
Chapter 322

Ian then made the red circles appear around his eyes to prouve to everyone that he was a pure demon and as Connor had suggested to him, he was wearing only a black tank top so that the tattoos he had all over his body, which made him the rightful King of the demons, would be as visible as possible.

He looked at Liam and before going through the portal at his side he said to him : “Above all, whatever happens, don’t interfere, Kevin and Mykael are there, everything will be fine, don’t try to play the hero.”

Liam then hugged him and he said to him: “I know, stop worrying about me, I promise I’ll behave as well as Alan.”

Ian then said to him his eyes turning inky black : “You’ve got to be kidding me !”

Liam replied very seriously as he forced him through the portal: “Not at all, I’ve never been more serious.”

Ian tried to calm his Drakonit side that had just gone crazy, Alan had barely escaped death after saving Erik’s life and Liam had clearly just told him that he wouldn’t hesitate for a second to do the same, and as he was still struggling to control his emotions he heard Kevin’s voice in his head, ‘Don’t worry, I won’t let him do anything stupid, you have my word. And don’t forget that there are more of us today, everything will be fine, just stay focused.’

Ian’s eyes finally regained their dark amber color and the red circles were also back around his pupils, and Liam, who blamed himself for having destabilized him because now wasn’t really the time to do so, then said to him, caressing the back of his nape to try to appease him : “Here we go my love.”

Ian knew he had to contain himself because after all if it was Liam in his place he would have said exactly the same thing and as Kevin joined him with the others he bowed his head slightly to thank him and as Liam kept his arm around his shoulders Kevin and Mykael moved to either side of them and they went to meet this Titan and his two champions.

They had arrived directly in the arena, whose stands were filled as he had wished, and as Axel, Connor, Colin, Alan and Erik were joining the place where Derek, Solomon, Kerry and other men they didn’t know were already standing, he noticed that two of their opponents were taller and stronger than a normal-looking demon, so he assumed they were Titans, and the third one, who looked like an ordinary demon, had a sinister aura that gave him the creeps.

This surprised him a lot, because his body had instinctively reacted to the aura that this demon was giving off when he hadn’t even deployed his aura yet, it was strange and disturbing.

Kevin then heard Mykael’s voice in his mind asking him what information his system was giving him about their opponents and Kevin replied to him a little embarrassed, ‘Sorry dear father-in-law but my Warrior Spirit skill is inactive at the moment so I’m unable to get any information about our opponents.’

The only thing he could see was this,


Identification not possible when there is a level difference of more than 100 levels.

He then said to Mykael, ‘The only thing I know for sure is that they are at least 100 levels above me, but we already knew that they will be strong so it’s not suprising.’

He heard Mykael mutter in his mind, ‘Damn, that’s right, I forgot you had to activate your Warrior Spirit skill to give us the information we need.’

When they arrived near their opponents the King wasted no time and pointed to the one Kevin assumed was a Titan and he said to them: “He will be your first opponent, which of your champions do you choose to face him ?”

Mykael then replied: “I’m the one who will face him.”

The King smirked and he said again to them : “We will fight in the arena, it is protected by multiple force fields that should guarantee the safety of all the demons here. The rules of these duels are very simple, you can use any weapon you have and you have to kill your opponent, the duel is only won when one of the two fighters dies, understood?”

The King added then : “You must win the fights against my champions otherwise my duel against him will be cancelled, it is the rule of this duel. If you lose one of the fight, I will be declared the winner without even fighting, with all the consequences that your defeat will bring, the dismantling and execution of the leaders of the rebellion and those of the black market.”

Ian didn’t answer anything and simply turned on his heels with Liam to join the rest of their friend, and when Mykael looked at Kevin as he was surprised that he didn’t follow suit, he noticed that although he had a completely impassive face he was staring at the one who would be his opponent in a strange way, so he asked him curiously via the communication stones, ‘What is it son ?’

Kevin finally turned on his heels to join Ian and the others and he said to Mykael, ‘I don’t know, but I feel like I know him and…’

Kevin didn’t know if he should tell his father-in-law or not because he didn’t want to look weak in front of him but he decided to tell him anyway like that Mykael would be prepared to intervene if something went wrong during his duel, ‘That demon gave me the creeps without even having to deploy his aura, it’s like my body is trying to warn me about something… Don’t tell Axel, I don’t want him to worry.’

Mykael frowned because when Kevin had turned away he had seen a predatory smile appear on the face of that demon who had continued to stare at Kevin’s back and he said to him, ‘I won’t tell Axel… But Kev, no matter who that demon is, never forget that you are much stronger than him, with your Warrior Spirit skill you can crush him anytime, and also, don’t forget that you possess the Chains of Restraint, they will protect you no matter what.’

Kevin smiled as he heard Mykael cheer him up, the only father figure he ever had was his Master, and until now he had done everything to keep his distance from him because when he was in his home world he didn’t trust anyone, the only thing that mattered to him at that moment was the knowledge that Elias was able to give him about the warrior spirits and the fighting techniques that he had taught him.

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