
Chapter 33: The Trial of Monrell II

Chapter 33: The Trial of Monrell II

The lady seems nice enough, I can tell that she is a powerful mage. I want to inspect her stats, but I don\'t want to offend the woman who will be selling me life saving supplies. "I was hoping that I could possibly get some standard healing potions." She looks me up and down. She must not believe I can afford it. She is wearing elegant, but powerful gear that highlights her curves. Knowing that she is probably over 60 years old while only looking 20 is at the forefront of my mind. I don\'t want to even think about that.

She frowns as if she could understand what was going through my head. "You know I don\'t take to kindly to thoughts like that." I know she cant read my thoughts, if she could a system prompt would tell me something is happening. I keep a neutral face as to not show how right she was. "I may not be able to read your thoughts, but I know when a man wants me or not. Comes with age apparently." I chuckle on the inside from her joke. She has a good sense of humor thankfully.

I take out enough gold to get me 10 health potions that heal 40% of users full health. It isn\'t the best healing potion, but there are plenty of bad ones. "I hope this would cover the costs of the potions." She looks at the bag of gold as if it was fake. She picks it up and casts a few spells to check the authenticity of the coins. After several spells she looks at me with surprise.

She sets the bag of gold on the counter and gives her full attention to me. "Well you have the gold, now why do you need them?" I don\'t see how that is any of her business and I intend to keep my goals and objectives private matters. She can see that I am not giving her any information on what I plan on doing. She goes into the back to get the potions that I ordered.

As I am waiting at the counter I hear the door behind me open and I turn to see what looks to be another player. Must be someone who chose eclipse as there beginner city. The person is rather average in height, I have about 5 to 6 inches on whoever this person is. They come up to the counter as they pick up the little bell and ring it. "Just a minute!!" She is clearly going to be longer than a minute.

I look over to the player and they are hiding their face along with their information. I can only make so many assumptions about who this person is. I am not here to make friends though, it will be to big a risk if I am suddenly discovered. I can tell that my piercing stare is bothering whoever this is and is making them nervous. "What do you want?!" I hear a feminine voice ask me about my crass behavior. I guess I\'ll have to talk to this person even if I don\'t want to.

I stay silent and just let her stir in her own discomfort. This will give me a little bit of an advantage. "Nothing that another player wouldn\'t assume about another. I hide my information just like you and everyone else does. So that leaves the question on why you are so defensive even though this is normal for unfamiliar players to behave like. You are either new or you have be betrayed to much to be comfortable." Her body slightly jerks at logic. I may have hit the nail on the head with that reaction.

She turns her hood in my direction and I can make out elvish like features. She much have chosen to be an archer or an assassin. She doesn\'t have a bow equipped, but that shouldn\'t exclude that possibility. Best guess at the moment is assassin, unless she is magic oriented. I don\'t feel any recognizable magic power though. "Your a smart one aren\'t you, and you don\'t beat around the bush. You still haven\'t told me what you want." She must want a legitimate reason to my behavior. I don\'t really have a reason, I just like messing with another player who cant take at least a little bit of pressure.

I sigh as I rub the back of my head. "I was messing with you. I don\'t really have a want, it seems that the only reason we are talking right now is from how defensive you were when I only looked at you." She looks kind of mad after I say that. I don\'t know why it would make her mad. Not like we are ever going to see each other again. This girl obviously has problems and I have no reason to become involved with them.

I hear the owner of this fine shop come out from the back with a sack filled with all the potions I need. She puts it on the counter in front of me and gives me an annoyed look. I payed her so she has no reason to complain. "Thanks, hope this one is nicer to you than she was too me." I pick up the bag and put it in my inventory. I turn to leave, but I am stopped by the little elf player.

She tries to turn me around to face her, but I am to high of a level for her to even move my body. She just growls and gets in front of me with an angry expression. "I don\'t know what your deal is, but if I catch you outside of here and treat me like this again there will be consequences." I scoff at her remark and we can both hear a little laugh from the lady who owns the store. She must get the gap between our player levels.

I just ignore her and walk out the door. She tries to stop me again for some reason, but I smack her hand away from me and I can see the shocked expression on her face. Along with the weakening of the body, guess I did some damage. I should really get started on the trial of Monrell and get that amazing reward. I make my way to the park and walk the curvy paths as I come to the same statue as before. I can see the same inscription as last time.

I pull out one of my swords and prick the tip of my finger and let blood drip on the statue. I feel really bad about doing this to a tribute to someone, but there is no other way. Soon the statue glows and I am transported to an open field littered with corpses. I walk around for awhile and come to a conclusion that its just an illusion of some past event. I look up ahead and see a single warrior stand atop a pile of bodies. Looks like his previous elegant white armor is stained in crimson blood. I try to inspect the man and get the usual thing from powerful NPC\'s.

[You are not strong enough to view this NPC\'s information]

[The NPC has been waiting patiently for your arrival]

[The NPC now knows you are here]

Whoever this NPC is they are the master of this place. Taking a better look this is the Sword Saint Monrell. His armor matches the statue outside. "So you have come to be tested by my trial have you. Nobody since the day I died has completed this trial. I am growing tired of remaining in this place to guide others." It really isn\'t Monrell, just a magical imprint from his mind. He is both alive and dead, the original him is died. This is just an echo, now all that\'s left is an intelligent recording.

I walk up to the pile of bodies he stands on and I take in the view of the fields and mountains. "I have come for the trial, but I do want to ask one question before I start." His helmeted head turns to look down at me. He stays silent for a moment and then nods giving me permission to speak. "Is it true that you hated combat?" There were rumors in Monrells lore that after so many years he grew very tired of fighting.

[The NPC is disturbed my your choice of question]

[The NPC is interested in the results that you will bring]

He stops looking at me and looks forward again as he releases a deep and tired sigh. "There was a time I enjoyed battle, but that was when I could challenge and be challenged. After so long I was left in an empty world with nothing except my titles." I can see that the best part of battle is fighting people stronger than you so you can become stronger. He made it to a point that only creatures of a higher life rating could kill him. He was the top of the human food chain.

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