
Chapter 137

As Cain finished his midday breakfast he got out to prepare himself for a trip to the guild. He wanted to talk to Mary about the guildmaster’s letter. He did say they were promoted to A-rank which was great news.

“Cain are you awake?” Sofia called him as she entered through the door with the rest. “Cain-nya!” Selena jumped at him the moment she saw him. “Selena, don’t jump on him like that, he might still be hurt!” Alice yelled at her.

“Boy, you seem to be well-loved. Considering your strength it’s understandable I guess.” Zaleria said as she pushed Sofia from her back toward Cain.

“What strength? We almost died to Morena thanks to my weakness.” Cain replied sarcastically as he knew that no normal human should compare himself to a dragon. Those monsters were just built differently.

“Are you joking? Even if it was for just a couple of moments you managed to hold your own against my sister. I say that’s a feat worthy of boasting about for a human!” Zaleria seemed genuine in her praise which surprised Cain, in his past life she was pragmatic and only cared about results and if they were useful. probably her attitude has now changed since he was stronger than he was in his past life when he met her.

“Say, how would you treat a human who can’t protect himself?” Cain asked to confirm. when she enslaved him in his past life he was just a starting adventurer with nothing and he has survived the catastrophe with sheer luck.

“If they have a rare appearance like you I might keep them. They can be cute when trained well.” Cain thought about her words carefully and mirrored them with his past life.

“So you treat them like pets?” He asked and Zaleria nodded, “You humans also keep dogs and cats as pets, I guess it’s the same thing for us Dragons!” Zaleria replied and a forced smile covered Cain’s face.

‘Other dragons only see humans as guinea pigs and lab rats, it’s a blessing that this one sees us as pets’ The memories of his past life flooded through his head to the point Zaleria noticed the sudden shift in his expression.

Orcs see humans punching bags. Elves see them as slaves. Dragons see them as guinea pigs. Devils see them as sacrifices. Beast people see them like a plague. Cubas see them as toys. Vampires see them as food. ‘It’s like AO made this world so humans can suffer and be stepped on by everyone! I must put an end to this by writing the humans back to the top with the divine key.’ Yet deep inside him, he knew that such a feat was almost impossible with AO himself allowing it. In his past life, he was denied access for the reason of ~You’re life wasn’t interesting enough~

“Are you by any chance angry?” Zaleria asked as she scanned his face, Cain quickly broke a smile and replied. “No, I was just thinking about the coming war and how we’re going to deal with it.”

Zaleria made a face as if she understood, “If sister is joining them then you’re side is going to face massive losses. As I said before you can leave her to me and focus on facing other humans.” Zaleria knew very well that most humans stood no chance against a dragon. If her descendant(Now counted as her granddaughter) is joining the war then she will be taking a part in it as well. She was determined to protect her at all costs.

“You as well know about the witches’ tattoos, I won’t let you die before you teach them to me!” Zaleria grinned as her Mana pulsed.

“I will do that when I find the right ingredients to make the inc. We can’t just give you a regular tattoo and expect it to work.” Cain said as he sat by the door to wear his boots, “I will get to the guild for a quick check-up, you bunch rest for now. Sofia, I did tell Sebas to prepare a new room for you so don’t worry about it!” Cain said as he opened the door. The girls tried to go with him but he turned them down, he wanted them to rest especially after such a fight.

“Can I come with you then?” Zaleria surprisingly suggested and Cain looked at her suspiciously. “As long as you do as I say and don’t attack anyone without my permission.” Cain knew that if he took her with him to the guild it was guaranteed that she will kill someone. A woman with her beauty will get harassed easily and dragons respond to that with violence.

Zaleria nodded and she followed behind Cain with a happy face. Gracie came and led the girls to take a bath as they were sweaty from training all morning.

“Can you tone down your charisma charm? People are giving us weird looks.” Cain whispered to Zaleria.

“I can,” Zaleria turned her charisma charm down to about the same output of a 15 charisma. “I turned it down to your level. what interests me more is that you’re not affected!” Zaleria asked based on how many times she tested it, each time she has been in Cain’s sight she has been blasting him with her full 23 charisma seduction but he seemed unfazed which only boggled her even more.

‘Of course, I won’t be affected as I was your slave at some point!’ Cain thought but he can’t just say that. In his past life when she enslaved him her seduction was too much for him to handle that he almost died. To solve that problem she had to improvise a way to have him unaffected by her seduction and it was a simple magical seal.

“I just happened to know a way to resist a dragon’s seduction. All I needed to do was mix illusion magic with charm magic and I got a neat way to not get in heat each moment I saw you.” Cain said what was obviously a lie, he came up with that story on the spot.

“You’re getting more and more interesting. I can feel why my granddaughter fell for you.” Zaleria said proudly as she puffed her chest.

“You just met her yesterday, Can you really talk like that?” Cain replied mockingly, “Have even told her that you’re her grandmother?”

“I did last night when she almost burned the house. Her rampaging magic was insane even though she hasn’t tapped into my bloodline.” Zaleria’s words Came shocking to Cain as he didn’t expect what happened last night to have any relation to Zaleria’s blood.

“Her body is tuned to the elemental magic of fire just like red dragons. She probably will be able to only learn fire and heat-based magic.” Zaleria said as she created a small flame in her palm. “After her magic calmed down I tried to test something on her. I asked her if she has anything weird going on and she told me about a time when everyone thought you were burning hot yet she could not feel anything from you. After I tested her with my flames, I discovered that her body can absorb heat higher than a certain limit.” Zaleria made the flame in her hand disappear in a small puff.

She then explained to him that Sofia might have an organ like the Draconis fundamentum the dragons have. This was considered a mutation that is different than just having draconic blood. Sofia’s quick recovery after bursting into flames was probably directly linked to that as the Draconis fundamentum holds too much power.

Cain was visibly worried as the human body shouldn’t be able to handle such an organ, this would probably mean that Sofia is burning her life force to keep that organ working. “Won’t such a thing hurt her? Would we need to remove it?” Cain asked as the Draconis fundamentum might be acting as a parasite on her life.

“No, if she managed to control it. I will look at how to get her used to it if the organ existed inside her in the first place.” Zaleria said with a thoughtful face.

Cain sighed, ‘I wish I have looked more into dragons’ anatomy or at least learned a spell to apprise them’

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