
Chapter 109 The Goblin Village

"He could attack us all this time and chose not to?" Myriad Arrows was pleasantly surprised.

"Like I said. The forest goblins are different. They are complete different from the Raid Goblins that we have faced off against. The Raid goblins will only attack people they see. But the forest goblins, they will act like any other intelligent species, and they will try diplomation before fighting." Jake said.

The goblin led the way. If it weren\'t for the goblin, then even though this was not the first time Jake was here, he still would have absolutely no idea where to go.

Everywhere seemed to be the same to Jake. Every direction was the same, and he wasn\'t privy to the exact location of the secret place that he was trying to get to.

To say that they were going to the center of the forest was a small misdirection. They were going to the center of the jungle, bu they weren\'t going to stay there.

Their final destination would be a little elsewhere.

As they kept walking, Myriad Arrows noticed that the trees were getting taller, and the branches more wide apart. Sunlight was passing through a little more, and they could see a lot more than before.

And the goblin was now completely visible with all of his features. And that was when the tattoos on the goblin were more prominently displayed.

The tattoos were inked with a green ink that was way too similar to the skin color of the goblin to be visible without good lighting.

And now that Myriad Arrows could see it, he was quite intrigued, to say the least.

"Is it possible that there is a hidden Easter egg in this tattoo pattern? Maybe it will give us a good item." Myriad Arrows suggested.

"That is completely viable. But I think that now is not the time to be wasting a lot of effort trying to find some hidden pattern. We can do that once we are done settling down in the world and when Bright Horizon is stable and struggling to grow a little further.

At that point, these are the things that we will need." Jake said.

"Oh." Myriad Arrows was disappointed.

"Hey. I am not saying that you can\'t do this on your own time. If you are doing this outside guild hours, then what you get is yours. I am not going to stop you one bit." Jake raised his hands and said.

Myriad Arrows nodded, but the moment he looked up, he forgot everything about the tattoos. Now this was something that he had to focus his attention on.

Sometime, he didn\'t know when, goblins had swarmed every entrance of theirs. They were completely blocked on every side. There were goblins everywhere.

"Do not get nervous. And whatever you do, do not reach for your weapon. The moment that you do, we are dead. No matter how strong we get, there is no way that we can match the numbers that have swarmed around us." Jake warned Myriad Arrows.

"Fine. What are we even doing here though? Why will the goblins talk to us? We have to have something that they want for them to take us to the center of the forest right?" Myriad Arrows asked.

"You are a smart one. You are absolutely right. We need something. But you forget one sin that the goblins are most susceptible to." Jake smiled as he looked forward.

At this moment, they were in the center of thousands of goblins, while the small one in front of them happily strolled forward until it stopped.

There was a goblin blocking their path. Holding a stick and looking at the wearily was a wrinkly old goblin, looking at them with its wise eyes.

"For what reason do we have travelers among us?" The goblin spoke in the common tongue of man with much difficulty. It easily gave away the fact that English wasn\'t its natural language.

"You are clearly the goblin elder here. We wish to avail your vast knowledge." Jake said.

"And why would you think that we would do that? Why would we help the bastard humans that kill our kin without a second thought? In fact, what stops us from doing the same to you?" The elder asked.

As it said this, the goblins from the trees above them started shouting, their foreign cries filling the forest.

"Because we have for you a wealth that has taken us so much time to accumulate." Jake took out a large bag. A large bag that rattled as it shook.

There were clearly a lot of coins in this bag. And then, Jake just let the bag go, and the bag split open as it fell on the ground.

Coins overflowed from the bag, and the contents showed itself. The coins were deceiving without a doubt. There were hundreds of silver coins, but one or two gold ones glinted in the sunlight, and they were obviously the attraction for the goblins.

"Gold!" The elder looked at the gold with shock and greed.

The greed was apparent in the elder\'s eyes, and its mouth salivated just looking at it.

But Jake took one step forward, covering the coins for all to see.

"All of this can be yours for just a simple price. Take us to the center of the forest. It will not take long. And you know that killing us for this money will be meaningless. You do not want to start a war that you will not win against a human." Jake said.

"Your deal is one that we are willing to accept, human. The coins to show you the way." The goblin nodded.

"Wait. I want you to swear upon your god before we proceed. I want you to swear this deal upon Kubera."



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