
Chapter 104: Arkbeasts

Chapter 104: Arkbeasts

After having saved his head Eldrian found himself cornered against the tree.Cursing the beast\'s intelligence Eldrian used his kite shield out of desperation, managing to barely keep himself intact with it.

Each attack sent shockwaves moving through his body, informing Eldrian of the massive difference in strength. Luckily Eldrian realized with this that he had more speed, yet he could not really use it cornered against a tree.

Just as his kite shield was about to become scraps, Eldrian found the opportunity to move from the tree. Pushing off against it Eldrian rushed towards the beast. Kite shield over his head Eldrian dove under the beast\'s swinging claw. Eldrian plunged his arming sword into the beast\'s belly as he moved under it, losing his grip as blood sprayed onto him.

Cursing Eldrian cast Floga out of desperation, sending the flame to the beast\'s nether region. Hearing the cry of agony and rage Eldrian knew he had gained a few seconds. Maneuvering from under the beast Eldrian pulled his last sword from his inventory.

Unfortunately this was a greatsword and far too big to use with a shield, yet in the next second Eldrian\'s shield became scraps as the beast struck again. Eldrian using it in desperation while still fumbling with the greatsword with his other hand.

This strike split the kite shield into two, Eldrian receiving a large gash as the shield split. With the shield split Eldrian lost grip of it along with most strength in his wounded arm.

Cursing the shield\'s weakness Eldrian moved to get some space between him and the Arkbeast. Tripping over the dead Arkbeast he had slain a few seconds before.

Dammit! Cursing, Eldrian pulled the sword over him hoping to defend from an expectant attack that never came. Realizing that the beast had not rushed over its fallen comrade Eldrian used the few seconds this gave him to gather his breath and look at what weapons he still had.

Small shield, staff, bow.

"Shit!" Rolling to the side Eldrian avoided another attack as he felt his remaining weapons being of no use in this situation. The greatsword being his best option, Eldrian tried to get enough distance to use its reach to his advantage.

As if reading his plan the beast kept closing in on Eldrian, making the greatsword too clunky to really use. Eldrian only managing to barely keep its claws from digging into him.

Out of desperation Eldrian again thought of using Floga, casting the spell and sending it directly at the beast\'s face.

Seeing the flame and remembering the pain the beast was enraged and afraid. Stepping back it tried to dodge the flame, yet Eldrian could control it.

Seeing the beast\'s reaction he kept the flame in front of the beast\'s face as he gathered his thoughts. Slashing at the beast as soon as he had half a plan.

Unfortunately the beast soon overcame its fear, leaving only rage. But the time had been enough for Eldrian to deliver a few nice attacks. Eldrian also learned how to use Floga in that first attempt.

Following the inspiration he had gained Eldrian cast the spell again, keeping the flame in front of the beast\'s face. Even with it not being afraid, Eldrian managed to use it to keep his own movements hidden from the beast. Allowing him to deliver a few more shallow wounds.

The beast gave up on trying to be careful after the fourth hit landed, charging in rage. Just as Eldrian had hoped it would. Using all the strength he had left Eldrian thrust the greatsword into the beast\'s chest as it charged him, letting go of it as soon as he made sure it was deep enough.

Even with having planned it Eldrian still failed to get out of the way in time, his right leg having been trampled by the beast.

Luckily it had seemed to be enough as the beast slouched and slowly stopped, finally it fell down and Eldrian got the message he had been waiting for.

[1 350XP Gained]

Tired Eldrian slouched onto the first beast he had killed. Trying to catch his breath he cast Anthos and Anthizo on himself, finding that these two did not seem to clash. Each having its own cooldown.

Finally feeling mostly back to normal Eldrian slowly stood up, flinching as he placed weight onto his right leg.

"Dammit!" Eldrian cursed, wiping blood and sweat out of his eyes. Feeling that this did not really help he cast Nidia for water. Realizing that he could control the water ball he splashed it onto his face, moving the bloodied water away and letting it fall onto the ground.

That works wonderfully. He thought as he did the same to clean his arm wound, his leg luckily seemed to be in one piece. It only hurt up to the limit of the game setting. Which told Eldrian that it was likely broken.

"Two would have killed me if I did not catch one unaware." Eldrian sighed as he realized that he was not as strong as he had hoped.

The usage of the rejuvenation spells had not healed the gash on his arm nor his hurt leg, but it did stop the bleeding. Stabilizing his condition, yet Eldrian found that he was really close to death. Having only 40HP left after the spells\' effects.

"I really need armor," Eldrian mumbled as he realized that one direct none vital hit and another non-direct hit had almost killed him. He felt quite certain that if any of the two had landed on his upper body then he would be dead.

He also realized he needed a true healing spell, rejuvenation was great for before or during a fight. Eldrian felt certain that he would not have made it from the tree if not for having cast Anthizo right before the fight.

After resting enough and feeling ready to walk again Eldrian started gathering his weapons. Hoping that the soldiers were doing good. From the sound of it, they were still deep in the fight.

Eldrian struggled a great deal with getting Grace out of the impaled Arkbeast. After a few attempts, he realized that he needed to pull it through the beast, as he could not move the beast. Yet it was really stuck, taking him over an entire minute to get it out.

Holding the bloody grace in his hands Eldrian realized he needed to clean all his weapons, luckily this was easy with Nidia. Casting the spell and running it over the weapons Eldrian quickly managed to get all the blood and gore off of them.

Let\'s go help.Eldrian told himself as he used Grace as a walking cane. His right leg struggling to take his weight. Eldrian knew that he would die if the soldiers did, as such he wanted to help even a little. At worst they would revive him if he did enough. At least this was what he kept telling himself.

Following the sounds of battle Eldrian soon saw another Arkbeast trying to move around the soldiers. At least that was what he felt it was doing with how it was carefully moving towards the side.

Not feeling like he would be able to rush the beast with his bad leg Eldrian placed his spear onto the ground and took out the bow from his inventory. Taking a few arrows out, which was important as getting them out of the cubic inventory was far more difficult than with the slot inventory.

The latter he could do as he did in battle, getting them out in less than a seconds. But the former still took him a few seconds to take something out of.

Breathing deeply Eldrian tried to calm himself as he took aim. He was not confident in his bow skills and as such was simply aiming at the beast\'s body. He hoped to get two shots in before needing to go to his spear. Best case, four.

Ready, he let loose.

Solid! Eldrian thought as the arrow struck deeply into the beast\'s side, taking another arrow Eldrian waited for the beast to charge. It soon did, as it did Eldrian aimed and let loose another as the beast was only ten meters away. The arrow missed the beast\'s head and struck into its chest.

Happy that it was not a glancing blow Eldrian grabbed his spear and rolled to the side. The pain having left him due to the adrenaline flowing in him again.

Backing up Eldrian kept his spear towards the beast, managing to keep the beast far enough from it. A few times his leg almost gave out from under him and allowed the beast to get a very near strike, but Eldrian would manage to pull through at the critical time.

Soon the beast decided to take a blow if it meant killing the annoying human.

Frustrated by its barbaric fighting style Eldrian was soon almost killed, at the last moment he had cast Floga and sent the flame towards the beast\'s face. This had given him enough time to dodge.

Realizing that the spell was effective, even without the extra insult he had done to the other, Eldrian tried to do the same as he had before. Finding that it really worked.

He would fling the spell at the beast\'s eyes as he thrust his spear making the beast decide which one it wanted to hit.

When it decided spear, Eldrian let the spell go for real. While if it chose the spell he would simply stop it midway as his spear made contact. In this way Eldrian managed to save some of his mana as he fought, slowly chipping away at the beast.

After around a minute of this Eldrian finally managed to kill the beast, one of its eyes having been blinding by Floga. As soon as that had happened the beast\'s hope of winning had gone. Eldrian simply flung Floga at its remaining eye while pressuring with his spear.

"Spells are really strong," Eldrian mumbled as he left the dead beast in peace.

Continuing on towards the fight he wondered why no one used spells like that.

Oh yeah, they can\'t. He realized, remembering that only people over Tier 5 would normally be able to control spells as he did. Even then they might never think of using Tier 0 spells as he did since a Tier 5 spell would likely be a far better choice.

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