy. Forming a wall of ice and booking it.

While Myropsis would gladly act as childish and silly as she wanted in her room; the communal library of the mage\'s association. She couldn\'t act the same way in the public rooms, after all, she did have an image to keep up as being part of the royal family.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support this novel on WN.

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