
Chapter 102 - Truth Of The Eldrich

Kyros and his group finally reached the top kept looking around the area as they rose from the mountain cave. A thick stench of sulfur permeated the air.

Kyros immediately made a time check.


Nephilim Sealing Temple

Status: Kyros Unleashed

Nephilim Training Commencing!

Shade Level: 2 Interim (10:12:37:53 remaining to start Level 2)

Temple Level: 4 (1284/10000 points to Level 5)


"Five days here... And five days to get back..." Kyros counted.

"If my Coven doesn\'t make it on time, I have father and uncle to help me. I hope they complete their preparations..." Kyros began to think.

"So this is to hide the scent for their secret trades..." Martha observed as she covered her nostrils from the strong stench. Airom Vagat also had areas with thick sulfur as many parts of the mountain ranges were active volcanoes.

"Alright. From here on out, we part ways. Now for some last-second instructions before we go. As planned, you guys will scout the area. Grugnyr will head to any outpost, towns, or whatever to gather more information. Anytime you guys see an enemy, you try to run away. Our current outfits make it look like we\'re also orcs. With that, as long as you don\'t directly engage the enemy, you\'re fine. If they see you or try to talk to you, you flee, and what do you shout?"

The Coven then shouted in orc language.

"There are vampires after me!"

"There are menstruating people after me!"

The Coven shouted and made Kyros laughed.

"No, no, no! Hunter, It\'s not Van kal. It\'s Van kil! \'Van kil homen\' means blood-sucking people in orc, which is a vampire in our tongue. But you said Van kal, which roughly translates to \'blood releasing people.\' So that should translate to menstruating people." Kyros pondered.

"Erm... Right! Sorry, Lord Kyros."

Calaminus sighed.

"The author shouldn\'t make jokes like that. This would have been funny in 2010, but my girl J.K already got canceled for that stuff..."

Kyros rolled his eyes.

"Son, how good are you in orc? You seemed so scholarly. I\'ve met people who know other tongues... But you just seem to even the etymology of each word!" Diana was amazed.

Kyros smiled and recalled the torturous tongue twisters Calaminus had him say in the two years he was traveling across time and space. Then, Kyros was tasked to recount several books in Orcish, Elven, Serpentari, First Word, Arthropodian Cry, and other languages.

"Those were better days. Right, Kyros? Back then, since you did not have human vocal cords but were on soul form, you could perfectly speak those languages. But now, you can\'t." Calaminus sighed again.

"My... master was a man of... interesting tastes and hobbies. So I am well-learned in various things, such as the etymology of words for various languages. In any case... Remember my orders, guys. Follow protocol, and you shouldn\'t be attacked. Remember, don\'t do anything without my permission or attack. Even if our goal is to weaken our enemies, I have to see it first. Otherwise, any attempts you try, even if you sincerely wish for it to help me, may not help me."

"We understand."

"Also, if you haven\'t heard from me even after you sent a warning, or if you haven\'t heard from me in five days, just go back and try to look for my mother. You guys should meet back here in five days if I haven\'t sent any signal at all."

"Why? Are you going to disappear?"

"I hope not. But we don\'t know what\'s in this place. We don\'t know the full power of the Blood Calamity. Since Fate is totally neutral, it could be nothing, or it could be something totally bad. I But my worry is you guys. I have a way to escape, but you all will be left here. Not to mention, the worst case is you guys won\'t be able to enter the fort again."

"We can\'t? But I thought Lord Mezal is dealing with that issue?" Martha asked.

"He is. But we can\'t always assume to be victorious. So in case my grandfather fails, you should be careful in entering."

"But didn\'t you say that Fate won\'t be intervening?" Diana asked.

"Oh, this has nothing to do with Fate. The issue that we have is that there could be Eldrich traitors in the fort already. The vampires we killed inside the fort, which were also the ones that sent those Viscounts, are useful, but ultimately, unhelpful in accomplishing their grand purpose. To weaken the human kingdom, they need people from all levels. And that includes Earls and Dukes. Practically, the Eldrich should aim for an Earl to have reasonable control over this region. This is both for orcs and humans. Right now, the Dark Shine Kingdom and the Eldrich don\'t really care, whether it\'s human or orc. They will draw more minions from both parties and ultimately support one race to eliminate the other, depending on who is stronger."

"Then you mean to say that when Mezal reveals the word Eldrich, this champion will act?"

"Champion, or Champions. There could be several. It\'s just a precaution. Don\'t underestimate grandfather. He fought Fate. He should be smart enough to understand and gauge the scenario and take the right actions to reveal the Eldrich among them. He had a long trip there. So although I gave him that letter, he should be smart enough to take advantage of it."

As Kyros and his team were splitting up, the scene in the human fortress of Airom Vagat became tense.

Peridot had taken a surprising stance and became angrier and angrier at Mezal.

The sudden reaction of Peridot stunned everyone.

"This accusation cannot be taken lightly! It still goes back to the fact that Viscount Gradier, who is one of my disciples, to be a worshiper of the Necromancer!"

The Champions were startled at the news. They didn\'t know that Peridot had taken a Viscount as a disciple!

"Then can the great Champion Peridot refute the claims, both logically and with actual evidence that Mezal is lying?"

"Ordeus is right, Champion Peridot. I am watching the Orc army move out as we speak. And the proof of the orcs moving is enough to support the nearly impossible claims of this man. Why else would the orcs wage war to us, humans?"

"They have always been at war with us humans!" Peridot countered.

"But they have never reached a point as similar as this! A war from the orcs here near the Airom would mean an all-out war against all races! This mountain is the only source of ores, and the magic of the mountain creates more and more ores by the day! If the orcs cut this off, this will force all human kingdoms to fight for resources! Why would they do that? Why would they be willing to risk losing their primary source of steel and weapons?"

"It-It doesn\'t matter! My concern lies not with this-this orc attack, but the mastermind behind it! The Dark Shine Kingdom? Eldrich? Aren\'t those too far-fetched?! But casting all these lies aside, my main issue is and has always been, calling my disciple a Necromancer worshiper!"

"I am not claiming that you are a Necromancer worshiper, Peridot. I provided evidence that my son claimed that your disciple is one! You may not have known! This has happened all over the Planes World! But since you\'re so defensive, why don\'t your kingdom investigate you as well?" Mezal laughed.

"You\'re the one suspicious! What if the orcs, the armies that marched, are you doing! Your family must have found something in that cave and is hiding it! And that prompted you to do this crazy plot! That\'s why you sold all your belonging, haven\'t you? Why do that?!"

"I already told you! My sons are missing! Vampires attack this fort, there was a Viscount who attacked this place, and it turns out he was undead. The boasts that the orc made pointed to a message that only your team knew. And from my analysis, you hid the information about those claims, correct? Let me guess. You showed it to some of your allies or to some who hated Drake Vestitude and my Lord Ordeus. If there is anyone suspicious here, it would be you! May I ask if there is anyone who can speak and read in orc here?" Mezal suddenly asked.

"I can." The mage with the vacuum cleaner smiled.

"Ah, Champion Faye Emberdon! Please retrieve a letter I gave to my lord Ordeus. Because of the terrifying enemies around me and the prospect of my life being handed over here, I wanted to make sure that my death wouldn\'t be meaningless. So in that letter is the instruction. I know now that the fangs of the Eldrich have reached this place. So now that I see this vile Peridot make-up lies and accusations, I believe that my life won\'t be mine for long. So, Lord Ordeus, please hand it over to Champion Emberdon."

"Alright." Ordeus nodded and handed a parchment of paper to Faye.

"Champion Emberdon, please feel free to read the first paragraph of that text. It is written in Orc letters, but it is read in english.

Faye nodded and gave a courteous smile at Mezal.

She flung the scroll opened with the tail of the scroll fluttering freely.

She immediately began to read the words aloud.

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! And they\'re like, it\'s better than yours! Damn right! It\'s better than yours! I can teach-"

"Ahhh! Champion Emberdon, please read the ones on the other side. I was erm... testing to see if I could write well. And I went with that phrase. The real one was at the bottom." Mezal recalled Kyros\'s instructions. He was testing to see if he could write well, and after confirming it, he began to write the real message at the bottom.

Back then, Kyros had a very frustrated expression, and it was as if he was arguing with someone else. Soon, he finally wrote something on the paper and then turned to Mezal with a complicated expression.

"Grandpa, this top part of the message is a fake message. This is erm... to-to- hide the real message. That\'s it! Right! So just erm... leave this, but when you meet someone who can read it, have this person read it. If there are servants of the Eldrich in that place, they would speak against you. So choose a person who isn\'t against your explanations." Kyros warned.

Back in the present, Mezal felt so silly forgetting that instruction. Mezal forgot that part and sighed.

Faye kept on reading the words and slowly began to nod her head.

"This is sort of catchy..." She praised as she flipped it to the other side.

"Anyway..." Instead of reading it immediately, she read it quietly first in case it was another mistake. But as she read, her eyes grew more and more serious.

"What\'s in that message?" Peridot frowned.

"A more detailed report of what his servant heard. It also has a strange account about a woman with milkshakes..." Faye began to mumble under her breath as she was immersed in her own thoughts. 

"Peridot..." Mezal suddenly called out in a soft voice.

"What?" Peridot roared angrily.

"You have some blood in your collar." Mezal smiled.

Peridot glanced at it.


"Force Cross!" Mezal smashed his blade on Peridot in a swift and powerful attack.

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