
Chapter 481 The Maid and the Succubi

A day ago, the Cubus lair got attacked by the dragons. Specifically, one of the incubi tried to make a move on a beautiful woman who was passing by, less he knew, she was a dragon and he got killed immediately.

The problem is that woman didn’t stop there, she tracked them to the heart of their lair and started murdering everyone in a violent rampage.

The Cubus tried to fight back but she was far too strong and immune to their charm. At the start, they thought the dragons have sent someone to purge them after the events of the Fenrir village and the loss of control over the Kenku.

That wasn’t the case, the dragons didn’t really care about what happened to the Cubus living there as there was more in the world and they can always find more.

That dragon woman was strange, she had four wings and two tails, a single horn on her forehead, and multi-colored eyes. She was attacking just because one of them made a move on her, she in fact didn’t even know they had a relationship with the dragons.

The Cubus queen tried to stop her alongside the royal guard (Which Melissa is a part of) but they got beaten to a pulp, and the queen was killed in the dragon’s first strike.

As the fight heated up between the desperate royal guards and the dragon woman. She finally started using her magic, and it was terrifying.

That woman didn’t use any elemental magic like the dragons, she instead cursed them. She was using curse magic like a devil.

All the Cubus there got cursed to stay in their Succubus form forever, she probably did that since they kept annoying her with their failing attempt at charming.

As the fight grew more desperate, it was decided that everyone will run away with one of the royal guards while rest stall for time.

Melissa was chosen to be the one guiding the hundred and thirty-seven surviving Cubus (Now forced to stay as Succubus) toward a safe place.

But no matter how hard she thought, the white mage was the only person she could think of who might have a chance of breaking the curse or protecting them from the dragon woman.

Melissa knew she would probably get killed immediately, and all the succubus with her have agreed. With that came the decision to try and ask for his help.

They are going to die anyway, so it will not hurt to try. All the hundred and thirty-seven have agreed to leave their fate in the white mage’s hand.

“What I want to know is how did you break through the barrier?” Lisa glared at her.

“Forced teleportation, that’s how I escaped the white mage the last time we fought. And why I’m beaten up like this.” Her injuries weren’t from her fight with the dragon, those were already healed with potions. They were from using forceful teleportation to get past the barrier.

“Sit there, I will call someone, and then we can talk.” William turned around.

“No need, she is already here,” Lisa said.

“Yeah, I can feel her as well,” Melissa said with a smile.

ZIII! The door slowly opened and Amaya walked in, Bela behind her.

“You the intruder?” Amaya asked and the room got filled with undead.

“Yeah, I will do anything, just give me a chance to talk to the white mage.” Melissa didn’t even move a muscle when the undead surrounded her.

“Same response as those succubi outside the city. Got surprised they begged the zombies to wait without fighting.” Bela said walking ahead, the undead moved to the side giving her space.

“Care to explain why you are here? Otherwise, I will start killing those girls outside.” Bela growled at her.

“As expected of a witch, scary. I will start explaining immediately.” Melissa said.

“For that joke, I will kill five.” Bela sent orders to the zombies but Amaya stopped them.

“Don’t act out of the line…Master will get angry.” Amaya said approaching Bela.

“But they are dangerous, you can’t play around with those creatures!” Bela objected.

“If I or you get hurt, Master will get alerted immediately. Everything is fine, let her explain first.” Amaya said ordering Bela to stand back.

“Oh my, I never expected to see such a thing. You’re far scarier, you know?” Melissa said and Amaya glared at her.

Melissa started explaining what had happened as Amaya listened carefully to her.

“I understand the situation, but you have to wait,” Amaya replied.

“You can’t contact the white mage?” Melissa looked at her.

“I can, but I might get punished for not killing you immediately. You have to wait until he comes on his own or that dragon attack the barrier.” Amaya replied.

“That’s dangerous, we must kill them immediately!” Bela cried.

“She is right, we mustn’t let her here.” William agreed.

Lisa stayed silent. Unable to make an immediate decision.

Amaya stood thinking for a while, what would have Cain done was he in her place? Agree to help? Make a threat? Send them away? She needed to make sure they weren’t meaning any harm.

She finally reached the conclusion that she will try confining them. And she probably added a threat. The idea she got in her head was to imprison them in a room inside the maze until Cain returns.

That idea soon changed as she thought it wasn’t secure. She decided to go a bit overboard as a precaution. If they are in need as Melissa claimed, they won’t refuse a bit of harsh treatment.

“I will take you all to my prison, it’s filled with undead. Would you mind?” She glared at Melissa.

“You can do whatever you want with us, as long as we are granted a hearing by the white mage,” Melissa replied.

Amaya nodded and a horde of zombies swallowed Melissa into nothing.

“I swear you will be punished for this!” Bela scratched her head, in her eyes, it was stupid to help those Cubus.

“It will be fine.” Amaya said, “I will deal with the situation from now on.” She added.

“Just kill her,” William growled as he left the room.

“She will be fine, right?” Lisa asked looking at Amaya.

“Depend on how obedient they will be. As long as they keep a slave level of obedience, I will as Cain to hear them out.” Amaya replied and a look of relief washed over Lisa’s face.

“Except, they are powerful succubus who can seduce any man they come close to. Even some women can fall to them. This is without counting the fact that women got past Cain’s barrier. You’re taking a big risk by keeping them in.” Bela commented.

“You’re right, but they might prove useful to Master,” Amaya remembered that Olivia once told her about a potion that Cain made from a succubus tail.

Amaya then went to get advice from the other maids, of course, she didn’t tell them the full details except for some.

Her first target was Lexi.

“You shouldn’t do something like that without master’s knowledge.” Is the answer she got from her.

And Klara answered.

“Of course, I would keep them, master will be thrilled to have some. I think…tell him I advised you if he seemed a bit angry.” Klara looked a bit weird.

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