
Chapter 381 Long story

He showed them his mark of the Union and he turned his head to Ian to ask him to show them his mark too, but Ian hugged him from behind and he said to him not caring at all about the situation they were in : “I felt that you had suddenly turned into a Divine Wolf and you were not there when I came out of my meditation, I was scared to death.”

And Ian then kissed him passionately and at the same time he resumed his human form, because Liam finally did not seem at all in danger here.

After their fiery kiss Liam then said to him : “I’m so sorry my love, I didn’t mean to worry you, but as you are here now, stay with me and help me explain the situation to all of them.”

Ian finally looked at the fighters and mages who had finally lowered their weapons and seeing that like Liam, he knew them all, he said : “Glad to see you’re going to join us, as you can see, a lot has changed in a short time.”.

One of the mages after frowning then said : “Damn it Ian, is that really you ? What the hell happened to you… How come you’re a Drakonit now ?”

Ian then showed them the large meeting table and he said to them once everytone had gathered around it : “It’s a long story but Liam and I will answer your questions, don’t worry.”

He then added : “However, we just have two hours, because after that we have to attend my official coronation ceremony, and don’t forget that we still need to explain to you what Kevin had planned to free the Queen and her sister from the grip of that asshole.”

When Liam saw that everyone was looking at them a little lost after what Ian said he then explained to them : “I still didn’t have time to tell you this, but when Ian turned for the first time into his Drakonit form, tattoos appeared all over his body and that day he became the rightful Kind of the demons.”

Ian smiled in spite of himself when he saw them all completely dumbfounded, and then he said to them : “Those of you who know me well, know that I have always had a problem controlling the fire particles and using spells in general because I could not stabilize the spiritual energy I was using.”

The mages around the table confirmed his words and so Ian continued : “Kevin, who is the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark has knowledge of many things that we all don’t know, and one day he offered to train me to fight despite the fact that I told him that I suck at fighting.”

A fighter then asked him hesitantly : “Master Ian, isn’t Kevin supposed to be a mage, how come he’s also an Absolute Warrior ?”

Ian looked at Liam then because he didn’t know what they were allowed to reveal about Kevin and his origin so Liam finally answered him by changing the truth a little bit to make it simpler for everyone : “Kevin was born with both energy reserves, so he can be a Warrior Spirit, that’s the real name of the Absolute Warriors, and a mage.

In addition, being a Warrior Spirit has allowed him to master knowledge of the human body and fighting techniques that are completely unknown to us.”

Ian used their telepathic link to tell him, ‘Well done my little wolf, that will save us a lot of questions.’

Liam winked at him and Ian then continued his story because everyone seemed eager to know more about what had happened to him and what their new King was really capable of doing : “During our training, after only 10 minutes, he told me to stop and that something was wrong with my body and that it wasn’t responding the way it should, he told me that something must be disrupting it.

And with Alan’s help, they managed to find some thin needles made of particles of darkness that were stuck in my nervous system and by removing them they freed me.”

Everyone was stunned and one of the mages he knew well asked him then : “So that’s how you turned into a Drakonit, and it was because of those needles stuck in your nervous system that you couldn’t control the spiritual energy properly ?”

Ian nodded and he said to them : “After removing the needles, my powers were revealed and I turned into a Drakonit for the first time, but I’m not just a Drakonit, I’m a hybrid, half pure demon, half Drakonit, and the tattoos that appeared on my body at that moment made me just like Kevin is to the humans, the rightful King of the demons.”

Another of his friends then asked him : “Do you know who did this to you and why ?”

Ian nodded but told them : “This is another very long story and as I told you before, we don’t have a lot of time, all you need to know, and I’m sure everyone has figured it out by now, is that the people who did this to me are extremely powerful, but I can assure you that our allies are even more powerful than they are, so they are no longer a threat to us, everything is fine now.”

Liam then told them : “We know that this is a lot of information to deal with at once, but as you’ve seen with me, Axel, Kevin and now Ian, a lot of things are changing rapidly and all we can tell you is that both humans and demons are looking for the same thing, freedom and peace.

For those who still don’t know, the rebellion has won their battle and the former King of the demons is dead, that’s why Ian and I have to attend his coronation ceremony.

And to get back to the fact that Ian became the King of the demons, the good news is that tomorrow night, when we will attack, fifty or more demons will come to help us free our Queen and among them is Solomon, the undisputed leader of the rebellion and Kerry their best military strategist who will lead the frontal assault of the palace with the help of the Lan family and the soldiers of our border… Peace is finally within reach guys, it’s time to seize it so we can enjoy a better future all together.”

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