
Chapter 534 Birth Of The Dragon Queen

Sofia barely stood up, her heart throbbed so hard it felt as if it was about to split open. "What is this?" She questioned looking at the cold underneath her feet. The ground around her started spinning and twisting.

"Sofia! What happened?" Alice rushed at her, there were no signs of injury or mental damage. Something was just causing her to feel really sick. Healing magic seemed to have no effect no matter how much she tried.

"Your majesty! Your majesty! Breath, don\'t resist the souls\' offers, accept their gold and they shall rest." Abornazine approached them then in a hurry, he never expect Sofia to react like this to the souls of the dragons. Tiamat never showed such signs, treating their gold as mere gifts.

Sofia\'s body started shaking, her mouth started drooling as she glared at the ground. Quickly, her spit started getting turning green. A strange liquid was pouring from her fangs.

Alice immediately noticed it, [Purification] her magic almost failed from how concentrated that was. "Sofia, what was that? A toxin, poison? Since when?"

Sofia wasn\'t listening. Alice\'s words sounded distant, like someone yelling from underwater her wings felt numb.

CRACKLE! A lightning spark exploded from her wings. Alice got electrocuted and blasted backward, she glared at Sofia, "What was that? Get a hold of yourself."

Alice cried.

Sofia slowly turned her head to face Alice, her lips were shaking, her eyes flashing with multiple colors.

"R---run…" Sofia managed to utter those words before her body exploded in a blast of elemental energy. ROOOOAAAAR!

Alice picked up Abornazine and flew outside the gate. Looking behind, the treasury room has turned into a hellish hole of chaotic magic. Lightning stormed, Fire blazed, Acid splashed with toxin as everything from over and over again.

From the chaos, the massive claw emerged. One, two, three, four, five draconic heads. A red-head, a black-head, a white-head, a blue-head, and a green-head.

The great dragon looks like a nightmare creation supporting the necks and heads of white, black, green, blue, and red Greatwyrm. While the massive, huge heads seem to move independently like a group of writhing snakes, they are directed by one intelligence lodged deep inside the dragon\'s massive body. The five heads join just above the massive muscular shoulders. The color of the necks and heads blends the base in a swirl of colors that turn jet black just below the shoulders.

The black scales are small for a dragon this size, about the size of a man\'s fist and they gleam like ebony pearls. The great dragon\'s belly is blue-tinged with black and her long razor-sharp talons are ruby red.

The dragon\'s great tail is nearly twice as long as her body from chest to hunches and seems to shift in hue as it twitches from emerald green to midnight black to sapphire blue. The tip ends, in a great scorpion-like needle covered in hairs like a lion\'s tail, dripping with coal-black poison.

Sofia\'s legs are as thick as great trees. And her wings, black on the exterior and blood red on the underside are huge, still, they are not strong enough to lift her great bulk with ease.

Sofia\'s teeth in her five heads are opal white, sharp, and long. And when she opens her mouth, the air seems to smell of brimstone and sulfur.

The treasury room shook as the great queen roared, her aura escaping the fortress and engulfing the whole of Avernus. Making her return known, the layer rumbled in a massive earthquake as it sprung back to life.

In the outside world, Zaleria was drying her hair in the changing room with Cain and Gracie when she felt it. A sharp sense of danger, the fear of death, anxiety, and terror. At that moment, she glanced back at the sky, "What in the world…" a growl escaped her.

Every chromatic dragon in the world felt it. The feeling of being watched, burned and stepped on by the ruby talon. The undying queen of chaos, the bane of Bahamut, and the avaricious nemesis of the gods, Tiamat. Is back, and she is pissed.

The dragon king jumped, halting his experiments to glare at the sky. His scales twitched, and her teeth ached. "So you\'ve returned, with our will on board. Let\'s what shall you choose, will stand with us, or against us." He roared as the other chromatic dragons panicked.

Didn\'t she die ages ago? How did she come back? Wasn\'t she called the undying queen, she didn\'t die the first time.

"She is undying, she won\'t die even if killed. She was the living incarnation of chromatic arrogance." One of the dragons roared.

Alice watched the great queen roar and then disappear in a second blast. Sofia slowly descended and landed on her feet, a divine glow in her eyes. She glared at Alice with a passive face, her red nails smoking with crimson flames.

"Sofia…" Alice gasped.

Sofia fell on her face, "Sofia!" Alice rushed to check on her, was she the Sofia they knew?

Sofia lifted a thumb up, "I\'m fine…the shard just went out of control for a moment…" Sofia mumbled.

Alice smiled, she could still sense Sofia\'s aura with no interference. It was only magnified into that of Tiamat, she has completely merged with the purgatory shard. "Come here, I will take you to Cain immediately." Alice lifted her up.

"No, I need to stay here for a bit longer…I\'m hungry." Sofia said with a growling stomach.

"We can get you something to eat back at home." Alice said but Sofia shook her head, "That won\'t do it, I need a large meal, one for that draconic body." Sofia stood on her own and looked toward the treasury door.

Alice looked at her, in her humanoid for she didn\'t look that much different but to her ruby red nails and a bit more muscles on her limbs. "Can you turn half dragon?" Alice asked to check.

As Sofia tried to transform, she wasn\'t able to do it. Tiamat\'s power was so great, that having a middle form was almost impossible. She was confined to a max of two colors in her half-dragon form. Which resulted in her transforming into the same half-dragon form she used before.

That didn\'t mean she has gotten any weaker, even in her humanoid form, to Alice it was clear as day. The woman standing in front of her wasn\'t the same witch she knew before, she has become a completely different being while staying the same inside.

Cain had a tint of madness to his aura, Alice always felt that bit of him. A distinct flavor to his magic, it made her feel like going insane when staying beside him. That was probably what caused Mei and Melissa to get knocked out by the magic she presumed before.

Now, Sofia had a tint of Chaos in her aura, as if she will explode when touched.

Abornazine head was on the ground at Sofia\'s feet, "Ah, queen, you have returned." He said with a happy tone in his voice.

"You knew this would happen." Sofia glared down at him growling.

"I never knew such a thing would happen, didn\'t even consider the souls to be a problem as I never saw that in the previous queen." He replied.

Sofia bent and grabbed him by the head, lifting him up to her eye level with ease. "I\'m starving so I will start with you, any last words?" She growled.

"Please enjoy your meal." He said with a smile.

Sofia cringed, throwing his away to the corner. "I\'m going out, not going to eat someone like you." She changed her mind, she was clearly a loyal servant to the previous Tiamat, and it will be helpful if he served her with the same passion.

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