
57 PDS – Chapter 57

1300 stones reward!!

With this, the offer comes to an end. I hope you enjoyed these four days of extra chapters. And having seen how many stones you are capable of giving, I would be veeery disappointed if you stopped offering them... LOL, just kidding. However, the fact that a novel has held steady at #77 in the rankings is something that makes you realize that \'culture\' is power. Unfortunately, we are back to one chapter per day, and double chapters on the weekend.


I wake up early feeling refreshed, with my girls\' legs entangled over my body. With a bit of patience and a lot of body contortions, I manage to get off the bed without waking up my lovelies. Yesterday\'s matter with Hester is still in my mind, but at least my rage has lowered to a simmering boil. I kiss both girls gently on the cheek careful of not waking them up, then I dress and go upstairs to my apartments. A nice cup of coffee later, I am in my den reviewing the last six months of \'material\' from Hester\'s home cameras, while I ponder at the same time, trying to decide which approach might be best.

Assuming I can find incriminating videos, I can either use those to blackmail her to come to me or instead \'suggest\' to her father that he send her to me for \'obedience training\'. Both approaches have their pros and cons, though. If I use blackmail on Hester, I will not be able to keep her away from her home after our \'sessions\'. This increases the risk that she might tell everything to daddy and get me in trouble, as the blackmail is based on videos from my hidden cameras. Even if I manage to settle things, there is always the risk that she might let something slip \'innocently\' to the other girls in the building, giving me a one-way ticket to jail. On the plus side, I can make her feel desperate and completely at my mercy, thanks to her fear of the videos going public causing her and her father to lose everything; his job, his money, and most importantly, any power that she might have. Going the suggestion route, I can lock her up for days in my dungeon and nobody will notice anything, which is a plus. On the minus side, it will take her a while until it sinks in that her \'daddy\' is not coming to rescue her, something that will hinder any progress that I might have since I don\'t want to use my system tricks on her. Breaking her will take longer and be harder this way…

Hmmm. What if I combine the two methods? Like, have daddy send her to me until she is obedient, let her simmer a day thinking that daddy will come to rescue her, then hit her with the videos, alluding that her father has sold her out to keep his job… This is not so bad… Daddy will do fuck nothing that might put me in trouble, while dear Hester will lose her faith in her father, causing her to fall into despair. And when she thinks that she is all alone in the world and that nobody cares about her, she will probably stop resisting and it will be much easier to break her and make her a good obedient cock-obsessed daughter…

Yup! Sounds good! Now to find evidence…

I spend all morning going through the videos with little success. Just when I am about to drop it and go to my girls for lunch, I hit the jackpot!

In the video, Hester\'s father is lying on the sofa face down and Hester is straddling him in shorts and a t-shirt giving him a back massage. While the scene is nothing compromising, their discussion, however, is another matter…

"Oh… thank you, dear! Daddy is feeling much better! You have such gentle hands… like your mother…"

"Daddy… Helena is going too far! Today, she called me a bitch in front of the class!"

"Really, dear? Did you provoke her, perhaps?"

"Of course not! Daddy! You don\'t believe your own daughter?"

"Of course, I do, dear. I just want to make sure that I have the facts straight! Why did she insult you? Is there and disagreement between you two?"

"No, daddy! She is just jealous of me! Please, daddy! Punish her!"

"Honey, the most I can do is call her to my office and reprimand her. I could call her parents and create a scene, but we both know that you probably caused this, don\'t we?"


Her father chuckles.

"I am not saying that you were wrong, dear. You are my daughter, and the other girls should know better than go against you no matter what you do or say, but I can only do so much openly…"


Vice-principal Paul sighs.

"…How about this? I will tell the other teachers to find any excuse they can to cane her at least once a day for a week!"

"Make it a month, daddy! I want her to be an object lesson for the rest of the girls!"

"A month is too much, honey, if her parents created a ruckus I would be in trouble. How about ten days?"

"Fine! Two weeks, then!"

"Fine, two weeks it is…"

"You are the best, daddy!"

The video continues with father and daughter chatting happily, but I stop following it, lost in my thoughts. This is exactly what I need, but maybe I can find more! I skip lunch and keep searching, until, by dinner time, I have a dozen similar videos, all showcasing the vice-principal agreeing with her daughter to punish this or that girl. But most importantly of all, I also have a video of daddy Paul fucking a student\'s mother in exchange for raising her child\'s grades!

That\'s it! The previous videos were enough to have him kicked out of school and discredited, but this, this is gold! Blackmailing a parent for sex using her daughter\'s grades is no longer a school issue, but a criminal one. With this, I can send Paul to jail whenever I want! I can already imagine Hester\'s face when she sees it! Hahaha!

I gather all the videos and transfer them to a tablet, then I take the tablet with me as I go downstairs to see my babies. I haven\'t seen them at all today and besides being hungry, I am kinda horny as well…

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