
Chapter 178

“I’m heading toward the pub with Alice, you stay here and wait. If any more bandits came then kill them.” Cain said as he looked toward the village center.

“Leave it to me-nya!” Selena replied energetically. “I want to come with you,” Sofia said with a sad face.

“We can’t do that, You have to stay close to Zaleria so she can keep your charisma in check and we can’t put our strongest units in one place.” He was saying that it’s better to split up into two groups, with him and Zaleria being in different groups since they were the strongest two.

Cain then headed with Alice toward the city pub, Its location was obvious as they could see it from Lexi’s house. Cain was hoping to get some prisoners to interrogate. Even though he could just send Zaleria to wipe them out, it was better to avoid killing any innocent people that they might have imprisoned.

The pub looked like a barn from the outside, it’s wooden walls were painted white while. A horse stable was built right beside it for travelers and villages to rest their horses. Cain opened the door and went inside followed by Alice.

The pub owner froze at their sight, his face turned pale and he was stealing glances at the man sitting at the desk. Cain immediately looked at the man back, there was a strange air around him that resembled someone he knew.

~Be careful, don’t get near him~


Demon Innate ability.


[Limited teleportation]


[Triple Slash] : Able to make three slashing attacks at the same time with a single blade.

[Blade flow] : A sword fighting style than utilize multiple continued slashes to overwhelm the opponent.

[Demon Blade] : The ability to cover the blade with cursed magic of the devils in exchange of it feeding on the opponent blood. You gain no experience from killing while using such ability.

[Bane] : Curse a target to fail, the spell will keep interfering with the targets mind and magic until resisted or it manages to induce a failure.

[False Life] : Magically increase the Caster HP by the amount of MP spent. Can’t be more than tenth of the original max HP and only last for one hour.

[Hellish Rebuke] : Cause a target in you line of sight that has been marked with your blade to burst into flames.

[Eldritch Blade] : Create a blade from the eldritch demonic energies raging through the body.

[Hex] : Curse a creature to be weaker to your attacks, only last for an hour or until resisted.

[Alter Self] Allow small modification for the user’s body, take one night to use and one night to take off.

[Blindness/Deafness] : You can blind or deafen a foe, only work on one target at a time and can be resisted. Can only case one effect at a time. Last for 1 minute.

[Darkness] : Cover an area with magical darkness, Last for one minute.

[Short Invisibility]

[Wither] plant matter to wither and die.

[Ray of Enfeeblement] : Cause a target to loose stamina twice as fast for one minute.

[Mist Step]

[Bestow Curse] : Curse the target for one hour, the nature of Curse can differ from a caster to the other.


[Feign Death] : You touch a willing Creature and put it into a cataleptic state that is indistinguishable from death. It lasts for one hour.

[Gaseous Form] : You transform into a misty cloud for one minute.


[Speak with the dead] You grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a corpse for 10 minutes. The corpse must have a functioning mouth, neck and lungs, It’s brain must be intact as well and it can’t be an undead.

[Blight] : Demonic energy washes over a creature and drain moisture and vitality from it dealing massive damage.

[Hallucinatory Terrain] You make natural terrain in 150 foot radios sound, look, smell and feels like another kind of terrain you’re familiar with. Last for one day but take 10 minutes to cast.

[Gravity sinkhole] Pull all creatures in a 20 foot radios toward the caster.

[Skill Empowerment] : Increase one of your stats by 2 points. Last for 1 hour.

[Demon Will sword] : As you flourish your weapon, you vanish to strike like the unseen devils. A single cast allow you to target five creatures at the same time, you can attack each one as you can do to a single creature.

[Magic resistance]

[Physical resistance]

[Mental resistance]

[Curse resistance]


Cain immediately regretted apprising the man, this was a monster that shouldn’t walk on the with humans. It was the monstrosity that Jack was turning to when they fought him.

“That’s… a disgusting amount of Mana.” The man said with his deep cold voice, Slightly turning his head to gaze upon Cain with his Four black and red eyes. His long black hair dangled like a snake tale as they locked eyes. “And what is that monstrosity by your side? How could she stay in one piece?” He turned his gaze toward Alice.

‘Coming here was a mistake!’ Cain screamed internally. “Same to you, you remind of certain scumbag. You at least have grown ugly.” Cain replied while sending a faint pulse of Mana in hope that Zaleria would pick it up.

“Are you talking about Jack? I heard from the lady that you killed him before he could full transform into a demon.” Kayden replied as his eyes twisted from left to right, “The lady was truly disappointed by that failure!” He growled.

‘Wait, he knew Jack? And more he pin pointed him?’ Something was odd about this Demon. Those monster are usually the child of a human and a devil(For example, If can and Alice had a child. He have a 50% Of being a demon, 25% A human and 25% Chance to be a devil), but they could aloe be created with magical means like with Jack. Does he mean he was created like jack or Should he worries about the existence of a true devil close by.

“Meliliana Also told me about you, a monster in human skin she called you!” Kayden added.

Cain racked his brain for a second and remembered that Meliliana was the name of the Cubas they faced in the cave. “Is Meliliana the lady you’re talking about? I would say she was the monster in human flesh. What are you to her.” Cain replied as Kayden seemed chill enough to be talked with.

“Are you an idiot? The Lady I’m talking about is Morena, she is the one who granted me this power. I’m her Ourals experiment.” Kayden stood up and Cain took his stance, ‘This is bad, I might be able to hold him for about a minute max.’

“Are you looking for a fight?”

“I was here just to have a drink while the gang was hunting, I need to leave because she is coming. You better thank her for saving your life…” Kayden dispersed into mist and at that moment Zaleria burst through the door.

“What is this foul smell?” She growled, “How I didn’t pick it up until now?” Her face was both surprised and angry, an infernal wrath burned in her eyes.

“You’re late, he ran away.” Cain sighed and looked at the pub owner deathly face. He must have been terrorized by the constant existence of such a demon here.

Cain could only conclude one thing from what Kayden was saying. Morena tried to create a demon in both Furberg and Ourals. Furberg’s demon was Jack but Cain killed him before he could reach his full strength. Ourals demon was Kayden, which had enough time to mature to such a monster.

Unlike Jack, Kayden wasn’t alone. From what he said, Cain is expecting him to be accompanied by Meliliana the Cubas. Kayden looked like a Spellsword while Meliliana seemed like a brawler mage mixed with an illusionist, they compliment each other so fighting them together was a death sentence.

“I guess we have met the bandit’s leader, we shouldn’t split again!” Cain said as he as they rushed back toward Lexi’s house.

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