
Chapter 460 Wedding part 2

Caleb seeing their faces darkened then told them with an apologetic smile : "Sorry, I just wanted to surprise Kelan, so I didn\'t tell him."

And Kelan immediately said to them when he saw that they were starting to look at Caleb with a displeased look : "It\'s okay, it\'s okay, don\'t worry, I\'m really glad that such a thing is possible, if this wedding ceremony can allow me to bind my soul to Caleb\'s then it\'s even better than anything I could have imagined."

Caleb then looked at Kelan and they exchanged a knowing and loving look that ended up relieving Elias and Miguel because this ceremony really wasn\'t for just anyone.

If the love of the two people who wished to perform this ceremony was not sincere, then not only did the ceremony fail, but the souls of both people were cruelly wounded and it was the kind of wound that was impossible to heal even with divine grade healing potions.

Miguel, seeing that they were waiting with anticipation and excitement, began the ceremony and chanted the necessary incantations in a language that no one but Elias could understand.

After a while, Elias, with a dagger that Miguel had given him, slashed Caleb\'s and Kelan\'s palms and laid their cuts on top of each other, explaining that in order to bind their souls, they must first bind their blood, and that during the rest of the ceremony their hands had to remained like this.

Miguel continued to chant the incantations in this unknown language and the branches of the golden tree then began to shake slightly.

The golden leaves did not fall, but small drops of gold began to rain down on them and disappeared as soon as they touched them.

Kelan then had visions of Caleb, it was as if he was reliving all the moments they had spent together, and when he saw the look of tenderness, love and passion that Caleb gave him, he knew that he too was reliving all the moments they had spent together.

Elias then said to them : "Now, to link your souls you will have to undergo a test, especially make sure that your hands remain welded, because if you ever let go of the hand of the other then the ceremony will fail."

Kelan didn\'t even have time to ask what kind of ordeal it was, because as soon as Elias finished speaking, the kind of incantations Miguel had been reciting since the beginning of the ceremony were also over, and a pain of an intensity he had never felt before spread quickly throughout his whole body.

Caleb immediately tightened his grip on his hand and with his other arm he supported Kelan because he knew that the pain he was enduring had to be much more intense than his own.

His level, stats, and regeneration ability were so much higher than Kelan\'s that when he too felt the pain spreading throughout his body, he was afraid that Kelan would faint because that kind of pain would surely be too much for him to bear, and so he was afraid that he would let go of his hand because of it.

But he had underestimated once again the will of his man because even when Kelan lost consciousness because of the pain, his hand never released his and he could feel that he continued to clutch him with all his strength even unconscious.

Caleb changed their position and sat down on the floor so that he could take Kelan in his arms and hug him tightly while whispering words of love and encouragement to him because this pain would soon be history.

Elias was also holding Miguel in his arms, remembering their own wedding, and he kept him in his arms until the ordeal that Caleb and Kelan had to go through was over.

When he saw that Kelan continued to hold Caleb\'s hand even though he was unconscious, his appreciation for this human rose another notch and he couldn\'t help but be touched by their love.

When the pain disappeared, Caleb then looked at Miguel and Elias who were looking at them kindly and Elias then said to him : "Congratulations brother, your soul has just been binded to Kelan\'s, you are officially married, and don\'t worry about him, he will wake up naturally in a few hours."

Miguel also congratulated him and he said : "As your level difference was really big, I\'m sure Kelan will benefit greatly from your Union, I can\'t wait to see the changes that will take place in him."

Miguel then opened a transdimensional portal and he said to Caleb : "Stay with him, and continue to take care of the training of the fighters and demons of this world with Mykael, we still have things to take care of on our end so we\'ll see you later."

Caleb nodded and after thanking them for everything, he walked through the portal without asking any more questions, the only thing that mattered to him was that he had just gotten their agreement to be able to stay with Kelan and take care of him.

Once in the prison dimension, he teleported them back to Kelan\'s room and he lay down next to him to take him in his arms and made him drink a healing potion of legendary grade because Kelan was still very pale.

He had surely exhausted all his energy to resist as long as possible to this pain, and when he saw that after having swallowed the potion he was already regaining color, he breathed a sigh of relief and he hugged him a little tighter.

He then whispered in his ear : "Kelan, my love, the ceremony is over and you have been so brave, thank you so much... and I\'m so so sorry for the pain you have been through.

You are officially my husband now and our souls are binded, you won\'t be able to escape me and even in your next life, you will always be mine."

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